Ben Carson Will Crack Down On Non-Citizens Committing Voter Fraud By Revoking Their Citizenship

What link?
You all are doing it right here right now.

RE read what he said.
People who refuse to comply with the rules must forfeit chances of legalization in the future. Anyone caught involved in voter fraud should be immediately deported and have his citizenship revoked - See more at: Ben Carson Will Crack Down On Non-Citizens Committing Voter Fraud By Revoking Their Citizenship Right Wing Watch
I think it has more to do with the writer who dropped the word citizenship status revoked.


You are taking it out of context and doing exactly what you are accusing liberals of doing. Here is the entire quote;

People who refuse to comply with the rules must forfeit chances of legalization in the future. Anyone caught involved in voter fraud should be immediately deported and have his citizenship revoked. The point is this: We must create a system that disincentivizes illegal immigration and upholds the rule of law while providing us with a steady stream of immigrants from other nations who will strengthen our society.

Carson is discussing immigrants breaking the law. He implies that they commit voter fraud (with zero evidence). He states that illegal immigrants who committed this alleged voter fraud must have their "citizenship revoked" which is ludicrous because as illegals they cannot become citizens.

You are trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear and in this instance no amount of spinning is going to work.

But feel free to blame those "evil lib'ruls" for having the ability to read what Carson actually said as opposed to what you are want to believe he said.

Zero evidence?
FRAUD Illegal Immigrants Caught Voting in Swing State Ohio
HUNDREDS of Illegals Caught Voting in Maryland The Gateway Pundit
Illegal Aliens Non-Citizens Caught Voting In Florida In Vast Numbers
There are pages and pages of these reports on the net.
I can't find a video of his exact words.
Whether it was Carson himself who dropped the word status or the reporters it is still very clear that he was talking about illegals and revoking their citizenship status.
After all he is not a polished politician like Joe Biden and Obama who makes mistakes with their wording. Remember 57 States?
He dropped one word and he is crazy because he is an R.

Extremist right wing blogs are not credible when it comes to "evidence" of alleged voter fraud.

You will need to provide actual convictions in the courts as opposed to hyperbolic venting by partisan websites.

Extremist right wing :lmao:
Yet it's fine when the left use theirs.

How Rare Is Voter Fraud Power Line
we have no clear way to know how prevalent voter fraud is
The report finds that 113 individuals who voted illegally in the 2008 election have been convicted of the crime, “ineligible voter knowingly votes” under Minnesota Statute 201.014
“It’s mind-boggling to me that as a tiny non-profit corporation, we netted more than double the number of convictions in one year than the US Department of Justice was able to find in five,” said Davis.
Minnesota’s recent charges and convictions stem from research initiated by Minnesota Majority. The research identified upwards of 2,800 ineligible felons believed to have unlawfully voted in Minnesota’s 2008 general election
Are a few thousand illegal voters a big deal? When a U.S. Senate race can be decided by 300 votes, they certainly are.

Nothing stopping YOU from digging out all of the convictions for voter fraud nationwide.

Let's see what you actually have in real terms?

Of course I doubt that you will be able to find anything more than they did because it is something that rarely ever happens and most certainly never on the scale alleged by Republicans.
What link?
You all are doing it right here right now.

RE read what he said.
People who refuse to comply with the rules must forfeit chances of legalization in the future. Anyone caught involved in voter fraud should be immediately deported and have his citizenship revoked - See more at: Ben Carson Will Crack Down On Non-Citizens Committing Voter Fraud By Revoking Their Citizenship Right Wing Watch
I think it has more to do with the writer who dropped the word citizenship status revoked.


You are taking it out of context and doing exactly what you are accusing liberals of doing. Here is the entire quote;

People who refuse to comply with the rules must forfeit chances of legalization in the future. Anyone caught involved in voter fraud should be immediately deported and have his citizenship revoked. The point is this: We must create a system that disincentivizes illegal immigration and upholds the rule of law while providing us with a steady stream of immigrants from other nations who will strengthen our society.

