Berlin police investigate Roger Waters nazi costume

What do we think about this ? Highlighting the murder of journalists by Israel is not anti semitic. But he is such a wierdo who knows what he was trying to say.
Much of America is turning to support of Nazism Tommy, even though most are still too shy to come completely out of their closets.

Can Britain follow suit or is that impossible on account of being too close to memories of WW2? I think that Americans don't really have the ability to relate to the dangers of Nazism in the way Britain and the British empire still does.
Much of America is turning to support of Nazism Tommy, even though most are still too shy to come completely out of their closets.

Can Britain follow suit or is that impossible on account of being too close to memories of WW2? I think that Americans don't really have the ability to relate to the dangers of Nazism in the way Britain and the British empire still does.
Nazism has a long history in the US. It has in Britaain as well but it was generally popular among our betters like the Royal family.
Its not a good look for any mainstream party to back fascism but they will dress up fascism in more family friendly ways.
A good eample is our supporr fo Ukranian refugees. There is no support for Sudanese victims. Of course the Ukrainians are white and sometimes blonde. The Sudanese are not.
Nazism has a long history in the US. It has in Britaain as well but it was generally popular among our betters like the Royal family.
Thanks for your answer. But the above is pre-WW2 history as far as I'm aware.
Its not a good look for any mainstream party to back fascism but they will dress up fascism in more family friendly ways.
I think that's the same as saying that they will accept fascism in principles, while denying that is what they support. Much the same way that America did before Trump, but is now coming out from people like the extreme on this forum.
A good eample is our supporr fo Ukranian refugees. There is no support for Sudanese victims. Of course the Ukrainians are white and sometimes blonde. The Sudanese are not.
That's talking about Britain's racism which I'm aware of, but not a turn to the extreme right. However, the rise of racism is directly associated with the extreme right of course.

America appears to be on the verge of complete moral breakdown. They can't build more prisons now. They've passed that phase. Is England's deportation remedy even possible in the 21st. century?

What do we think about this ? Highlighting the murder of journalists by Israel is not anti semitic. But he is such a wierdo who knows what he was trying to say.
The Wall in album and movie form have been around for fourty plus years. No excuse (or intentional retardation) to not understand the symbolism and point being made.

What do we think about this ? Highlighting the murder of journalists by Israel is not anti semitic. But he is such a wierdo who knows what he was trying to say.
A willingness to accept any allegation against Israel and to ignore or dismiss any alternative explanation is a clear sign of antisemitism.

Does that make you an antisemite?
... What do we think about this ? ...

I don't know what you think - but I as a German think this:

The glorification of NAZI-symbols is a crime in Germany on very good reasons. So when he breaks the laws of Germany it is the duty of the German investigation authorities to find out what is going on. If he broke the German laws only on reason to get cheap publicity then he should not only have to pay the ridiculous low financial penalty but also the high costs of such an investigation. And if he is really a Nazi then he should be happy that we will not execute him.
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Late on the propaganda, Tammy.
9 hours ago

By the way: Very nice picture from Mr. Charles Chaplin - one of the US-Americans I admired most before I understood that he had been a Brit who was thrown out of the USA because he never had been a Commie.

I don't know what you think - but I as a German think this:

The glorification of NAZI-symbols is a crime in Germany on very good reasons. So when he breaks the laws of Germany it is the duty of the German investigation authorities to find out what is going on. If he broke the German laws only on reason to get cheap publicity then he should not only have to pay the ridiculous low financial penalty but also the high costs of such an investigation. And if he is really a Nazi then he should be happy that we will not execute him.
Being in Pink Floyd is crime enough.String the fucker up.
A willingness to accept any allegation against Israel and to ignore or dismiss any alternative explanation is a clear sign of antisemitism.

Does that make you an antisemite?
No. That puts Israel beyond criticism. That is nonsense.
Being in Pink Floyd is crime enough.String the fucker up.

Is this the normal form of language in Great Britain? Then you should slowly start to live in fear to become Nazis on your own. Whatever. I am not able to translate this into anything what could make sense. But if it makes sense then this has eventually to do with the "freedom of arts" which is also a very high cultural heritage. Unfortunatelly also artists are not free to propagate a dangerous political nonsense. Remember: Hitler on his own had been an artist - not a good artist but an artist - and from such a point of view the so called "third empire" will be perhaps for the people in 500 years nothing else than a totally strange form of artificial structure. But today in our days now we have to protect the democracy in Germany. And who uses symbols of the mass-murdering Nazis in a glorifyíng way is in conflict with the German laws - what everyone knows. So they need now to explain why they are doing so - and the best way to defend themselves is it indeed to argue with the "freedom of arts".
No. That puts Israel beyond criticism. That is nonsense.

It is absolutelly not any problem in Germany to criticize Israel. But perhaos you should ask yourselve how anti-Semitic you are on your own if you see "critics on Israel" in a form of "Darth Vader Nazi soldiers" in Germany on the planks of a stage which means to be the world.
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Adolf Neusinger for example knew from the officers of the German army who tried to eliminate Adolf Hitler. He himselve had not been a part of this conspiracy because he had the opinion that he has to serve first of all Germany but he also did not betray any of his comrades who liked to kill Hitler. He did not doubt that they also tried to do the best for Germany.

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