Being FORCED to stock up on essentials...

I feel like at this point it's irresponsible to NOT stock up more than I normally would.
Not because I fear the virus but because the media induced panic is wrecking store shelves to the point that if I just wait till I need something it wont be available.

This nonsense has gone beyond absurd. 3 days in a row and ZERO stores in my area have toilet paper and the canned goods and dried food sections are almost bare.
This ridiculous shit is self fulfilling
This really has gotten beyond ridiculous I can't imagine how foolish some of these people will feel when this settles down and they are stuck with hundereds of rolls of toilet paper and bottles of hand sanitzer.
These make decent butt wipes, I'll bet. View attachment 312675

Luckily, as long as the internet is still running, there will be no interruption in the porn supply. I guess we should be thankful for that.

Geez. I cringe to even think of what your version of "porn" might be.

Umm.... take a look at your own avatar. Just sayin'.

That Avatar actually depicts the garb sketchy doctors used to wear when treating sick patients with plague. It was a sort of mask that they thought protected them. The 'beak' was filled with aromatic items that was supposed to protect them from 'putrid air.'


"Plague doctors by their covenant treated plague patients and were known as municipal or "community plague doctors", whereas "general practitioners" were separate doctors and both might be in the same European city or town at the same time.[1][4][5][6] In France and the Netherlands, plague doctors often lacked medical training and were referred to as "empirics". In one case, a plague doctor had been a fruit salesman before his employment as a physician.[7]

In the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, some doctors wore a beak-like mask which was filled with aromatic items. The masks were designed to protect them from putrid air, which (according to the miasmatic theory of disease) was seen as the cause of infection. The design of these clothes has been attributed to Charles de Lorme, the chief physician to Louis XIII.[8]"

Plague doctor - Wikipedia
People need to understand there is no supply problem and back off.
Hmm, seems like an opportunity that calls for smart leadership from the top.

So, you can forget about that.
Ya figures Trump does nothing you complain, Trump acts you complain.
That sure is some cultish crybabying, there.

If Trump would come out and say that there is a plan in place to make sure the shelves do not go empty (and actually be able to point to an actual plan), that would be a large help.

No one is starving and the shelves will be replenished by the good ol' free market.


And thank God and all the pygmies in New Guinea that SNAP locusts cannot buy much again before April 1st! :rock:
and the shelves will be replenished by the good ol' free market.
Not necessarily quickly enough. It doesn't take long for a grocery shortage to have a profound effect. The people running food distribution are all humans as well. That's one reason slowing the spread is so important.
Luckily, as long as the internet is still running, there will be no interruption in the porn supply. I guess we should be thankful for that.

Geez. I cringe to even think of what your version of "porn" might be.

Umm.... take a look at your own avatar. Just sayin'.

That Avatar actually depicts the garb sketchy doctors used to wear when treating sick patients with plague. It was a sort of mask that they thought protected them. The 'beak' was filled with aromatic items that was supposed to protect them from 'putrid air.'


"Plague doctors by their covenant treated plague patients and were known as municipal or "community plague doctors", whereas "general practitioners" were separate doctors and both might be in the same European city or town at the same time.[1][4][5][6] In France and the Netherlands, plague doctors often lacked medical training and were referred to as "empirics". In one case, a plague doctor had been a fruit salesman before his employment as a physician.[7]

In the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, some doctors wore a beak-like mask which was filled with aromatic items. The masks were designed to protect them from putrid air, which (according to the miasmatic theory of disease) was seen as the cause of infection. The design of these clothes has been attributed to Charles de Lorme, the chief physician to Louis XIII.[8]"

Plague doctor - Wikipedia

She thought it was a kinky BDSM outfit. :laughing0301:

Luckily, as long as the internet is still running, there will be no interruption in the porn supply. I guess we should be thankful for that.

Geez. I cringe to even think of what your version of "porn" might be.

Umm.... take a look at your own avatar. Just sayin'.

That Avatar actually depicts the garb sketchy doctors used to wear when treating sick patients with plague. It was a sort of mask that they thought protected them. The 'beak' was filled with aromatic items that was supposed to protect them from 'putrid air.'


"Plague doctors by their covenant treated plague patients and were known as municipal or "community plague doctors", whereas "general practitioners" were separate doctors and both might be in the same European city or town at the same time.[1][4][5][6] In France and the Netherlands, plague doctors often lacked medical training and were referred to as "empirics". In one case, a plague doctor had been a fruit salesman before his employment as a physician.[7]

In the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, some doctors wore a beak-like mask which was filled with aromatic items. The masks were designed to protect them from putrid air, which (according to the miasmatic theory of disease) was seen as the cause of infection. The design of these clothes has been attributed to Charles de Lorme, the chief physician to Louis XIII.[8]"

Plague doctor - Wikipedia

She thought it was a kinky BDSM outfit. :laughing0301:

Must be some outfit she's very familiar with. :abgg2q.jpg:
Umm.... take a look at your own avatar. Just sayin'.

See my post #61 before you continue to make a fool of yourself.

I read it. You're saying his porn proclivities have something to do with "putrid air". Not that I'm surprised but it's still more than I need to know.

And btw you quoted my same post twice. Count much?
These make decent butt wipes, I'll bet. View attachment 312675
But it's probably from China, so be careful. Disinfect it.
Agreed. After all, diaper donnie told us it was a (((FOREIGN))) virus.
sure it was it was introduced into the country in leftist controlled states.

This may well be the stupidest most mindless post I've read all day. And I've read a LOT.
the obama two-ply is much better the shit clings to it pretty good.
These make decent butt wipes, I'll bet. View attachment 312675
But it's probably from China, so be careful. Disinfect it.
Agreed. After all, diaper donnie told us it was a (((FOREIGN))) virus.
sure it was it was introduced into the country in leftist controlled states.

This may well be the stupidest most mindless post I've read all day. And I've read a LOT.
truth gave you a chapped ass I understand there isn't a shortage of butt rub cream
Can you imagine what would happen if NYC and the East Coast had a 2-4 day power outage about now?

Shit, our power grid is more outdated than our pandemic preparedness!

Thank a decade and a half of do-nothing Congresses and each other if it occurs!

But, it ain't gonna happen, so go buy more frozen food.

How would losing the power grid happen? Do you people not know anything about how things work?

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