Ben Carson: ‘I deeply regret’ saying homosexuality is a choice

Wasn't Carson one of the top neurosurgeons in the world? I don't understand how he can be so good at that but pretty much a buffoon when it comes to EVERY other subject.
It is like he has lived in some bubble for his entire life

How did he miss so much?
Wasn't Carson one of the top neurosurgeons in the world? I don't understand how he can be so good at that but pretty much a buffoon when it comes to EVERY other subject.
It is like he has lived in some bubble for his entire life

How did he miss so much?

How did Barry miss so much?

Obama Says Homosexuality Is A Lifestyle Choice The Daily Caller

Did Obama actually say that "homosexuality is a lifestyle choice"? I don't think so. You seem to have missed the CONTEXT of what he actually said.
Wasn't Carson one of the top neurosurgeons in the world? I don't understand how he can be so good at that but pretty much a buffoon when it comes to EVERY other subject.
It is like he has lived in some bubble for his entire life

How did he miss so much?

How did Barry miss so much?

Obama Says Homosexuality Is A Lifestyle Choice The Daily Caller

Did Obama actually say that "homosexuality is a lifestyle choice"? I don't think so. You seem to have missed the CONTEXT of what he actually said.

Another sucking his cock moment from the Squaw.... LISTEN to him say it's a LIFESTYLE CHOICE, the audio is in the link.... But don't let shit like this HYPOCRISY of the subversives spoil your day, you can always LIE about some other story! :ahole-1:
Now if only the dimwitted democrats would apologize for tearing this nation apart.

All this homos BS is getting annoying
It amuses me that you bigots start topic after topic after topic after topic about gays, day after day after day after day, week after week after week after week, month after month after month after month, year after year after year after year, and then whine about homosexuality being all up in your face!


If you all just STFU about your homophobia, there would be maybe one or two topics a year about gay marriage on this web site.

I have no doubt shiny objects amuse you
Now if only the dimwitted democrats would apologize for tearing this nation apart.

All this homos BS is getting annoying
It amuses me that you bigots start topic after topic after topic after topic about gays, day after day after day after day, week after week after week after week, month after month after month after month, year after year after year after year, and then whine about homosexuality being all up in your face!


If you all just STFU about your homophobia, there would be maybe one or two topics a year about gay marriage on this web site.

I have no doubt shiny objects amuse you
You aren't shiny, but it is true you do amuse me.
Now if only the dimwitted democrats would apologize for tearing this nation apart.

All this homos BS is getting annoying
It amuses me that you bigots start topic after topic after topic after topic about gays, day after day after day after day, week after week after week after week, month after month after month after month, year after year after year after year, and then whine about homosexuality being all up in your face!


If you all just STFU about your homophobia, there would be maybe one or two topics a year about gay marriage on this web site.

I have no doubt shiny objects amuse you
You aren't shiny, but it is true you do amuse me.

To the point you felt the need to private message me and demand I post a certain're nuts, dude
Newt did not do it in the oval office with an employee and then lie about it under oath. Clinton's lie under oath was the crime, there is no law againse getting a BJ from a young girl. But when the girl is an employee and the act is in the oval office it makes a difference.

A scumbag adulterer is a scumbag adulterer, whether he sits in the White House or in the Congress.

sure, but adultery is not illegal. lying under oath is a crime.

Actually Clinton's lie under oath was a civil offense, which is not a crime.


WASHINGTON, April 21— President Clinton has all but decided not to appeal a civil contempt of court ruling for what a Federal judge called intentional false testimony in the Paula Jones lawsuit, senior Clinton advisers say.

Appeal Unlikely in Clinton Contempt Case -
THAT had to leave a mark on the know-nothing, rw knee-jerk reactionary AKA- :up: Redfish :redface: Making up facts lol

back to topic- carson stating a remark to satiate his rw base then predictably walking-it-back after it has served its primary purpose of fomenting hate & fear in his demographic (SOCONS)
Last edited:
“I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. I regret that my words to express that concept were hurtful and divisive. For that I apologize unreservedly to all that were offended.”

Liberals cannot comprehend even simple concepts if there is ANY emotional appeal. The emotions will wipe out the message every time. This thread serves as more evidence.

Let me break it down to liberal sized pieces for some of you.

1. He said he doesn't know how everyone gets their sexual orientation.
2. He regrets that some people were hurt and found it divisive.
3. He appologized to all who got butthurt over that simple fact.

That's it! It doesn't mean what you think. I heard part of an interview with the lefty CNN (redundant, I know) opinionator and his point was that some people go to prison heterosexual and leave years later homosexual. So it seems orientation isn't a simple matter of predetermination by genes. Duh.

He's right of course. I believe an acclaimed neurosurgeon know more about the human brain than butthurt liberals that need to have their ears pleased above all else.

well said, and totally correct. But remember, liberals must destroy all conservative minority candidates, all conservative women candidates, and anyone who supports them must be called a bigot, homophobe, or idiot.

They know that obozo had failed, they know that liberalism has failed, so all they have is personal attacks and lies. They are pathetic creatures.

Liberals don't have to destroy republicans. The republicans are willing to do it themselves.
All the Left has to do is stand back & hand them a microphone :D Can't wait for the Adelson.....errr..... Repub Primaries :coffee:
A scumbag adulterer is a scumbag adulterer, whether he sits in the White House or in the Congress.

sure, but adultery is not illegal. lying under oath is a crime.

Actually Clinton's lie under oath was a civil offense, which is not a crime.