Carson is discussing immigrants breaking the law. He implies that they commit voter fraud (with zero evidence). He states that illegal immigrants who committed this alleged voter fraud must have their "citizenship revoked" which is ludicrous because as illegals they cannot become citizens.

You are trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear and in this instance no amount of spinning is going to work.

But feel free to blame those "evil lib'ruls" for having the ability to read what Carson actually said as opposed to what you are want to believe he said.

Zero evidence?
FRAUD Illegal Immigrants Caught Voting in Swing State Ohio
HUNDREDS of Illegals Caught Voting in Maryland The Gateway Pundit
Illegal Aliens Non-Citizens Caught Voting In Florida In Vast Numbers
There are pages and pages of these reports on the net.
I can't find a video of his exact words.
Whether it was Carson himself who dropped the word status or the reporters it is still very clear that he was talking about illegals and revoking their citizenship status.
After all he is not a polished politician like Joe Biden and Obama who makes mistakes with their wording. Remember 57 States?
He dropped one word and he is crazy because he is an R.

Extremist right wing blogs are not credible when it comes to "evidence" of alleged voter fraud.

You will need to provide actual convictions in the courts as opposed to hyperbolic venting by partisan websites.

Extremist right wing :lmao:
Yet it's fine when the left use theirs.

How Rare Is Voter Fraud Power Line
we have no clear way to know how prevalent voter fraud is
The report finds that 113 individuals who voted illegally in the 2008 election have been convicted of the crime, “ineligible voter knowingly votes” under Minnesota Statute 201.014
“It’s mind-boggling to me that as a tiny non-profit corporation, we netted more than double the number of convictions in one year than the US Department of Justice was able to find in five,” said Davis.
Minnesota’s recent charges and convictions stem from research initiated by Minnesota Majority. The research identified upwards of 2,800 ineligible felons believed to have unlawfully voted in Minnesota’s 2008 general election
Are a few thousand illegal voters a big deal? When a U.S. Senate race can be decided by 300 votes, they certainly are.

Nothing stopping YOU from digging out all of the convictions for voter fraud nationwide.

Let's see what you actually have in real terms?

Of course I doubt that you will be able to find anything more than they did because it is something that rarely ever happens and most certainly never on the scale alleged by Republicans.

It is the left that keeps saying millions, not the right.
Even one illegal vote cancels my one legal vote.

You are taking it out of context and doing exactly what you are accusing liberals of doing. Here is the entire quote;

Carson is discussing immigrants breaking the law. He implies that they commit voter fraud (with zero evidence). He states that illegal immigrants who committed this alleged voter fraud must have their "citizenship revoked" which is ludicrous because as illegals they cannot become citizens.

You are trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear and in this instance no amount of spinning is going to work.

But feel free to blame those "evil lib'ruls" for having the ability to read what Carson actually said as opposed to what you are want to believe he said.

Zero evidence?
FRAUD Illegal Immigrants Caught Voting in Swing State Ohio
HUNDREDS of Illegals Caught Voting in Maryland The Gateway Pundit
Illegal Aliens Non-Citizens Caught Voting In Florida In Vast Numbers
There are pages and pages of these reports on the net.
I can't find a video of his exact words.
Whether it was Carson himself who dropped the word status or the reporters it is still very clear that he was talking about illegals and revoking their citizenship status.
After all he is not a polished politician like Joe Biden and Obama who makes mistakes with their wording. Remember 57 States?
He dropped one word and he is crazy because he is an R.

Extremist right wing blogs are not credible when it comes to "evidence" of alleged voter fraud.

You will need to provide actual convictions in the courts as opposed to hyperbolic venting by partisan websites.

Extremist right wing :lmao:
Yet it's fine when the left use theirs.

