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Bernie asked: DC Primary award to Hillary

At least 90% of the Sanders voters will support Clinton, and those that don't, won't vote period. Most of the Sanders voters hold Trump in contempt.
The Sanders' populists, almost 30% of his group, don't hold Trump in contempt. You are a fool to think otherwise.

HRC either makes Sanders happy or she loses.
At least 90% of the Sanders voters will support Clinton, and those that don't, won't vote period. Most of the Sanders voters hold Trump in contempt.

More far left propaganda with zero proof..

Poll: 1 in 4 Sanders supporters won't vote for Clinton

You fail again like you always do!
A far right fool like Kosh using politico. :lol:

See how the far left will defend Clinton at all costs?
You are the far right bot drone defending Trump at all costs.

I am voting for Johnson, you fool.
The last primary of cycle is over and so far with 62% of the vote in, Hillary's stomping Sanders into the dirt by 58% acquiring 32 of the 46 delegates so far! He wanted the process to play out; might have wished he stepped down a few weeks ago! He looked somewhat better before making a fool of himself in California!:

Hillary Clinton 78.9% 11 / 20
Bernie Sanders 20.9% 00

- dc primary election 2016 - Bing -

Sanders needs to man up and concede the election and endorse Hillary Clinton. If he doesn't he is going to alienate the entire Democrat party, including those that voted for him. Sanders really should have dropped out after getting clobbered in New York. He could have saved himself & his supporters a lot of anxiety and embarrassment. Washington D.C. just buried the old fart. Hillary Clinton now has a 4 million popular vote lead over Sanders. In comparison, Barack Obama won the 2008 primary with a mere 46,322 votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Why do you think that Senator Sanders made a fool of himself? He took on one of the most powerful politicians in the nation, and made her fight for the nomination.

Trump slew sixteen. This is more meaningful than you think.

No Trump is just the accidental nominee. There are millions of Republicans that will not be casting a vote for Donald Trump.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee
Michael Reagan explains why his father wouldn't have voted for Trump - CNNPolitics.com


When you realize that HRC needs Sanders' voters we can talk rationally.

It's not going to happen. This attitude has been presented for the last week over the internet. They come at it in different ways. One of the ways is fear---Vote or Else! The second is patronizing and then transfer of responsibility. The Democrats themselves will not be responsible for losing. It will because of Sanders or Sanders' supporters. The third is by presenting all of Sanders' supporters as young and pretending he had no other support. Then they want to "harness" Sanders' supporters for their own political exploitation. Fourth, they act like condescending pieces of shit.

They can lose the next several election cycles.

Don’t confuse Sanders supporters with Sanders voters – they are not the same.

‘From the perspective of Democratic Party unity, Trump's march to the nomination is great news: Sanders's supporters have made a lot of noise about going "Bernie or bust," but a poll out from CNN on Wednesday finds they prefer Clinton to Trump by an 86-to-10 margin.’

Bernie Sanders fans may not love Hillary Clinton. But they won't vote for Donald Trump.

Those who voted for Sanders during the primaries – the vast majority of whom are not ‘supporters’ – will have no problem voting for Clinton of their own volition, motivated by their warranted animosity toward Trump.
Sanders has every right to negotiate with HRC just as did Christie with Trump.

She needs Sanders' people and Trump can't win without Christie.

It is called politics.

Most of his so called support is from kids who don't vote; again an exaggeration of actual voting block! They hear free stuff and jump on board! It's like these guys can't be too bright because Congress can't pass "continuing resolutions" without a floor fight! How in the world are they going to get together to pay for "free college" and healthcare along with a top tax rate of 90% to pay for all this stuff? Haven't we seen Greece go under before our very eyes? :blahblah::ack-1:
Damn you guys are idiots. You love to point to Greece and Venezuela as examples of Socialism. Yet you ignore Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France, Japan, and many other well-to-do socialistic democracies. And you are going to have a problem in the future as we have a generation coming up that has a far better knowledge of the world than most of the older generation. They are going to create a nation here that will be also be a socialistic democracy.
They’re also idiots because they believe – incorrectly – that Sanders advocates for ‘socialism,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
Sanders has every right to negotiate with HRC just as did Christie with Trump.

She needs Sanders' people and Trump can't win without Christie.

It is called politics.

