Before and after aerial photos of Irma destruction

We all should live on the coast where these things happen. Instead of some of us living in the fly over parts of the country, who bail out those who live in hurricane prone areas. When the Sun is out in Florida it is interesting how they snub their noses at the mid-west. But now, not so much.
The hoax is that global warming is the cause.

Even though scientists say it is, cause sn orange clown, whose dad bought his way into an ivu league school says it isn't.


You mean like these that say is isn't?

Over 30,000 scientists say 'Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming' is a complete hoax and science lie
Go down there and say that to the people in shelters, dumb ass.
The hoax is that global warming is the cause.

Even though scientists say it is, cause sn orange clown, whose dad bought his way into an ivu league school says it isn't.

Just put on a lab coat and the leftards will believe red is blue and up is down.

The lefties have been convinced that what gender you are is a choice but sexual orientation is written in stone.
The hoax is that global warming is the cause.

Even though scientists say it is, cause sn orange clown, whose dad bought his way into an ivu league school says it isn't.

Go down there and say that to the people in shelters, dumb ass.
I am getting facebook notices from people who "survived" the storm and were right in the center. I am not sure what to say to them, they were lucky or they are dumb asses. Maybe both. But some are saying they didn't even lose their lights.

Regardless, the damage is not even close to what CNN was reporting prior to the storm. This was suppose to be a nuclear storm and still some dumb asses didn't evacuate.
US forecast models have been pretty terrible during Hurricane Irma
NOAA's best weather model seems to be getting worse with hurricanes, not better.

We have written a fair amount at Ars recently about the superiority of the European forecast model, suggesting to readers that they focus on the ensemble runs of this system to get a good handle on track forecasts for Hurricane Irma. Then we checked out some of the preliminary data on model performance during this major hurricane, and it was truly eye-opening.

Brian Tang, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Albany, tabulates dataon "mean absolute error" for the location of a storm's center at a given time and where it was forecast to be at that time. Hurricane Irma has been a thing for about a week now, so we have started to get a decent sample size—at least 10 model runs—to assess performance.

The model data
The chart below is extremely busy, but when you understand how to read it, the data is striking. It shows the average position error (in kilometers) at forecast lead times of 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, and 120 hours (so, out to five days). It compares several different classes of models, including global models that forecast conditions around the planet, nested models focused on hurricanes, and consensus forecasts.


Forecast models typically show their skill with three-, four-, and five-day forecasts. For simplicity's sake, we will focus on 120-hour forecasts. At this lead time, the average error of the European model with respect to Irma has been about 175km in its position forecast. The next best forecast is from the hurricane center, which is slightly more than 300km. An automated model, then, has so far beaten human forecasters at the National Hurricane Center (looking at all of this model data) by a wide margin. That's pretty astounding.

What is particularly embarrassing for NOAA, however, is the comparison between the European model and the various US forecast modeling efforts. The average 120-hour error of the GFS model is about 475km. The operational, hurricane-specific model, HWRF, does better, with an average error of 325km. But the experimental HMON model does terribly, at nearly 550km of error. A similar disparity in quality goes all the way down to 24-hour forecasts.

US forecast models have been pretty terrible during Hurricane Irma
Go down there and say that to the people in shelters, dumb ass.
I am getting facebook notices from people who "survived" the storm and were right in the center. I am not sure what to say to them, they were lucky or they are dumb asses. Maybe both. But some are saying they didn't even lose their lights.

Regardless, the damage is not even close to what CNN was reporting prior to the storm. This was suppose to be a nuclear storm and still some dumb asses didn't evacuate.

CNN was reporting the predictions from the weather service. We were very fortunate that the storm did not come inland as a CAT 4. Next time, you don't know.
I hate to say this, but there is a storm mass (tropical storm or wave) right now off the coast of west Africa (where all our hurricanes are spawned), and it is huge. If it becomes a hurricane, and hits land anywhere, it will be really bad. Especially if it hits Florida or Texas.


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