WASHINGTON, April 21— President Clinton has all but decided not to appeal a civil contempt of court ruling for what a Federal judge called intentional false testimony in the Paula Jones lawsuit, senior Clinton advisers say.

Appeal Unlikely in Clinton Contempt Case -
"Judge Wright could have leveled criminal contempt charges or referred the matter to the Justice Department for perjury prosecution."

Which is meaningless.
A scumbag adulterer is a scumbag adulterer, whether he sits in the White House or in the Congress.

sure, but adultery is not illegal. lying under oath is a crime.

Actually Clinton's lie under oath was a civil offense, which is not a crime.


WASHINGTON, April 21— President Clinton has all but decided not to appeal a civil contempt of court ruling for what a Federal judge called intentional false testimony in the Paula Jones lawsuit, senior Clinton advisers say.

Appeal Unlikely in Clinton Contempt Case -
THAT had to leave a mark on the know-nothing, rw knee-jerk reactionary AKA- :up: Redfish :redface: Making up facts lol

They've pushed that lie about Clinton for so long that it's no surprise the lazy and gullible fall for it.
Wasn't Carson one of the top neurosurgeons in the world? I don't understand how he can be so good at that but pretty much a buffoon when it comes to EVERY other subject.
It is like he has lived in some bubble for his entire life

How did he miss so much?

How did Barry miss so much?

Obama Says Homosexuality Is A Lifestyle Choice The Daily Caller

Did Obama actually say that "homosexuality is a lifestyle choice"? I don't think so. You seem to have missed the CONTEXT of what he actually said.

Another sucking his cock moment from the Squaw.... LISTEN to him say it's a LIFESTYLE CHOICE, the audio is in the link.... But don't let shit like this HYPOCRISY of the subversives spoil your day, you can always LIE about some other story! :ahole-1:

Actually, being gay is a lifestyle choice - because you have choices, even if they aren't the preferred choices you're born with.
Wasn't Carson one of the top neurosurgeons in the world? I don't understand how he can be so good at that but pretty much a buffoon when it comes to EVERY other subject.
It is like he has lived in some bubble for his entire life

How did he miss so much?

How did Barry miss so much?

Obama Says Homosexuality Is A Lifestyle Choice The Daily Caller

Did Obama actually say that "homosexuality is a lifestyle choice"? I don't think so. You seem to have missed the CONTEXT of what he actually said.
Obama was speaking collectively about the homosexual class and not making a declaration of "choice" of sexuality

The lifestyle choice he was referencing was......married
Now if only the dimwitted democrats would apologize for tearing this nation apart.

All this homos BS is getting annoying
It amuses me that you bigots start topic after topic after topic after topic about gays, day after day after day after day, week after week after week after week, month after month after month after month, year after year after year after year, and then whine about homosexuality being all up in your face!


If you all just STFU about your homophobia, there would be maybe one or two topics a year about gay marriage on this web site.

I guess that is your attempt at an answer to the OP. I asked the question. If you will pay attention rather than blabbering partisan bullshit, you would realize that the vast majority of the gay threads are started by gays or gay supporting libs.

You on the left have to have an issue, race no longer plays for you, so now its gays. Thanks for confirming what most of us already knew.
So it seems orientation isn't a simple matter of predetermination by genes. Duh.

Sexual orientation is, and always has been, a product of both nature and nurture. That this is even debated by some people at this point is absolutely astonishing. Nobody wakes up one day and "chooses" to be gay. But nobody is born gay either. Just like nobody is born with a favorite food of a favorite type of music, and that nobody chooses these preferences either.

It was foolish for Carson to say that homosexuality is a choice, but it's also foolish when liberals say that homosexuality is an inherent trait.

The so-called "experts" say that with some people its genetic and with some its a choice. The only debate is the ratio between the two. Most conclude that the genetic group is significantly smaller than the choice group. But I'm sure that our resident gays will disagree.

All humans choose their sexual activity.

Yes, they do. Normal human sexual activity involves one penis and one vagina. Anything else is abnormal and contrary to mammalian biology.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant and wrong.
Of course the Dems are obsessed with certain social issues, and the GOP is playing right into their hands.

If a top Republican candidate, let's say Walker or Paul, came out as pro choice or pro gay marriage, they would instantly be disqualified for consideration by many who had them at the top. The media sure as hell knows that, which is why they're going to be asking these kinds of questions all the way.

The more purity the GOP demands from its candidates, the more the media will focus on the social issues.

If the GOP really is sure that pro-life and anti-gay marriage are winning issues for them, great, run with it. But you can't complain when the media jumps on it.
What exactly does pro-gay mean? I think that reveals your own mindset than someone elses. Gee, conservatives want a conservative candidate, go figure. I haven't heard of anyone running on any homosexual or abortion platform. So yes, it's the media's fault for being the dishonest smear mongers they are.
Edgetho illustrates my point in Post 140:

"Carson is done. Never apologize for the truth. Never. As soon as the Orwellian scum in the dimocrap party have you doing that.... It's over. Carson needs to disappear"

The media knows this and will take advantage of it.

The flaw in Edgetho's argument is that Carson was not speaking the truth when he said homosexuality is a choice.

Carson demonstrated a great deal of integrity for admitting his mistake.

For many it is a choice. Carson did not say that it was a choice for all gays. What he said is 100% correct

So your take on it is that Carson is willing to lie, to the point of denying what you think he actually believes to be the truth, to be elected........right? Sounds like a perfect example of conservative values to me.

there is no lie, what he said is true. He was merely correcting the misquotes from the left.

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