How Rare Is Voter Fraud Power Line
we have no clear way to know how prevalent voter fraud is
The report finds that 113 individuals who voted illegally in the 2008 election have been convicted of the crime, “ineligible voter knowingly votes” under Minnesota Statute 201.014
“It’s mind-boggling to me that as a tiny non-profit corporation, we netted more than double the number of convictions in one year than the US Department of Justice was able to find in five,” said Davis.
Minnesota’s recent charges and convictions stem from research initiated by Minnesota Majority. The research identified upwards of 2,800 ineligible felons believed to have unlawfully voted in Minnesota’s 2008 general election
Are a few thousand illegal voters a big deal? When a U.S. Senate race can be decided by 300 votes, they certainly are.

Nothing stopping YOU from digging out all of the convictions for voter fraud nationwide.

Let's see what you actually have in real terms?

Of course I doubt that you will be able to find anything more than they did because it is something that rarely ever happens and most certainly never on the scale alleged by Republicans.

It is the left that keeps saying millions, not the right.
Even one illegal vote cancels my one legal vote.

Still waiting for you to prove that these illegal votes are out there.

That you can't says volumes.
The Republican activist bravely offered the very new idea that he wants to “have secure borders,” calling on the government to adopt policies “learned from security personnel in prisons and other secured facilities” while lamenting that children of undocumented immigrants can enroll in public schools, a constitutional right.

Carson also demanded that the government begin deporting undocumented immigrants for the extremely rare incidents of voter fraud… and revoking the citizenship that they do not have: “Anyone caught involved in voter fraud should be immediately deported and have his citizenship revoked.:uhh::uhoh3:

Ben Carson Will Crack Down On Non-Citizens Committing Voter Fraud By Revoking Their Citizenship Right Wing Watch
Rightwing watch?

Teach them how to think first, and then post a link to them.

Fucking racist can't even distinguish the fact that you cannot remove citizenship from non-citizens.

What a tool
Maybe he doesn't understand what "citizenship" means?

How does he plan to revoke something that doesn't exist?

What a nut case Carson really is. No wonder ignorant RWs love him.
You guys like Obutthurt and Biden, Carson is sane compared to those bozos.
Zero evidence?
FRAUD Illegal Immigrants Caught Voting in Swing State Ohio
HUNDREDS of Illegals Caught Voting in Maryland The Gateway Pundit
Illegal Aliens Non-Citizens Caught Voting In Florida In Vast Numbers
There are pages and pages of these reports on the net.
I can't find a video of his exact words.
Whether it was Carson himself who dropped the word status or the reporters it is still very clear that he was talking about illegals and revoking their citizenship status.
After all he is not a polished politician like Joe Biden and Obama who makes mistakes with their wording. Remember 57 States?
He dropped one word and he is crazy because he is an R.

Extremist right wing blogs are not credible when it comes to "evidence" of alleged voter fraud.

You will need to provide actual convictions in the courts as opposed to hyperbolic venting by partisan websites.

Extremist right wing :lmao:
Yet it's fine when the left use theirs.

How Rare Is Voter Fraud Power Line
we have no clear way to know how prevalent voter fraud is
The report finds that 113 individuals who voted illegally in the 2008 election have been convicted of the crime, “ineligible voter knowingly votes” under Minnesota Statute 201.014
“It’s mind-boggling to me that as a tiny non-profit corporation, we netted more than double the number of convictions in one year than the US Department of Justice was able to find in five,” said Davis.
Minnesota’s recent charges and convictions stem from research initiated by Minnesota Majority. The research identified upwards of 2,800 ineligible felons believed to have unlawfully voted in Minnesota’s 2008 general election
Are a few thousand illegal voters a big deal? When a U.S. Senate race can be decided by 300 votes, they certainly are.

Nothing stopping YOU from digging out all of the convictions for voter fraud nationwide.

Let's see what you actually have in real terms?

Of course I doubt that you will be able to find anything more than they did because it is something that rarely ever happens and most certainly never on the scale alleged by Republicans.

It is the left that keeps saying millions, not the right.
Even one illegal vote cancels my one legal vote.

Still waiting for you to prove that these illegal votes are out there.

That you can't says volumes.