Most of his so called support is from kids who don't vote; again an exaggeration of actual voting block! They hear free stuff and jump on board! It's like these guys can't be too bright because Congress can't pass "continuing resolutions" without a floor fight! How in the world are they going to get together to pay for "free college" and healthcare along with a top tax rate of 90% to pay for all this stuff? Haven't we seen Greece go under before our very eyes? :blahblah::ack-1:
Damn you guys are idiots. You love to point to Greece and Venezuela as examples of Socialism. Yet you ignore Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France, Japan, and many other well-to-do socialistic democracies. And you are going to have a problem in the future as we have a generation coming up that has a far better knowledge of the world than most of the older generation. They are going to create a nation here that will be also be a socialistic democracy.
They’re also idiots because they believe – incorrectly – that Sanders advocates for ‘socialism,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Huh--Sanders was running as the Democrat/Socialist candidate. Bernie Sanders is soooo much more than your average run of the mill socialists. There has never been a politician that praised one of the most brutal murderous dictators to come out of the 20th century. Bernie Sanders did. In fact, if JFK were in the oval office when he did that, Sanders would have been brought up in front of a congressional hearing in a New York minute to get asked a ton of questions regarding his loyalty to this country and DEMOCRACY. Bernie Sanders is a communist, there is no doubt about it. Of course Fidel Castro could afford free health care and education for what was left of Cuba. He just slaughtered half of the country and seized their assets.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

Americans get a very foul taste in their mouths when they hear the word Socialist. This country is founded on a hard work, pay your own way ethic, it's in our genetics. The vote proves that. Hillary Clinton mopped the floor with Bernie Sanders with 4 million popular votes. In comparison, Barack Obama won the 2008 primary with a mere 41,622 votes.

As far as France--if you don't mind a 12-15% National unemployment rate, which France brags about, with Actors on the Government payroll that go on strike every now and then, young people rioting because they can't find a job, then MOVE to France. Nothing is stopping you from doing that. But good luck getting a job after you get there.

Young people, Millennials grow up very quick. Especially when they get a real job, 40 hours per week, pay taxes, and they see how much of their paycheck goes to taxes. This is a very special lesson in life. 10 years later, someone says to them, now we want you to pay for someone else's college education, and you will be very surprised to see how quickly they turn into capitalists. So no, your type of change is never coming this country.

If you EVER make it to college, the very 1st class you Sanders voters should sign up for is economics 101. They used to give it in high school, not certain if they still do?


"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."Winston Churchill
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Sanders has every right to negotiate with HRC just as did Christie with Trump.

She needs Sanders' people and Trump can't win without Christie.

It is called politics.

Most of his so called support is from kids who don't vote; again an exaggeration of actual voting block! They hear free stuff and jump on board! It's like these guys can't be too bright because Congress can't pass "continuing resolutions" without a floor fight! How in the world are they going to get together to pay for "free college" and healthcare along with a top tax rate of 90% to pay for all this stuff? Haven't we seen Greece go under before our very eyes? :blahblah::ack-1:

Damn you guys are idiots. You love to point to Greece and Venezuela as examples of Socialism. Yet you ignore Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France, Japan, and many other well-to-do socialistic democracies. And you are going to have a problem in the future as we have a generation coming up that has a far better knowledge of the world than most of the older generation. They are going to create a nation here that will be also be a socialistic democracy.

Well I'm not sweatin' it! We're already a Socialist country! What's SS, DFIC, SEC, Med, roads, bridges, & infrastructure? All gov't programs! If we're not the World Police, but some of that ridiculous Defense budge! The least we can do is take care of everyone's health and education! ;-/ :beer:

When you realize that HRC needs Sanders' voters we can talk rationally.

It's not going to happen. This attitude has been presented for the last week over the internet. They come at it in different ways. One of the ways is fear---Vote or Else! The second is patronizing and then transfer of responsibility. The Democrats themselves will not be responsible for losing. It will because of Sanders or Sanders' supporters. The third is by presenting all of Sanders' supporters as young and pretending he had no other support. Then they want to "harness" Sanders' supporters for their own political exploitation. Fourth, they act like condescending pieces of shit.

They can lose the next several election cycles.

Don’t confuse Sanders supporters with Sanders voters – they are not the same.

