Ben Carson: 'Political correctness is ruining our country'


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
The Hill ^ | September 25, 2015 | Ben Kamisar
Ben Carson bashed the media for playing politics as he pushed back against characterizations of his controversial comments about Muslims during a Friday speech. "The media is the only business in America protected by the United States Constitution. There was a reason they were protected, they were supposed to be on the side of the people. They were not supposed to pick and choose what side they are on," Carson said at the Values Voter Summit, a conference for religious conservatives. "One day, they'll come to understand that if the nation goes off the cliff, they are going off with...

I was impressed by Ben Carson's interview with Martha Raddatz on ABC. Thought he turned her gotcha questions around with sound simple reason.

"Carson described Sharia law as “against the rights of women, against the rights of gays [and] subjugates other religions.”

She had no comeback for that.
"Ben Carson: 'Political correctness is ruining our country'"


There is no such thing as 'political correctness,' that Carson is at liberty to express his ignorance, hate, and stupidity concerning Muslims with impunity is proof of that.

No government seeks to 'arrest' or 'jail' Carson because of his remarks, and private citizens are at liberty in the context of private society to denounce Carson's ignorance and hate and express their views and opinions also with impunity.

Indeed, this nonsense about 'political correctness' is an effort on the part of the right to stifle debate and silence criticism of conservative dogma that is far too often used by bigots and racists to advance their agenda of hate.

That conservatives fear open, honest debate in a free and democratic society comes as no surprise, where they seek to intimidate their opponents with ridiculous accusations of 'political correctness.'
I was impressed by Ben Carson's interview with Martha Raddatz on ABC. Thought he turned her gotcha questions around with sound simple reason.

"Carson described Sharia law as “against the rights of women, against the rights of gays [and] subjugates other religions.”

She had no comeback for that.
Facts usually confuse lefties.
I was impressed by Ben Carson's interview with Martha Raddatz on ABC. Thought he turned her gotcha questions around with sound simple reason.

"Carson described Sharia law as “against the rights of women, against the rights of gays [and] subjugates other religions.”

She had no comeback for that.
Facts usually confuse lefties.
we know where the WMD are in Tikrit North and East
Why did he walk back his comments, then?
Seemed to me like he doubled down on his comments, at least on the Sunday interview I heard.

Ben Carson: 'Show Me an Approved Islamic Text That Opposes Sharia'

Bottom line is, Americans have never wanted a president that is too committed to their religion. We didn't want Kennedy to be too Catholic, didn't want Nixon to be too Quaker, didn't want Obama to be too Jeremiah Wright. So the question to Carson is actually moot- no Muslim would ever get close to being elected without rejecting Sharia and embracing the Constitution.
I was impressed by Ben Carson's interview with Martha Raddatz on ABC. Thought he turned her gotcha questions around with sound simple reason.

"Carson described Sharia law as “against the rights of women, against the rights of gays [and] subjugates other religions.”

She had no comeback for that.
Facts usually confuse lefties.
we know where the WMD are in Tikrit North and East
Why are you telling me that?
You dropped your frisbee again.
Political correctness is in fact a problem here, but not in the way Carson suggests. Most anybody can disparage third world arab muslim shithole people and get away with it. And that's because they're an easy target for politicians and lay people alike, and it's their own fault..

The kind of political correctness that hurts everybody has everything to do with a lack of law enforcement action on the part of our local & state governments in specific areas that allow street gangs to rule the roost.

Racial profiling works. And Mayor bloomturd, democrat, republican,independent,something else,something else, something else, mayor of New York more then proved it, by cleaning up the mean streets of New York.
And that has what to do with Sharia Law?

He's setting up a strawman...thats the only card he can play to avoid being called a bigot. Unless you say jews shouldnt be president because they are sneaky. Then people understand.

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