You are the one that ignored the link.
She is one of those that regularly proclaims nothing exists, even when laid before her on a silver platter. Blind as a bat, I tell ya!
Extremist right wing blogs are not credible when it comes to "evidence" of alleged voter fraud.

You will need to provide actual convictions in the courts as opposed to hyperbolic venting by partisan websites.

Extremist right wing :lmao:
Yet it's fine when the left use theirs.

How Rare Is Voter Fraud Power Line
we have no clear way to know how prevalent voter fraud is
The report finds that 113 individuals who voted illegally in the 2008 election have been convicted of the crime, “ineligible voter knowingly votes” under Minnesota Statute 201.014
“It’s mind-boggling to me that as a tiny non-profit corporation, we netted more than double the number of convictions in one year than the US Department of Justice was able to find in five,” said Davis.
Minnesota’s recent charges and convictions stem from research initiated by Minnesota Majority. The research identified upwards of 2,800 ineligible felons believed to have unlawfully voted in Minnesota’s 2008 general election
Are a few thousand illegal voters a big deal? When a U.S. Senate race can be decided by 300 votes, they certainly are.

Nothing stopping YOU from digging out all of the convictions for voter fraud nationwide.

Let's see what you actually have in real terms?

Of course I doubt that you will be able to find anything more than they did because it is something that rarely ever happens and most certainly never on the scale alleged by Republicans.

It is the left that keeps saying millions, not the right.
Even one illegal vote cancels my one legal vote.

Still waiting for you to prove that these illegal votes are out there.

That you can't says volumes.

You are the one that ignored the link.
Extremist right wing blogs are not credible when it comes to "evidence" of alleged voter fraud.

You will need to provide actual convictions in the courts as opposed to hyperbolic venting by partisan websites.

Extremist right wing :lmao:
Yet it's fine when the left use theirs.

How Rare Is Voter Fraud Power Line
we have no clear way to know how prevalent voter fraud is
The report finds that 113 individuals who voted illegally in the 2008 election have been convicted of the crime, “ineligible voter knowingly votes” under Minnesota Statute 201.014
“It’s mind-boggling to me that as a tiny non-profit corporation, we netted more than double the number of convictions in one year than the US Department of Justice was able to find in five,” said Davis.
Minnesota’s recent charges and convictions stem from research initiated by Minnesota Majority. The research identified upwards of 2,800 ineligible felons believed to have unlawfully voted in Minnesota’s 2008 general election
Are a few thousand illegal voters a big deal? When a U.S. Senate race can be decided by 300 votes, they certainly are.

Nothing stopping YOU from digging out all of the convictions for voter fraud nationwide.

Let's see what you actually have in real terms?

Of course I doubt that you will be able to find anything more than they did because it is something that rarely ever happens and most certainly never on the scale alleged by Republicans.

It is the left that keeps saying millions, not the right.
Even one illegal vote cancels my one legal vote.

Still waiting for you to prove that these illegal votes are out there.

That you can't says volumes.

You are the one that ignored the link.

BZZZT Wrong! Your links were not credible.

You still haven't provided link to establish that there are drives of people voting illegally through convictions nationwide.

All you have is extreme RW rhetoric and zero substance.
Extremist right wing :lmao:
Yet it's fine when the left use theirs.

How Rare Is Voter Fraud Power Line
we have no clear way to know how prevalent voter fraud is
The report finds that 113 individuals who voted illegally in the 2008 election have been convicted of the crime, “ineligible voter knowingly votes” under Minnesota Statute 201.014
“It’s mind-boggling to me that as a tiny non-profit corporation, we netted more than double the number of convictions in one year than the US Department of Justice was able to find in five,” said Davis.
Minnesota’s recent charges and convictions stem from research initiated by Minnesota Majority. The research identified upwards of 2,800 ineligible felons believed to have unlawfully voted in Minnesota’s 2008 general election
Are a few thousand illegal voters a big deal? When a U.S. Senate race can be decided by 300 votes, they certainly are.

Nothing stopping YOU from digging out all of the convictions for voter fraud nationwide.

