Before a single vote is counted in California, Trump and Republicans cry voter fraud!

Said the woman that would happily lie for partisan advantage.
You don’t know shit about me. When I am at my job I am a non-partisan election official serving all voters of my county regardless of political affiliation. If you don’t believe me ask the local Republican party and they will tell you. They like me best.
Righties also whine about cheating when they lose sporting events, etc.
This is a political discussion, why on earth are you evading with this sporting bullshit? Lefties just can't help cheating...
You don’t know shit about me. When I am at my job I am a non-partisan election official serving all voters of my county regardless of political affiliation. If you don’t believe me ask the local Republican party and they will tell you. They like me best.

Did Trump say that w.s. were very fine people, or was that a lie told by people who are scum of the earth?

"Before a single vote is counted in California, Trump and Republicans cry voter fraud!"​

Yep, their BIG LIE and CONSPIRACY STORY will echo over and over again, from now until the Primaries and General Election & BEYOND. It seems the Republican Party has nothing more to build in their platform, but BIG LIES, CONSPIRACY STORIES & CHARACTER ASSASSINATIONS.​

That’s not the case in my county or any other CA county I know of.
I don't believe that for a second.....CA cheat. Hell they physical attack who they don't agree with, ignoring signatures would be consistent with who and what they are.
From this mornings (9/15th) Business Insider:

"Trump released a statement claiming the California recall election was rigged less than an hour after polls closed"

[email protected] (Cheryl Teh) 1 hr ago

From this morning's (9/15th) Sacramento Bee:

"The former president said the election was “probably rigged” in an interview on conservative television news outlet Newsmax last week....

Trump doubled down on those claims the day before the recall election — and again on the day of — saying, “it all doesn’t matter because the California Election is totally Rigged” in a memo released by his “Save America PAC” on Tuesday."


“Less than an hour”? How could he know? Had all of the votes even been counted?

Is it the responsible thing to do for a former President to so intentionally undermine America’s system of elections? "Less than an hour!"

In my view, there is no excuse for such reckless behavior. America, as always, faces many challenges; however, former high officials who intentionally weaken our electoral system in so egregious a manner should not be one of them. I hope the guy is roundly condemned for this lack of judgment and the damage he is doing to America's faith in its' electoral processes.

He has a sacred duty to uphold America, instead he is vandalizing America.

If he has substantive allegations to make…. then make 'em to responsible authorities, name names, people and places. And do it after the votes have been counted.

I hope the guy is widely condemned for his lack of judgment.

He has a sacred duty to be supportive of America, instead he is vandalizing America.


"Before a single vote is counted in California, Trump and Republicans cry voter fraud!"​

Yep, their BIG LIE and CONSPIRACY STORY will echo over and over again, from now until the Primaries and General Election & BEYOND. It seems the Republican Party has nothing more to build in their platform, but BIG LIES, CONSPIRACY STORIES & CHARACTER ASSASSINATIONS.​

So, stop the relaxing of voting rules and make them secure and credible again.

Because is looks like quite a bit of the population is losing faith in the system thanks to these changes.

:rolleyes: You really are just a one trick pony aren’t you?

she claimed to be truthful. I am testing her claim. If she can state the truth, that will give her some credibility.

If she CAN'T, then she has none. Indeed, she is proven to be a liar, and has anti-credibility.

The "Very fine people" lie, is a very simple and clear lie. Pretty much ZERO NUANCE.

It is a good test of whether a liberal is honest or not. So far. ALL YOU ARE ARE FILTHY LIARS.
she claimed to be truthful. I am testing her claim. If she can state the truth, that will give her some credibility.

If she CAN'T, then she has none. Indeed, she is proven to be a liar, and has anti-credibility.

The "Very fine people" lie, is a very simple and clear lie. Pretty much ZERO NUANCE.

It is a good test of whether a liberal is honest or not. So far. ALL YOU ARE ARE FILTHY LIARS.
What nuance? Trump called rally goers comprised primarily of white supremacists, very fine people. That is a fact. was is it his intention to call white supremacists very fine people? No probably not. As I’ve said many many times it was Donald Trump being too careful not to piss off someone that might support him and that’s all that really matters to Donald Trump.