‘From the perspective of Democratic Party unity, Trump's march to the nomination is great news: Sanders's supporters have made a lot of noise about going "Bernie or bust," but a poll out from CNN on Wednesday finds they prefer Clinton to Trump by an 86-to-10 margin.’

Bernie Sanders fans may not love Hillary Clinton. But they won't vote for Donald Trump.

Those who voted for Sanders during the primaries – the vast majority of whom are not ‘supporters’ – will have no problem voting for Clinton of their own volition, motivated by their warranted animosity toward Trump.

We aren't interested in unity. We are not obligated to vote for Democrats. The vast majority will not be voting for Clinton. In fact, due to the failure of Democrats to get their shit together then don't be surprised if they lose for the next go rounds.
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Huh--Sanders was running as the Democrat/Socialist candidate. Bernie Sanders is soooo much more than your average run of the mill socialists. There has never been a politician that praised one of the most brutal murderous dictators to come out of the 20th century. Bernie Sanders did. In fact, if JFK were in the oval office when he did that, Sanders would have been brought up in front of a congressional hearing in a New York minute to get asked a ton of questions regarding his loyalty to this country and DEMOCRACY. Bernie Sanders is a communist, there is no doubt about it. Of course Fidel Castro could afford free health care and education for what was left of Cuba. He just slaughtered half of the country and seized their assets.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

Indicating you had absolutely no problem whatsoever with the brutal dictator Fulgencio Batista--because he was at least US backed. Therefore, it has nothing to do with Castro being a dictator. You love, love, love dictators as long as someone from the US is able to exploit the hell out of them. In that case it was the mob. Batista the Butcher.
Sanders swore he would never tell his supporters who to vote for if he wasn't in the race.
At least 25%of Sander's supporters say they will never vote for Hillary no matter what. That there hands the election to Trump.
Sander's is staying in the race until after the FBI releases the results of the 'Criminal Investigation' against Hillary.
If, as the Hillary ass likers claim, Hillary can bet Trump by double digits then what Sander's does or doesn't do should have no impact on the election right?
I predict the FBI will recommend a number of felony charges be brought against Hillary personally.
This will end her political life.
Debbie already has Biden and Pocahontas warming up in the bullpen.
Once Debbie snatches the nomination away from Sander's, in essence for the second time, Sander's supporters will go fucking 'postal!'! 80% will either write Sander's name on the ballot, stay home or vote for Trump out of spite.
The DEMs seriously fucked themselves this time.
The last primary of cycle is over and so far with 62% of the vote in, Hillary's stomping Sanders into the dirt by 58% acquiring 32 of the 46 delegates so far! He wanted the process to play out; might have wished he stepped down a few weeks ago! He looked somewhat better before making a fool of himself in California!:

Hillary Clinton 78.9% 11 / 20
Bernie Sanders 20.9% 00

- dc primary election 2016 - Bing -
Sanders has every right to negotiate with HRC just as did Christie with Trump.

She needs Sanders' people and Trump can't win without Christie.

It is called politics.

Most of his so called support is from kids who don't vote; again an exaggeration of actual voting block! They hear free stuff and jump on board! It's like these guys can't be too bright because Congress can't pass "continuing resolutions" without a floor fight! How in the world are they going to get together to pay for "free college" and healthcare along with a top tax rate of 90% to pay for all this stuff? Haven't we seen Greece go under before our very eyes? :blahblah::ack-1:

Damn you guys are idiots. You love to point to Greece and Venezuela as examples of Socialism. Yet you ignore Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France, Japan, and many other well-to-do socialistic democracies. And you are going to have a problem in the future as we have a generation coming up that has a far better knowledge of the world than most of the older generation. They are going to create a nation here that will be also be a socialistic democracy.

Well I'm not sweatin' it! We're already a Socialist country! What's SS, DFIC, SEC, Med, roads, bridges, & infrastructure? All gov't programs! If we're not the World Police, but some of that ridiculous Defense budge! The least we can do is take care of everyone's health and education! ;-/ :beer:

We already take care of people's health. We already pay for K through 12 education. Roads and Bridges are for the benefit of EVERYONE. And if we don't have a military--then we're up shit creek. The military protects all of US.

Social Security/Medicare is taken out of people paychecks, (they pay for it) and their employers paid half of it all their lives. (15.3%) out of everyone's gross paycheck including employer contribution, for social security/medicare. It's not a hand out from someone else.