Let's see what you actually have in real terms?

Of course I doubt that you will be able to find anything more than they did because it is something that rarely ever happens and most certainly never on the scale alleged by Republicans.

It is the left that keeps saying millions, not the right.
Even one illegal vote cancels my one legal vote.

Still waiting for you to prove that these illegal votes are out there.

That you can't says volumes.

You are the one that ignored the link.

BZZZT Wrong! Your links were not credible.

You still haven't provided link to establish that there are drives of people voting illegally through convictions nationwide.

All you have is extreme RW rhetoric and zero substance.

So you don't think that right wing ever has correct news. I think the same thing about the left.
Both sides have voter fraud.
No one on the right has said that there is huge amounts of voter fraud. It is the left who have said that.
There is enough that can win elections when the votes are very tight.
Last edited:
No one on the right has said that there is huge amounts of voter fraud.


First website that I clicked on after googling for 'massive voter fraud';

Predicted Voter Fraud Underway on a Massive Scale--With Examples Combat Veterans For Congress

Predicted Voter Fraud Underway on a Massive Scale--With Examples

It was reported in the below listed article, that in the 2012 Presidential election, that 6.4% of the 124,026,000 votes cast by voters, or 7,937,664 vote cast, were cast by illegal aliens.

Want to bet that there are plenty more just like that?
Ben Carson may be a fine doctor but is very ignorant of American politics, law, and narrative.
1997:After losing his Orange County congressional seat to Democrat Loretta Sanchez by fewer than 1,000 votes, Republican Bob Dornan said votes cast by immigrants who registered to vote before becoming citizens cost him the election. A yearlong investigation found that 743 such ballots were cast, but this would not have been enough to give Dornan the victory.
Closer look at illegal voting - The Orange County Register
Reno Illegal Immigrant Guilty of Voter Fraud
Illegal immigrant living in Hampton pleads guilty in federal court
Illegal alien arrested charged with voter fraud ICE
Minnesota Leads the Nation in Voter Fraud Convictions Minnesota Majority
Appeals Court decision upholding Carlos Medrano 8217 s illegal voting conviction shows his niece 8217 s uncommon courage. Dallas Morning News

Extremist right wing :lmao:
Yet it's fine when the left use theirs.

How Rare Is Voter Fraud Power Line
we have no clear way to know how prevalent voter fraud is
The report finds that 113 individuals who voted illegally in the 2008 election have been convicted of the crime, “ineligible voter knowingly votes” under Minnesota Statute 201.014
“It’s mind-boggling to me that as a tiny non-profit corporation, we netted more than double the number of convictions in one year than the US Department of Justice was able to find in five,” said Davis.
Minnesota’s recent charges and convictions stem from research initiated by Minnesota Majority. The research identified upwards of 2,800 ineligible felons believed to have unlawfully voted in Minnesota’s 2008 general election
Are a few thousand illegal voters a big deal? When a U.S. Senate race can be decided by 300 votes, they certainly are.

Nothing stopping YOU from digging out all of the convictions for voter fraud nationwide.

Let's see what you actually have in real terms?

Of course I doubt that you will be able to find anything more than they did because it is something that rarely ever happens and most certainly never on the scale alleged by Republicans.

It is the left that keeps saying millions, not the right.
Even one illegal vote cancels my one legal vote.

Still waiting for you to prove that these illegal votes are out there.

That you can't says volumes.

You are the one that ignored the link.

BZZZT Wrong! Your links were not credible.

You still haven't provided link to establish that there are drives of people voting illegally through convictions nationwide.

