Ben Carson is Just Behind Ted Cruz in my 2016 POTUS Handicapping


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
Ben Carson is Just Behind Ted Cruz in my 2016 POTUS Handicapping

Is Ben Carson Gearing Up For Presidential Run?

He looks and sounds very electable to me.

I was doubting his mettle when it came to eyeball to eyeball negotiations with the Russkies or 'pulling the trigger' on a military mission like the "Bin Laden Raid."

Somehow, after watching this interview, I don't doubt his ability to get tough if that is what is called for. Although, I still want some more evidence of this.
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I like both Carson and Ted although Carson has made a few mistakes . Think that I like Ted best but they'd be a good team IMO !!
I would not support him, he is pro gun control.

when asked whether people should be allowed to own "semi-automatic weapons," the doctor replied: "It depends on where you live. I think if you live in the midst of a lot of people, and I'm afraid that that semi-automatic weapon is going to fall into the hands of a crazy person, I would rather you not have it," Carson elaborated. However, if you live "out in the country somewhere by yourself" and want to own a semi-automatic weapon, he added, "I've no problem with that."

Ben Carson on Gun Control
that's what I meant by mistakes Jughead . I hear that he corrected himself .
I would not support him, he is pro gun control.

when asked whether people should be allowed to own "semi-automatic weapons," the doctor replied: "It depends on where you live. I think if you live in the midst of a lot of people, and I'm afraid that that semi-automatic weapon is going to fall into the hands of a crazy person, I would rather you not have it," Carson elaborated. However, if you live "out in the country somewhere by yourself" and want to own a semi-automatic weapon, he added, "I've no problem with that."

Ben Carson on Gun Control

Maybe he hasn't yet gotten the low-down on how the mechanical politics of gun control work.

There's a long list of assumptions you must first grasp before issuing a definitive gun control policy pronouncement.

And keep in mind, we shouldn't let one or even two major issues disqualify any Conservative candidate in 2016.

No winning Conservative candidate needs to match my positions 100%.

I can live with a real Conservative who dares to compromise on one or two of the following issues:

Guns, Taxes, Immigration, Abortion, Climate issues, Energy, Education, Same Sex Marriage, Foreign Policy and etc.

Now, if they compromised on too many issues or their middle ground was just too far to the Left, I couldn't go along with him or her.

But I am not going to allow a measly issue or two (depending on which issue we're talking about here) stop me from supporting a guy like Ted Cruz or Ben Carson, both of whom are so clearly superior to Barack Obama that I can imagine the Conservative half of this country all issuing a huge sigh of relief if he is ever elected POTUS.

Ben Carson is the real life kind of guy Liberals THOUGHT they were getting when they 'fell' for Obama's snake oil pitch.

He is AMERICAN Black and grew up in America's inner City: Detroit.
He is a product of our education system.
He was raised in a single parent household.
He fought racism and excelled to became a world renowned Brain Surgeon.
He completed his exemplary medical career and then began trying to give back to the community, the race, the country he is proud to represent.
He is humble and good natured.
He is a thoughtful, well mannered, sensitive and brilliant intellectual.
He boasts good old fashioned American values.

Breakfast With a Doctor

Emmett Tyrrell | Jun 26, 2014

WASHINGTON -- A couple of weeks ago, I was lured from my customary solitary breakfast to dine with Dr. Ben Carson, the celebrated neurosurgeon and inchoate politician. He probably squirms at the appellation "politician," but I am afraid that is what he is going to be. In fact, a politician is what he will have to be if he acts upon his diagnosis of America. He believes America is losing touch with its founding principles.

Usually at breakfast time I am holed up with four newspapers, eggs and coffee to gain my bearings on the day ahead. Yet, the prospect of listening to Dr. Carson overwhelmed my newspaper time. Besides, I am a confirmed hypochondriac, and Dr. Carson is a truly accomplished physician. Possibly I might gain a new insight to various afflictions.

He was no help to any affliction of mine but he was very enlightening as to what afflicts the country. He has traveled a not unusual course in his political development, beginning as a "flaming liberal Democrat" in his youth -- some of it spent as a student at Yale -- and continuing on to conservatism. He is a conservative today, though not a Republican. He broke with the Republicans during the Clinton years because of various hypocrites in Republican ranks. They thought they could ride Bill Clinton out of Washington for dallying with damsels while they themselves were dallying to the utmost. Dr. Carson's break, however, is not that great. He sounded pretty much Republican to me, though always sensible.

In his soft-spoken voice Dr. Carson frames his arguments concisely, persuasively and elegantly. It is inconceivable that he would need a teleprompter. My fellow breakfasters, who included liberals such as Al Hunt and conservatives such as Fred Barnes, asked Dr. Carson questions across a broad range of issues. Repeatedly, he came down for sotto voce -- "common sense."

According to my notes, he began with "individual responsibility," which he sees as fundamental to the American way of life: That is a life lived in liberty but in responsible liberty. He went on. He is appalled by politicians who pass the buck (President Barack Obama?) or are "hypocritical."

