Belgium Euthanizes Deaf Twins Going Blind

Seriously, your mind has some dark corners to want out so badly that you imagine burdening your child with murder. Nobody knows how they'd react until confronted, but you don't have to appreciate my's for my benefit, not yours.:D

Chilling, aren't I? But just imagine it, Sherry. There's no longer any viable means to provide for your children. No social interaction of any sort. You can't hear the waves lap against your beloved beach. You can't see or hear your children playing. Face it, it would only be a matter of time before someone or some people very close to you would find your lifeless body. I mean, you'd still be able to locate your wrists, afterall.

Sorry, dude...but you're failing to get me all worked up.;) You're quite the little Sarah Bernhardt, though.:thup: :D

Can I have another bash at it tomorrow?

PS. Fixed that for ya.
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Chilling, aren't I? But just imagine it, Sherry. There's no longer any viable means to provide for your children. No social interaction of any sort. You can't hear the waves lap against your beloved beach. You can't see or hear your children playing. Face it, it would only be a matter of time before someone or some people very close to you would find your lifeless body. I mean, you'd still be able to locate your wrists, afterall.

Sorry, dude...but you're failing to get me all worked up.;) You're quite the little Sarah Bernhardt though.:thup: :D

Can I have another bash at it tomorrow?

Sure, show us that you're not a quitter.:clap2: :D
I'll need to see a picture of your children first.

You're free to use a picture of your own children to illustrate your "blow my head off, but use a pillow to spare your shirt from the blood and brain bits" gig.:badgrin:
Two deaf twin brothers in Belgium were euthanized by their doctor after realizing they were going blind and would be unable to see each other ever again, their physician says.

The 45-year-old men, whose names have not been made public, were legally put to death by lethal injection at the Brussels University Hospital in Jette, on Dec. 14.

The men, who were born deaf, had a cup of coffee and said goodbye to other family members before walking into hospital room together to die, their doctor told Belgian television station RTL.

“They were very happy. It was a relief to see the end of their suffering,” said Dr. David Dufour.

Belgium Euthanizes Deaf Twins Going Blind - ABC News

How long before we do that here?
Soon I hope. One has no choice about being brought into this world but one should have a choice as to when and how they leave it.

with dignity.
I love liberty and the freedom from government entanglement whenever possible and the right to die when one chooses but how can one be certain a person is of sound mind when they make this choice, as Scorpion addresses?
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By that logic we should give comfort care to everyone because death is inevitable. In the case of these two men they were not terminally ill any more than any other healthy person is. I do feel sorry for them. Deaf since birth they communicated in sign language. Going blind means they had no means of communication either. It is a tragic circumstance simply because they were otherwise healthy.
If they learned sign language, they could have learned Braille.
I feel badly for them AND the family.

It's pretty hard to carry on a conversation in braille.

Wrong. Actually, its quite easy. As usual, you haven't a clue. Deaf mute people often sign onto the open palm of the person they're talking to.

As for the op, when will we give the same mercy and caring to our fellow humans that we now give to animals?

If one chooses death, that's their business and the usual radical rw's need to keep out of other people's business.
I love liberty and the freediom from government entanglement whenever possible and the right to die when one chooses but how can one be certain a person is of sound mind when they make this choice, as Scorpion addresses?

Who sets the protocol?

Exactly. There are people suffering from various forms of mental illness that might choose death simply because their meds are off or they have been misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed. Suicide even by choose is permanant and I would hate to see someone make that choice without all the mental and emotional well-being they would need.
I love liberty and the freedom from government entanglement whenever possible and the right to die when one chooses but how can one be certain a person is of sound mind when they make this choice, as Scorpion addresses?

In Belgium, have to be seen and approved by 2 physicians, and signed off as of sound mind by a psychiatrist.

Excellent. Thanks for the info Amy.
So, Helen Keller should have been euthanized instead of meeting a natural death at age 87?

Yeah the only thing is no one was euthanized. It was assisted suicide. The title of the article and subsequently the thread title is a leftytoon fail.
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I love liberty and the freedom from government entanglement whenever possible and the right to die when one chooses but how can one be certain a person is of sound mind when they make this choice, as Scorpion addresses?

Make the decision now and put it in a revocable family trust.
So, Helen Keller should have been euthanized instead of meeting a natural death at age 87?

Yeah the only thing is no one was Euthanized. It was assisted suicide. The title of the article and subsequently the thread title is a leftytoon fail.

Uh, actually, its the right that has been running around screeching about "death panels". Hell, according to katzen-sumthin, they've already called to schedule his/her/it's euthanasia.

But as we know, he/she/it has a very rich fantasy life.
By that logic we should give comfort care to everyone because death is inevitable. In the case of these two men they were not terminally ill any more than any other healthy person is. I do feel sorry for them. Deaf since birth they communicated in sign language. Going blind means they had no means of communication either. It is a tragic circumstance simply because they were otherwise healthy.
If they learned sign language, they could have learned Braille.
I feel badly for them AND the family.

Perhaps they could have sucked it up and learned to carry on. However, they chose not to.


But then... how do we know that if they take their lives before their time has come.... how do we know, that afterwards it's not going to be a worst hell than they had here on earth?

That's what makes me think twice ... and decide is not the right route to take. No.
By that logic we should give comfort care to everyone because death is inevitable. In the case of these two men they were not terminally ill any more than any other healthy person is. I do feel sorry for them. Deaf since birth they communicated in sign language. Going blind means they had no means of communication either. It is a tragic circumstance simply because they were otherwise healthy.
If they learned sign language, they could have learned Braille.
I feel badly for them AND the family.

Perhaps they could have sucked it up and learned to carry on. However, they chose not to.

For whose purpose, certainly not theirs.
If they learned sign language, they could have learned Braille.
I feel badly for them AND the family.

Perhaps they could have sucked it up and learned to carry on. However, they chose not to.


But then... how do we know that if they take their lives before their time has come.... how do we know, that afterwards it's not going to be a worst hell than they had here on earth?

That's what makes me think twice ... and decide is not the right route to take. No.

Nice post!

I believe we make our own "heaven" on earth in spite of disability, station or situation. The human spirit is what drives the soul.
Perhaps they could have sucked it up and learned to carry on. However, they chose not to.


But then... how do we know that if they take their lives before their time has come.... how do we know, that afterwards it's not going to be a worst hell than they had here on earth?

That's what makes me think twice ... and decide is not the right route to take. No.

Nice post!

I believe we make our own "heaven" on earth in spite of disability, station or situation. The human spirit is what drives the soul.

I agree.

I am prepared to live this life to the bitter end.... instead of paying the consequences of taking my own life before my time.

I feel that strongly about it...

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