All you have is extreme RW rhetoric and zero substance.
1997:After losing his Orange County congressional seat to Democrat Loretta Sanchez by fewer than 1,000 votes, Republican Bob Dornan said votes cast by immigrants who registered to vote before becoming citizens cost him the election. A yearlong investigation found that 743 such ballots were cast, but this would not have been enough to give Dornan the victory.
Closer look at illegal voting - The Orange County Register
Reno Illegal Immigrant Guilty of Voter Fraud
Illegal immigrant living in Hampton pleads guilty in federal court
Illegal alien arrested charged with voter fraud ICE
Minnesota Leads the Nation in Voter Fraud Convictions Minnesota Majority
Appeals Court decision upholding Carlos Medrano 8217 s illegal voting conviction shows his niece 8217 s uncommon courage. Dallas Morning News

Nothing stopping YOU from digging out all of the convictions for voter fraud nationwide.

Let's see what you actually have in real terms?

Of course I doubt that you will be able to find anything more than they did because it is something that rarely ever happens and most certainly never on the scale alleged by Republicans.

It is the left that keeps saying millions, not the right.
Even one illegal vote cancels my one legal vote.

Still waiting for you to prove that these illegal votes are out there.

That you can't says volumes.

You are the one that ignored the link.

BZZZT Wrong! Your links were not credible.

You still haven't provided link to establish that there are drives of people voting illegally through convictions nationwide.

All you have is extreme RW rhetoric and zero substance.


Nothing since then?

Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Sadly you can't read, nor did you notice the recent dates on the others, and you just proved my post you are as blind as a bat.
Your side is losing this fight. Get over it.
1997:After losing his Orange County congressional seat to Democrat Loretta Sanchez by fewer than 1,000 votes, Republican Bob Dornan said votes cast by immigrants who registered to vote before becoming citizens cost him the election. A yearlong investigation found that 743 such ballots were cast, but this would not have been enough to give Dornan the victory.
Closer look at illegal voting - The Orange County Register
Reno Illegal Immigrant Guilty of Voter Fraud
Illegal immigrant living in Hampton pleads guilty in federal court
Illegal alien arrested charged with voter fraud ICE
Minnesota Leads the Nation in Voter Fraud Convictions Minnesota Majority
Appeals Court decision upholding Carlos Medrano 8217 s illegal voting conviction shows his niece 8217 s uncommon courage. Dallas Morning News

It is the left that keeps saying millions, not the right.
Even one illegal vote cancels my one legal vote.

Still waiting for you to prove that these illegal votes are out there.

That you can't says volumes.

You are the one that ignored the link.

BZZZT Wrong! Your links were not credible.

You still haven't provided link to establish that there are drives of people voting illegally through convictions nationwide.

All you have is extreme RW rhetoric and zero substance.


Nothing since then?

Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Maybe he doesn't understand what "citizenship" means?

How does he plan to revoke something that doesn't exist?

What a nut case Carson really is. No wonder ignorant RWs love him.
There's much about law and governance he's ignorant of.

I'm sure we can all agree that Ben Carson is a fool and says many foolish things. (*wink**wink*) Indeed, that seems to be his one claim to fame. I was going to include a link to the stupid and foolish things he has said but there are far too many. Google it and you'll see what I mean.

But, what's really incredible that anyone would agree that voter fraud is just cause for losing one's citizenship.
Absent due process, of course. Not that Carson knows anything about due process.

And this is the problem with Carson and his ilk, such as Rand Paul, ignorant ideologues clueless as how to government works and the Constitutional case law that creates the framework in which sound governance functions.

That most on the right acknowledge them as their 'heroes' comes as no surprise.
Ben Carson may be a fine doctor but is very ignorant of American politics, law, and narrative.

Fakey, he's such an :ahole-1:

Maybe he doesn't understand what "citizenship" means?

How does he plan to revoke something that doesn't exist?

What a nut case Carson really is. No wonder ignorant RWs love him.
There's much about law and governance he's ignorant of.

I'm sure we can all agree that Ben Carson is a fool and says many foolish things. (*wink**wink*) Indeed, that seems to be his one claim to fame. I was going to include a link to the stupid and foolish things he has said but there are far too many. Google it and you'll see what I mean.

But, what's really incredible that anyone would agree that voter fraud is just cause for losing one's citizenship.

He meant losing their citizenship status. Not Citizens.
Just like we all know that Obama meant 50 states not 57.

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