Benghazi terrorist captured

Uh, that is correct....the CIA knew where he was the entire time, I know because I read the reports. :eusa_whistle:

But you can't know the details, asswipe.

Obama knew where the dude was the whole time. He was just waiting for the right time. This is just an effort to take attention away from Iraq and ISIS. And also Bush put the whole search in motion to start with and it wasn't really Obama, it was the military. Did I miss anything we are about to hear?

Ya right, you knew the house where one of the most wanted terrorist in the world was hanging out and you're announcing it on a public forum.
It's the same guy CNN interviews a few months after the attacks. I think the NY Times reported did also.

Still, it is Obama fault no matter what.

He (shouldn't/should) (have/have not) done that thing.
Ding-ding.....winner, winner.

Obama didn't want to grab him before because it ruined their "video riot lie."

Some terrorist being tied to the Benghazi attack would be bad news for their lie, but now everyone knows Obama lied to win an election so he needs this terrorist now to cover up other bad news in IraQ

Did they lure him in with a mango smoothie!

The Benghazi terrorists have never made their whereabouts a secret. obama is desperate for some good news so he had this guy arrested. A show trial with an ordered verdict will take care of the guilt or not guilt issue.
It's the same guy CNN interviews a few months after the attacks. I think the NY Times reported did also.

Still, it is Obama fault no matter what.

He (shouldn't/should) (have/have not) done that thing.

Fox News said they interviewed him a month after the attack. He claimed at the time he was "directing" traffic
Shitstain....the media knew where the terrorists were.....:cuckoo:

Only an idiot like you believes a terrorist can hide from the CIA but not the media.

Uh, that is correct....the CIA knew where he was the entire time, I know because I read the reports. :eusa_whistle:

But you can't know the details, asswipe.

Obama knew where the dude was the whole time. He was just waiting for the right time. This is just an effort to take attention away from Iraq and ISIS. And also Bush put the whole search in motion to start with and it wasn't really Obama, it was the military. Did I miss anything we are about to hear?

Ya right, you knew the house where one of the most wanted terrorist in the world was hanging out and you're announcing it on a public forum.
OK, wingnuts:

  • How is this fake?
  • How is Obama using sleight of hand with this?
  • What's the conspiracy du jour?
  • Who doesn't believe this guy had anything to do with Benghazi?

Hurry up before any actual facts are reported!!!!! :lol:

They will find a way to credit Bush

And while Obama re-invades Iraq you will find a way to not call it a war and then blame Bush.
Let's dumb this down for liberal scum....

Say your daddy has your birthday gift in the closet but doesn't give it to you until it benefits you thank him for giving you the birthday present almost 2 years too late?
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I'm amazed at the stupidity of liberals. You scumbags had no clue the media found some of the terrorists and the terrorists bragged about the attack.

You are also dumb enough to believe these terrorists could hide in Libya away from the CIA and other intel agencies of other countries. This isn't the mountains of Pakistan and this terrorist didn't have millions of dollars to use for protection like UBL.

Obama is using this capture to change the news headlines and you stupid fuck inbreds are falling for it like his polling goons predicted.
Ding-ding.....winner, winner.

Obama didn't want to grab him before because it ruined their "video riot lie."

Some terrorist being tied to the Benghazi attack would be bad news for their lie, but now everyone knows Obama lied to win an election so he needs this terrorist now to cover up other bad news in IraQ

Did they lure him in with a mango smoothie!

The Benghazi terrorists have never made their whereabouts a secret. obama is desperate for some good news so he had this guy arrested. A show trial with an ordered verdict will take care of the guilt or not guilt issue.

If I recall correctly, the same guy said that the initial attackers were not motivated by the video but that once the attack breached the compound, a riot ensued, and many of the Libyans who ransacked and lit the place on fire were motivated by the video.
you are still blaming some fucking video riot??? :cuckoo:

Ding-ding.....winner, winner.

Obama didn't want to grab him before because it ruined their "video riot lie."

Some terrorist being tied to the Benghazi attack would be bad news for their lie, but now everyone knows Obama lied to win an election so he needs this terrorist now to cover up other bad news in IraQ

Did they lure him in with a mango smoothie!

The Benghazi terrorists have never made their whereabouts a secret. obama is desperate for some good news so he had this guy arrested. A show trial with an ordered verdict will take care of the guilt or not guilt issue.

