Ben Rhodes Book Reveals Obama Quote: “Sometimes I wonder whether I was 10 or 20 years too early.”


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Jul 21, 2009
What was Obama trying to say on election night 2016? Ben Rhodes Book is being released and it revealed some interesting aspects of the thoughts of Barack H. Obama.

While riding in a limo with Rhodes November 2016, it had become clear that Trump had won the election. Obama sort of thought aloud as said, "Could we have been wrong?" Some who see this quote might be thinking he was questioning himself when he said maybe everyone wants to stay with their "tribe.

Tribe? Doesn't he mean race?

The point here is after 9 years Obama still hasn't changed.

Remember when the Reverend Right scandal was exposed, and Barack Obama's racist background was being exposed along with it? I remember his comments were something like "I knew I wouldn't have the same chance as other "conventional (white) candidates"". Meaning that Obama was supposed to be a post-racial president, but instead he was just as racist as LBJ or any other president before him. I also remember that his handlers shipped him off to Bermuda for 3weeks so the media could repair the damage, and they've been repairing Obama's image since then.

Obama believes that the only way to change America is by brainwashing millennials. Fill this country with enough David Hoggs and maybe the country will accept massive debt and a stagnant economy. Every other country is limping along and America is kicking ass. This is a travesty to people like Obama. Why? Because anything created by White Americans(man) is wrong. This goes back to Black Liberation Theology as taught in the Trinity United Church under Reverend Right. They say even Jesus was wrong because he was white. Just how can you be any more racist than that.

Well, it's pretty clear that despite Obama's denials, he wasn't sleeping through services for 20years.The man who married him to Michelle was always on his mind, and still is today. Obama felt he could even things out. Screw up the economy to make us less dangerous to the rest of the world. Fail to punish blacks any chance he could. He thought blacks commiting crimes in greater numbers wasn't so much due to the high crime rate among blacks but due to an unfair justice system. So he ignored it. That was where he went wrong. His racism wouldn't allow him to face reality. He felt everything had to do with race. Now where did he learn this? In Chicago.
Only a real racist cretin would invite Black Lives Matter to the White House.

Only a real racist would invite the Muslim Brotherhood to the White House

Only a real racist would give a speech to the New Black Panthers

Only a real racist would volunteer to work for Louis Farakahn

Only a real racist would go to Rev. Wright's racist church for 20 years

Only a real racist creep would say “If I had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin”

By now most Americans have realized the real meaning of “community organizer”, it actually means that Obama is a shameless racist demagogue.
Democrats continue to be the fuel of racism in the US.

I remember when Michael Brown was shot. There was wide spread talk of how police enforcement and the judicial system was racist, and then police officers started being assassinated all over the country. However, Obama just played into it as innocent police officers were dying all across the country.

However, he then refused to utter the words, "Islamic Terrorism" with the notion that Muslims might be targeted around the country if he played into such hate.

And that is Obama. He sent an army to protect Muslim Libyans just from the threat of Gaddafi but stood idly by as Christians in Syria were systematically murdered in mass genocide.
This nation would be better off if his mama had simply swallowed
This true, but my point is Obama is everything we said he was.....and yet in his warped mind,....he must have felt he was right.
The meat puppet was 100 years too late. He should have been running around in Moscow with a Mosin Nagant Rifle in 1918.
The meat puppet was 100 years too late. He should have been running around in Moscow with a Mosin Nagant Rifle in 1918.
Yeah, but he got men in women's bathrooms and he gave Iran billions to fund terrorism.
Obama taught students how to steal elections.

I think he thinks this "messy Democracy" is just a pain in the ass, and a barrier to his ultimate goal of hope and change.

He really thinks elections are unnecessary.

Imagine the work(DAMAGE) he could do if there were no presidential elections at all. :04:
No question the Great Obama was ahead of his time

Crooked Donnie set us back 100 years

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