There are plenty of other examples of Trump being a racist without this one. He wasn’t being a racist in Charlottesville, he was just being his usual stupid self.
Even among states that require signatures, what they were finding was that workers weren't bothering to check or were not tossing out obviously fake signature.

You will need to provide honest and credible proof of that.

All the claims of fraud and cheating have been proven to be a lie.

You people and your mantra of cheating and fraud when you lose it getting extremely old.

The fact that Newsom beat the republicans by nearly 30 points shows that people are getting sick and tired of your lies of cheating and fraud.

Here's some good advice, change your platform. Give people a reason to vote for a republican beyond hating the other guy.

Your policies are a total failure. Women don't want to lose their right to choose. People don't want to lose their right to vote. People are getting sick and tired of the rich not paying their fair share in taxes. We are also sick and tired of your non stop filibuster on just about every piece of legislation that goes to the senate.

Republican economic and social policy are total failures. Change your platform to be more inclusive and stop taking rights from people. Maybe you might start winning elections.

If you don't change, you will continue to lose elections.
I will give kudos to Larry Elder for his concession speech. No inanity about voter fraud or any such nonsense. There is nothing wrong in saying you will fight on. That is Democracy.
Why should he point out what everyone knows? California is a cesspool of corruption so much so that half the state wants to cede from itself. There is no such thing as a fair election in the Sodom and Gomorrah state.
You will need to provide honest and credible proof of that.

All the claims of fraud and cheating have been proven to be a lie.

You people and your mantra of cheating and fraud when you lose it getting extremely old.

The fact that Newsom beat the republicans by nearly 30 points shows that people are getting sick and tired of your lies of cheating and fraud.

Here's some good advice, change your platform. Give people a reason to vote for a republican beyond hating the other guy.

Your policies are a total failure. Women don't want to lose their right to choose. People don't want to lose their right to vote. People are getting sick and tired of the rich not paying their fair share in taxes. We are also sick and tired of your non stop filibuster on just about every piece of legislation that goes to the senate.

Republican economic and social policy are total failures. Change your platform to be more inclusive and stop taking rights from people. Maybe you might start winning elections.

If you don't change, you will continue to lose elections.
Whatever you say Goebbels.
Why should he point out what everyone knows? California is a cesspool of corruption so much so that half the state wants to cede from itself. There is no such thing as a fair election in the Sodom and Gomorrah state.
You are full of shit, nothing you post has any evidence, facts or credibility. Why not find a new hobby, how about catching flies and pulling off their left wings? Than you can watch all the flies with right wings flying in circles, as do you in every post you make.
You are full of shit, nothing you post has any evidence, facts or credibility. Why not find a new hobby, how about catching flies and pulling off their left wings? Than you can watch all the flies with right wings flying in circles, as do you in every post you make.
Truth is not something a liberal knows anything about. You are a science denier like the rest of your perverse moron friends.

If you can't admit that there are only two sexes, and only an XX and XY chromosome, then how can we expect you to be honest about anything else?

Now, don't you have a Drag Queen show to get ready for, sweetheart?

What nuance? Trump called rally goers comprised primarily of white supremacists, very fine people. That is a fact. was is it his intention to call white supremacists very fine people? No probably not. As I’ve said many many times it was Donald Trump being too careful not to piss off someone that might support him and that’s all that really matters to Donald Trump.

There are plenty of other examples of Trump being a racist without this one. He wasn’t being a racist in Charlottesville, he was just being his usual stupid self.

Got it. YOu can't be honest about a completely clear case of your side lying.

Thus, your claim of being honest with regards to elections, has not only NO credibility, but actual ANTI-CREDIBILITY.

You just made the accusation of fraud, MORE credible, by your denial.
Righties also whine about cheating when they lose sporting events, etc.
Yup, if trump played professional sports, the interview after a loss would look something like this:

"I know our team lost by 40 points, but the whole game was rigged. The refs were paid off by the other players and my teammates took dives to give the other team an advantage. Not only that, the scoreboard was rigged to give the other team more points than they actually made. My team won in a landslide."

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