If I recall correctly, the same guy said that the initial attackers were not motivated by the video but that once the attack breached the compound, a riot ensued, and many of the Libyans who ransacked and lit the place on fire were motivated by the video.
I'm amazed at the stupidity of liberals. You scumbags had no clue the media found some of the terrorists and the terrorists bragged about the attack.

You are also dumb enough to believe these terrorists could hide in Libya away from the CIA and other intel agencies of other countries. This isn't the mountains of Pakistan and this terrorist didn't have millions of dollars to use for protection like UBL.

Obama is using this capture to change the news headlines and you stupid fuck inbreds are falling for it like his polling goons predicted.

Even IF true he is still a man who belongs in our military brig. Stop trying so hard.
Besides if this was orchestrated why wouldn't they wait till just before the upcoming election cycle?
Uh.....Obama gets NO CREDIT for waiting until last "Friday" to finally tell the DoD, CIA and FBI to grab this scumbag that was planning on more attacks.

I don't fall for the bullshit.

Obama weighed capturing this guy and covering up bad news in Iraq and here.....nice timing.

I prefer a POTUS that wants to kill or capture terrorists at the earliest moment, not using a military operation as a news headline for "good PR."

I'm amazed at the stupidity of liberals. You scumbags had no clue the media found some of the terrorists and the terrorists bragged about the attack.

You are also dumb enough to believe these terrorists could hide in Libya away from the CIA and other intel agencies of other countries. This isn't the mountains of Pakistan and this terrorist didn't have millions of dollars to use for protection like UBL.

Obama is using this capture to change the news headlines and you stupid fuck inbreds are falling for it like his polling goons predicted.

Even IF true he is still a man who belongs in our military brig. Stop trying so hard.
Besides if this was orchestrated why wouldn't they wait till just before the upcoming election cycle?
If he were a suspect then you can bet they were following him and you can bet the CIA knew right where to grab his sorry ass.

I'm glad they grabbed his sorry ass and lets hope he ends up before a military court.

Unless of course Eric the asshole Holder thinks he can trie this scumbag in a civil court.

Oh wait. I forgot. Thats just what Holder will try to do.
There isn't anything to "fall for" dude. Unless you believe the msm was going to follow any of the other scandals to begin with.
Ding-ding.....winner, winner.

Obama didn't want to grab him before because it ruined their "video riot lie."

Some terrorist being tied to the Benghazi attack would be bad news for their lie, but now everyone knows Obama lied to win an election so he needs this terrorist now to cover up other bad news in IraQ

Did they lure him in with a mango smoothie!

The Benghazi terrorists have never made their whereabouts a secret. obama is desperate for some good news so he had this guy arrested. A show trial with an ordered verdict will take care of the guilt or not guilt issue.

If I recall correctly, the same guy said that the initial attackers were not motivated by the video but that once the attack breached the compound, a riot ensued, and many of the Libyans who ransacked and lit the place on fire were motivated by the video.

Actually, he said the initial protest WAS over the video.

Mr. Abu Khattala, 41, wearing a red fez and sandals, added his own spin. Contradicting the accounts of many witnesses and the most recent account of the Obama administration, he contended that the attack had grown out of a peaceful protest against a video made in the United States that mocked the Prophet Muhammad and Islam.
...and so it begins. :badgrin:

Ding-ding.....winner, winner.

Obama didn't want to grab him before because it ruined their "video riot lie."

Some terrorist being tied to the Benghazi attack would be bad news for their lie, but now everyone knows Obama lied to win an election so he needs this terrorist now to cover up other bad news in IraQ

If I recall correctly, the same guy said that the initial attackers were not motivated by the video but that once the attack breached the compound, a riot ensued, and many of the Libyans who ransacked and lit the place on fire were motivated by the video.

Actually, he said the initial protest WAS over the video.

Mr. Abu Khattala, 41, wearing a red fez and sandals, added his own spin. Contradicting the accounts of many witnesses and the most recent account of the Obama administration, he contended that the attack had grown out of a peaceful protest against a video made in the United States that mocked the Prophet Muhammad and Islam.
It's good to know that we can still 'catch' a terrorist that is hiding in plain sight. Timing suspect......Pantsuit **** is giving a townhall meeting later today and a Fox interview.

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