Benjamin Netanyahu wants bloodshed:


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012

Clearly Nut&Yahoo is forcing a new Palestinian uprising so that the ZioNazis can try to usurp the Noble Sanctuary of the ME Muslims.

Watch America reward him with full recognition of a Palestinian state by the UN with American support.

Benjamin Netanyahu wants bloodshed: A new, deliberately provocative right-wing incursion into sacred ground

Benjamin Netanyahu wants bloodshed: A new, deliberately provocative right-wing incursion into sacred ground -

World leaders converging on the UN General Assembly will soon be hearing from Palestine’s Mahmoud Abbas and Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu. They should focus on Jerusalem, which is again at a boiling point and has the potential to be a global flashpoint if international leaders and diplomats fail to address increasingly reckless rhetoric from Israeli government leaders and the provocative actions of Israeli settlers.

In recent days, right-wing Israeli Jews escorted by Israeli police have been making incursions inside the Al-Aqsa compound, also known as the Noble Sanctuary and Temple Mount to Jews. They are calling for more access to the compound with the ultimate goal of building a third temple in place of Al-Aqsa, which is revered by Muslims worldwide and is based in East Jerusalem – Palestinian territory that Israel occupied and illegally annexed in 1967.

Israeli authorities have abetted these right-wing extremists by effectively imposing a physical and temporal partition of the Al-Aqsa compound. We have been here before: It was Ariel Sharon’s deliberately provocative visit to Al-Aqsa as opposition leader 15 years ago this month that triggered the Second Intifada and years of bloodshed.

Members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party – such as Miri Regev and Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel – have sought to violate the status quo in pursuit of Jewish control over the compound. In fact, the Israeli government provides funding to groups such as the Temple Institute, an organization that aims to build a temple to replace the Noble Sanctuary, destroying it altogether. If they succeed in this plan, there will be bloody repercussions in Palestine, Israel, the Middle East and beyond.

The coverage of the turmoil in Jerusalem has tended to focus on the clashes. These are typically viewed as signs of an emerging “religious war.” This framing, however, fails to address the political and ideological context in which the strife unfolds and the explicit aims of the Israeli government.
Funny because a couple of weeks ago it was Abbas that called to fortify in the mosque to fight the infidels....

It's so sacred for them that they don't miss a chance
to play the soccer championships there.

And destroy their own 'sacred' mosque to get the rocks to throw on the Jews...
Another Jihadi supporter blood libel.

Funny 'cause a couple of weeks ago it was the pA president Abbas tht called for Ribat- to fortify in the mosque to fight the infidels.

It's so sacred to them that they don't miss a chance to destroy it for the rocks they throw on the Jews. And play their soccer 'championships' there on a regular basis.
Another Jihadi supporter blood libel.

Funny 'cause a couple of weeks ago it was the pA president Abbas tht called for Ribat- to fortify in the mosque to fight the infidels.

It's so sacred to them that they don't miss a chance to destroy it for the rocks they throw on the Jews. And play their soccer 'championships' there on a regular basis.
Funny how you talk about all the shit things they do, but are too pussy to talk about the shit things you do?
The Israelis should have annexed the entire region in 1967. All questions would have been settled then.
Good Grief! I agree with you Billy! I'm not a fan of Bibi, but I understand his apprehension. He has no reason to believe Israel is safe from the unrelenting hatred of many neighbors. And he can't afford a bad call. I don't know how true it is, but I have heard that Arabs in Israel are 2nd class citizens when it comes to jobs and representation. But that's what most are in Arab countries too, so what's the difference if they are assimilated into Israel anyhoo?
Another Jihadi supporter blood libel.

Funny 'cause a couple of weeks ago it was the pA president Abbas tht called for Ribat- to fortify in the mosque to fight the infidels.

It's so sacred to them that they don't miss a chance to destroy it for the rocks they throw on the Jews. And play their soccer 'championships' there on a regular basis.
Funny how you talk about all the shit things they do, but are too pussy to talk about the shit things you do?

What did I do??
I'm not the one calling for annihilation of both Jews and Arabs in Israel, Gaza and Samaria like you do.
The Israelis should have annexed the entire region in 1967. All questions would have been settled then.
Good Grief! I agree with you Billy! I'm not a fan of Bibi, but I understand his apprehension. He has no reason to believe Israel is safe from the unrelenting hatred of many neighbors. And he can't afford a bad call. I don't know how true it is, but I have heard that Arabs in Israel are 2nd class citizens when it comes to jobs and representation. But that's what most are in Arab countries too, so what's the difference if they are assimilated into Israel anyhoo?

Arabs actually are favored
No, it's not. At all. Poland never attacked Germany.
Neither did the Palestinian's. In fact, the '67 war was started by Israel attacking Egypt.

And they are exactly the same. Both country's thought they could acquire land by force. This has been outlawed since the end of WWII.
I wish Obama was as strong as Bibi.


Just as with Drumpf, you mistake a big mouth for strength. Or, more likely, you just can't pass up an opportunity to lie about your own president and attack your own country.

Why doesn't Bibi use the nukes we bought for him?

Why do Repubs want to fight his war for him?
What did I do??
I'm not the one calling for annihilation of both Jews and Arabs in Israel, Gaza and Samaria like you do.
I told you, fuckhead, this isn't about me.

You're the one trying to justify the illegal and immoral occupation and blockade.

You're the one who thinks its okay to treat an entire population of people like garbage.

You're the one who thinks its okay to shoot at people fishing.

At least have the balls to man up and take responsibility for the shit things you do.
The Arabs tried conquering Israel three times and failed.

Victors write the history, and the final history will be written by Greater Israel.
What did I do??
I'm not the one calling for annihilation of both Jews and Arabs in Israel, Gaza and Samaria like you do.
I told you, fuckhead, this isn't about me.

You're the one trying to justify the illegal and immoral occupation and blockade.

You're the one who thinks its okay to treat an entire population of people like garbage.

You're the one who thinks its okay to shoot at people fishing.

At least have the balls to man up and take responsibility for the shit things you do.
What did I do??
I'm not the one calling for annihilation of both Jews and Arabs in Israel, Gaza and Samaria like you do.
I told you, fuckhead, this isn't about me.

You're the one trying to justify the illegal and immoral occupation and blockade.

You're the one who thinks its okay to treat an entire population of people like garbage.

You're the one who thinks its okay to shoot at people fishing.

At least have the balls to man up and take responsibility for the shit things you do.

It's not illegal

I don't think so, you do by supporting the continuation of the conflict

It's like saying Churchill didn't have a right to bomb the gestapo headquarters because one plane missed and hit a kindergarten.
I don't think so, no one in the world warns the enemies (in multiple ways) to get out before bombing them for covering military targets in their homes and densely populated areas like Israel does. War is war.
Israelis actually care much more about civilian casualties than their govt.- Hamas who steals their water, food, cement etc.. then to hide behind their own people and execute any opposition.

Again I've never in my life hurt any palestinian, but got targeted by their terrorist govt. and anti-semites around the globe.

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