For instance, on immigration he favors sealing off the border by using drones and by clearing a two-mile, path one mile on either side. Then our government should issue "guest worker" documents to foreign workers who would pay taxes, obey the laws and be free to return to their country when they choose. On Obamacare, he would issue at the time of birth an electronic medical record and a health savings account to every citizen. They would use it to pay their medical bills. They could share it with family members, and they could bequeath its accumulated wealth upon their death. Each American bidding for healthcare would bring down the cost of healthcare, which is now the most expensive on earth. With Obamacare it will climb even higher.

How would Dr. Carson deal with Vladimir Putin? He would never have allowed things to get so far along, confronting Putin at the outset, when he moved into Georgia. And what about the questions here in the States, dealing with gun control? "I think there's some weapons that probably are inappropriate," he said, and ever the "sensible, responsible" citizen, he mentioned rocket launchers and heavy armor. "But conventional weapons," said the genial doctor, "I don't have any problem with them." He takes our Constitution seriously.

Dr. Carson had a ready answer for every question, which leads me to believe that he has given a lot of thought to how he might act in the Oval Office. But it was the broader questions that fetched me. He worries about liberty, responsibility and the role of the good citizen. Does it take a medical doctor to think about such things? I have not heard a president think about them in many years. Maybe Dr. Carson has a new model for the presidency.

Breakfast With a Doctor - Emmett Tyrrell - Page full

Turns out he isn't pro gun control at all.
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Hey remember that zona/liability bet from a billion years ago? I'll match that with anybody on this forum that Ben Carson won't make it past the primaries :cool:
Hey remember that zona/liability bet from a billion years ago? I'll match that with anybody on this forum that Ben Carson won't make it past the primaries :cool:

What odds are you quoting for the likelihood of America continuing as a strong and free republic after the Obama regime?
There are several issues of his that I don't agree with. Besides his gun control position, he also supports making helmets mandatory for bikers. This would be a major issue in states like Arizona where the summer temperatures can climb to 115 degrees. He also wants to reduce the blood alcohol limit for driving from 0.08 to 0.02. This means that although you can now legally drive after having three beers if not impaired, with his way you won't even be allowed to drive after having consumed one beer. He also supports euthanasia, which I don't support. I also don't agree with him on his support for a path to citizenship for illegals.
Just please God... get that semi negro socialist non-American community organizing piece of shit know-nothing do-nothing perpetually vacationing perpetually campaigning cock sucker...........

out. Of the White House.
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Just please God... get that semi negro socialist non-American community organizing piece of shit know-nothing do-nothing perpetually vacationing perpetually campaigning cock sucker...........

out. Of the White House.

let's look at your post, h...
semi-negro? not like your feelings about him are racial or anything
non-american -- only to wackjobs sorry, h

community organizing? better than the actor who played second fiddle to a chimp or the rich, ignorant, lazy son of wealth who managed to run an oil company into the ground and bankrupt a baseball team... skills which he then brought to our own economy.

know nothing? riiiiiiight... the president of the harvard law review knows nothing, but idiots like sarah palin do? butt backwards, h. butt backwards.

perpetually vacationing? perhaps you want to look at baby bush's vacation record.

perpetually campaigning"?? i do believe you've lost it tonight, dear. he isn't running for anything. but you might want to comment on the piece of garbage cheney who helped lie us into two wars running around running his big lying yap all over the TV.

suck it up, hon. i had to live with that imbecile bush in the white house destroying my courts for eight years.
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:lol: You guys really think Ben Carson is going to be GOP nominee. :lol:
And that canadian, Ted Cruz, he won't be getting the nomination either. I will take Rand Paul over any of them, but hopefully the GOP will find someone that is actually electable.
The only reason any cons know Ben Carson's name is that he's black and he insulted Obama at an event that Obama invited him to. Those are the only political credentials he has :cool:
The only reason any cons know Ben Carson's name is that he's black and he insulted Obama at an event that Obama invited him to. Those are the only political credentials he has :cool:

Yes. You have to get them to serve in political office BEFORE they become hard, cold and learn to lie.

You just like being lied to, that's your problem!

Dr. Ben is a real American who might be called upon, just as the Revolutionary minutemen and our founding fathers were called upon, to take leave of their usual professions in order to participate and contribute to the guidance and leadership of this country.

Politicians were expected to serve a term or two then go back home and get back to earning a living.

That is the yardstick you should use to measure Dr. Ben Carson.

Hell, if brain numbed individuals such as yourself can get on a political bulletin board and pretend to act and sound as if you know what you are talking about in terms of politics and foreign affairs and domestic policy then a brilliant Neurosurgeon and intellectual like Ben Carson, in two and a half years, can certainly gain the necessary info needed to conduct this country's business better than Barack Obama, who has intentionally brought America down from Day One of his regime.
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