You are demanding that someone else pay for YOUR college education. This only benefits YOU..
It doesn't benefit me, it doesn't benefit your next door neighbor. And that is the difference.


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Sanders swore he would never tell his supporters who to vote for if he wasn't in the race.
At least 25%of Sander's supporters say they will never vote for Hillary no matter what. That there hands the election to Trump.
Sander's is staying in the race until after the FBI releases the results of the 'Criminal Investigation' against Hillary.
If, as the Hillary ass likers claim, Hillary can bet Trump by double digits then what Sander's does or doesn't do should have no impact on the election right?
I predict the FBI will recommend a number of felony charges be brought against Hillary personally.
This will end her political life.
Debbie already has Biden and Pocahontas warming up in the bullpen.
Once Debbie snatches the nomination away from Sander's, in essence for the second time, Sander's supporters will go fucking 'postal!'! 80% will either write Sander's name on the ballot, stay home or vote for Trump out of spite.
The DEMs seriously fucked themselves this time.

Trump is going to need all the help he can get, so if some Sander's dumbass's want to vote for him--don't freak out about it. Vote for Mr. Wall Street himself. They're not going to get any free college education out of him--LOL He's not going to break up the big wall street bankers, something Bernie nor the Federal Government have the authority to do anyway.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things | VICE News

Half of the Republican party isn't going to vote for Trump, and they "trump" the numbers of Sanders supporters by far.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
Michael Reagan explains why his father wouldn't have voted for Trump - CNNPolitics.com
Republicans for Hillary? - CNNPolitics.com

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Wall Street is Main Street's MONEY. You're not going to separate one from the other. 401'k, American savings accounts, retirement accounts, rainy day funds. If Americans want to invest into risky hedge funds, that's their business NOT YOURS. If they want to go to a Trump casino and put in their last quarter, and throw money down the toilet, hoping for the big one, that's their MONEY, not YOURS.

We have the SEC for a reason. For Fraud. The Dodd/Frank bill was introduced and passed into law after the last crash. There will be more who try to get rich quick through fraud. But it doesn't mean that you're going to get other peoples money because of it.

The top 1% cannot pay for the other 99%. The top 1% pay for 50% of the entire Federal tax base. The top 8% pay for 85% of the Federal Tax base, and the bottom 84% only pay 15% of the Federal tax base.
Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

When you tax the wealthy too much, and when they feel like they're getting cheated, they just move and take their money with them.
Are the wealthy really leaving NJ? Study says yes


CORPORATIONS can also be spelled J.O.B.S in this country. Sanders proposals would have insured that more Corporations move jobs out of this country. The government cannot make or force Corporations to stay in this country, and hire in this country. They can only encourage them to stay in this country with lower corporate tax rates and incentives.

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When you realize that HRC needs Sanders' voters we can talk rationally.

It's not going to happen. This attitude has been presented for the last week over the internet. They come at it in different ways. One of the ways is fear---Vote or Else! The second is patronizing and then transfer of responsibility. The Democrats themselves will not be responsible for losing. It will because of Sanders or Sanders' supporters. The third is by presenting all of Sanders' supporters as young and pretending he had no other support. Then they want to "harness" Sanders' supporters for their own political exploitation. Fourth, they act like condescending pieces of shit.

They can lose the next several election cycles.

Don’t confuse Sanders supporters with Sanders voters – they are not the same.

‘From the perspective of Democratic Party unity, Trump's march to the nomination is great news: Sanders's supporters have made a lot of noise about going "Bernie or bust," but a poll out from CNN on Wednesday finds they prefer Clinton to Trump by an 86-to-10 margin.’

Bernie Sanders fans may not love Hillary Clinton. But they won't vote for Donald Trump.

Those who voted for Sanders during the primaries – the vast majority of whom are not ‘supporters’ – will have no problem voting for Clinton of their own volition, motivated by their warranted animosity toward Trump.
Not the Sanders' populists, who will go to Trump if Clinton does deal benevolently with the Bern.
You're not going to separate one from the other. 401'k, American savings accounts, retirement accounts, rainy day funds. If Americans want to invest into risky hedge funds, that's their business NOT YOURS. If they want to go to a Trump casino and put in their last quarter, and throw money down the toilet, hoping for the big one, that's their MONEY, not YOURS.

What the fuck are you going on about?

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