Ben Carson is Just Behind Ted Cruz in my 2016 POTUS Handicapping

The only reason any cons know Ben Carson's name is that he's black and he insulted Obama at an event that Obama invited him to. Those are the only political credentials he has :cool:
Yeah. Frankly, he's not addressed any of the real problems the US has. And he definitely has not offered any solutions. I'm still trying to figure out how he's getting traction with the wing nuts. I mean, sure, they like to hear people like him talk in their crazy way, but he's not pushing anything over the top nutso more than say a Sarah Palin, or Ann Coulter.
And that canadian, Ted Cruz, he won't be getting the nomination either. I will take Rand Paul over any of them, but hopefully the GOP will find someone that is actually electable.

Hopefully NOT!

Do they even have anyone electable?

Hi D!
In the general election? Perhaps, but they would never make it through the primaries.

Republicans have blown so many real chances to win by putting up nutjobs.
The only reason wingnuts like Carson is because he is Black.

They think nominating him erases all their racist words and actions.

Don't confuse idiot teapers with the GOP. But, he will never be nominated because of the Teaper idiots. They praise him now for the propaganda...but they will never actually vote for him.
The only reason any cons know Ben Carson's name is that he's black and he insulted Obama at an event that Obama invited him to. Those are the only political credentials he has :cool:
Yeah. Frankly, he's not addressed any of the real problems the US has. And he definitely has not offered any solutions. I'm still trying to figure out how he's getting traction with the wing nuts. I mean, sure, they like to hear people like him talk in their crazy way, but he's not pushing anything over the top nutso more than say a Sarah Palin, or Ann Coulter.

Let's see...

...he's not addressed any of the real problems the US has...

Neither has the one you hired to do the job. Why not light a fire under OBAMA'S CHAIR instead of Dr. Ben's???

And he definitely has not offered any solutions.

Sure he has. You just say he hasn't so you don't have to look it up.

I'm still trying to figure out how he's getting traction with the wing nuts.

And you'll CONTINUE being perplexed because that is the Liberal default state.

I mean, sure, they like to hear people like him talk in their crazy way, but

...he's not pushing anything over the top nutso more than say a Sarah Palin, or Ann Coulter

Because what they are saying makes a lot of sense. You have been conditioned by your media to belittle and discredit your opponent but you don't quite grasp the concept of what it is you are doing or exactly how best to do it, so you inadvertently give Carson as well as Palin and Coulter, backhanded compliments which I'm sure you didn't intend.
The only reason wingnuts like Carson is because he is Black.

They think nominating him erases all their racist words and actions.

Don't confuse idiot teapers with the GOP. But, he will never be nominated because of the Teaper idiots. They praise him now for the propaganda...but they will never actually vote for him.

I'm not saying I'm a Teaper, but I would vote for Ben Carson.
The only reason wingnuts like Carson is because he is Black.

They think nominating him erases all their racist words and actions.

Don't confuse idiot teapers with the GOP. But, he will never be nominated because of the Teaper idiots. They praise him now for the propaganda...but they will never actually vote for him.

I'm not saying I'm a Teaper, but I would vote for Ben Carson.

I might too. But, the Teapers won't.
The only reason wingnuts like Carson is because he is Black.

They think nominating him erases all their racist words and actions.

Don't confuse idiot teapers with the GOP. But, he will never be nominated because of the Teaper idiots. They praise him now for the propaganda...but they will never actually vote for him.

I'm not saying I'm a Teaper, but I would vote for Ben Carson.
I like Ben but according to some things I've heard he is wrong on some issues and the issues are pretty basic . So , if he is wrong on basic issues then he may not be good enough . I don't know , I'll see but if I don't support him it'll have nothing to do with his race .
You're right, they sure won't.

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He looks and sounds very electable to me.

To you, perhaps, a rightwing partisan hack, but not here in the real world of American presidential politics.

American voters reject extremism, both left and right.

Conservative extremists and ideologues such a Carson and Cruz are in fact unelectable, and it's delusional to believe otherwise.

Neither has the one you hired to do the job. Why not light a fire under OBAMA'S CHAIR instead of Dr. Ben's???
Sure he has. Obama has been very proactive. Don't confuse a bunch of dysfunctional right wing TeaBaggeds obstructing dealing with problems with the President.

Sure he has. You just say he hasn't so you don't have to look it up.
I'm talking about solutions to real problems. Not imagined bullshit and faux outrage from the right.

And you'll CONTINUE being perplexed because that is the Liberal default state.
Excuse me for not totally understanding that insanity has warped the minds of right wing nuts.

Because what they are saying makes a lot of sense. You have been conditioned by your media to belittle and discredit your opponent but you don't quite grasp the concept of what it is you are doing or exactly how best to do it, so you inadvertently give Carson as well as Palin and Coulter, backhanded compliments which I'm sure you didn't intend.
well, I'm talking about addressing real problems, using real policies, programs or approaches. I mean, Carson, Palin and Coulter talk in American English, so I suppose they are understandable in using words com onto the rest of us Americans. But none of them has offered workable solutions to fixing, say, the deficits or national debt of the US. When they address it, they do it as ideologues. And as ideologues, they toss away principles of mathematics, and instead go off into an imaginary solution, that in real life would increase deficits and debt. It's just one example of them doing this, when there are many. Carson, Coulter, Palin, and the GOP base are just unable to address reality.

It's a serious case of delusion, and we should pity them, if they weren't wrecking so much for the rest of us. Mental illness like conservativism is a debilitating disease.

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