Beginning With LBJ’s Presidency, Which Of The VP’s Is The Biggest Dumb Fuck…?

Beginning with LBJ’s presidency, which of the VP’s is the biggest dumb fuck…?

  • Hubert Humphrey

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gerald Ford

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nelson Rockefeller

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • George H.W. Bush

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dick Chaney

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


aka Sheik Yerbouti...
Dec 30, 2008
Before Joe Biden arrived, for me it woulda been a tie between Spiro Agnew and Al Gore (with Dan Quayle bringing up third place) ...

Jeez... Joe Biden is one dumb motherfucker...
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Any politician, particularly in a position that high up the ladder, who gets convicted of a felony has to rank #1.

Al Gore would be my 2nd choice.
If you rearrange the letters in Spiro Agnew, you can spell "Grow a penis..."

Just a side note...
Hafta go with Agnew, just nosing out Quayle and Biden, who split the purse for place & show.
Before Joe Biden arrived, for me it woulda been a tie between Spiro Agnew and Al Gore (with Dan Quayle bringing up third place) ...

Jeez... Joe Biden is one dumb motherfucker...

do you think dan quayle ever learned to spell?

you have a weird idea of what dumb is.

i will say that at least none of the others were as evil and vile as cheney.
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funny - Agnew is near the top of my list for best VPs. Put the fear of God into the lib media.

Also near the top - Nelson Rockefelor - who flipped-the-bird to hecklers.

Biden is the worst.
Not Biden- it's our media that is STUPID. Foxcrappe gotcha BS.

So youre saying it's the media's fault that Biden says stupid things?

Is it too much to ask the left to take responsibility for their actions?
Joe Biden may be on the list - but he ain't dumb - just a little gaffe-prone. I'd love to have a beer and shoot the shit with him.
Before Joe Biden arrived, for me it woulda been a tie between Spiro Agnew and Al Gore (with Dan Quayle bringing up third place) ...

Jeez... Joe Biden is one dumb motherfucker...

That was a very hard choice to make. VP's really don't do much. But Joe Biden has a real history of inserting foot into mouth on many occasions--so I had to pick him.
Before Joe Biden arrived, for me it woulda been a tie between Spiro Agnew and Al Gore (with Dan Quayle bringing up third place) ...

Jeez... Joe Biden is one dumb motherfucker...

do you think dan quayle ever learned to spell?
Quayle was prompted into that misspelling and you know it...Ever heard of a CAP?

Are you saying Dan Quayle bears no responsibility for being stupid? -pewsh!-
Spelling aside, IMO Quayle is far and away the dimmest VP in my lifetime.
Quayle is also the only dude that can be called Mr. VP that is against marriage equality.
Before Joe Biden arrived, for me it woulda been a tie between Spiro Agnew and Al Gore (with Dan Quayle bringing up third place) ...

Jeez... Joe Biden is one dumb motherfucker...

Pretty close to my thinking. Only I would rank Quayle and Agnew together as the worst, with Gore close behind. I realize Biden says some stupid things but I'm not sure he can really challenge Agnew and Quayle yet.
The main purpose of a Vice President is to be assassination insurance.

Someone who can actually run the country, but not someone you would actually want running the country.

Any of these guys could probably have done an okay job if their president had died. Ford actually did an okay job, given what he had to work with. Bush did okay in his own right when he got the job finally.

I've always felt Quayle got a bad rap, because the only time the media paid attention to him is when he gaffed. They all make Gaffes, whether it be "57 States" or "I like to be able to Fire People". THey all say dumb things. Quayle spent a lot of time on the Sunday shows, got peppered with questions and held his own most of the time.
Before Joe Biden arrived, for me it woulda been a tie between Spiro Agnew and Al Gore (with Dan Quayle bringing up third place) ...

Jeez... Joe Biden is one dumb motherfucker...

do you think dan quayle ever learned to spell?

you have a weird idea of what dumb is.

i will say that at least none of the others were as evil and vile as cheney.

Must have been because of Halliburton......or was it the hunting accident.

At least he's not a Marxist and never ate dog.
Beginning With LBJ’s Presidency, Which Of The VP’s Is The Biggest Dumb Fuck…?

It's STILL Lil' Dumbya!!!!!!

Just ask.....​


Before Joe Biden arrived, for me it woulda been a tie between Spiro Agnew and Al Gore (with Dan Quayle bringing up third place) ...

Jeez... Joe Biden is one dumb motherfucker...


Joe is doing his job.

He knows his political career is dead and is playing the part of the kid that test the water by jumping in.

All the dumb shit is planned, and he will have one sweet do nothing job for 7 figures till the day he dies at some liberal employer.

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