Bernie Bust: Only 150 Turn Out For Bernie Sanders Ohio Rally For Hillary


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
On the RIGHT is the 150 crowd at Akron, Ohio today.


BERNIE BUST: Only 150 turn out at Sanders Ohio stop for Hillary - The American Mirror
Now it is only those who are interested in seeing the keeper of the crypt. Just another lying democrat.

I think Bernie kind of burnt his bridge with a lot of Democrats who aren't real interested in hearing from him again. His reluctance to drop out of a race that he had already lost, and his continual attacks on Clinton (after he had clearly lost) put a foul taste in Democrats mouths.

Finally after getting BOOED by house Democrats when he made this statement was the final straw for most Democrats.

All states had voted and all votes had been counted, and Hillary Clinton kicked Sanders butt by 3,775, 437 popular votes. In comparison Obama defeated Hillary by a measly 41.622 votes in 2008.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

So thereafter, after all states had finished and all votes had been counted, House Democrats met with Sanders and were asking him how he was going to help Hillary Clinton defeat Trump and he stated this.

“The goal isn’t to win elections, the goal is to transform America,” Sanders said at one point, according to multiple lawmakers and aides in the room. Some Democrats booed Sanders for that line, which plays better on the campaign trail than in front of a roomful of elected officials.
Sanders booed by House Democrats

I don't think Sanders would have taken this race as far as he did if Hillary's name was Henry Clinton. His sour puss face at the DNC convention was really disgusting, which also probably changed a lot of minds within the Democrat population, and especially those who voted for him, as to whom Bernie Sanders really was. A very sore looser.
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Bernie's former supporters found out about the $600, 000 cash down payment on his new VT lakeside retirement villa, making him effectively the 1% that the Socialist DOG was always complaining about!!! ....Hillary.....guess bringing him back into the game after your 9-11 collapse won't get them back on board after all....? Does the Bern EVER forget you and the Wasserman test STOLE the nomination from him?


We remember: we remember all the politically convenient deaths, all the preposterous lies, Benghazi, deleted emails, fixing the FBI, Whitewater, Mena Ark, Rose Law Firm, Planned UnParenthood, the recent dead DNC staffer,....

We will all remember a lot about you for a long time.
Feel the scorch...
Bernie fans must be really pissed off.
No one to to feed their insatiable desire to get something for nothing off the backs of the producers.
All those dopey people who borrowed hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay for college educations that yielded them degrees in areas that make hiring managers chuckle.
Bernie's former supporters found out about the $600, 000 cash down payment on his new VT lakeside retirement villa, making him effectively the 1% that the Socialist DOG was always complaining about!!! ....Hillary.....guess bringing him back into the game after your 9-11 collapse won't get them back on board after all....? Does the Bern EVER forget you and the Wasserman test STOLE the nomination from him?


We remember: we remember all the politically convenient deaths, all the preposterous lies, Benghazi, deleted emails, fixing the FBI, Whitewater, Mena Ark, Rose Law Firm, Planned UnParenthood, the recent dead DNC staffer,....

We will all remember a lot about you for a long time.

It was Sanders decision to change his party status to Democrat to run on THEIR ticket. At that time he agreed to all DNC rules and regulations, national and state, and he also agreed to those 714 Democrat Super Delegates and knew their roll in this election.

What did he do coming out of the gate?: Campaign on a "rigged election"--LOL which was BOUND to piss off Waserman and every other top DNC officials.

Like I said, I doubt Democrats in the House or Senate will welcome Sanders with open arms anymore.

Let alone Hillary Clinton supporters showing up to listen to the old fart is kind of remote.

Bernie's former supporters found out about the $600, 000 cash down payment on his new VT lakeside retirement villa, making him effectively the 1% that the Socialist DOG was always complaining about!!! ....Hillary.....guess bringing him back into the game after your 9-11 collapse won't get them back on board after all....? Does the Bern EVER forget you and the Wasserman test STOLE the nomination from him?


We remember: we remember all the politically convenient deaths, all the preposterous lies, Benghazi, deleted emails, fixing the FBI, Whitewater, Mena Ark, Rose Law Firm, Planned UnParenthood, the recent dead DNC staffer,....

We will all remember a lot about you for a long time.

It was Sanders decision to change his party status to Democrat to run on THEIR ticket. At that time he agreed to all DNC rules and regulations, national and state, and he also agreed to those 714 Democrat Super Delegates and knew their roll in this election.

What did he do coming out of the gate?: Campaign on a "rigged election"--LOL which was BOUND to piss off Waserman and every other top DNC officials.

Like I said, I doubt Democrats in the House or Senate will welcome Sanders with open arms anymore.

Let alone Hillary Clinton supporters showing up to listen to the old fart is kind of remote.


Bernie Sanders and the far left of the Democratic Party got fucked by Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC! That was never supposed to be a contest. The only reason it became one is because Hillary Clinton is such a Gawd Awful Candidate!
Bernie's former supporters found out about the $600, 000 cash down payment on his new VT lakeside retirement villa, making him effectively the 1% that the Socialist DOG was always complaining about!!! ....Hillary.....guess bringing him back into the game after your 9-11 collapse won't get them back on board after all....? Does the Bern EVER forget you and the Wasserman test STOLE the nomination from him?


We remember: we remember all the politically convenient deaths, all the preposterous lies, Benghazi, deleted emails, fixing the FBI, Whitewater, Mena Ark, Rose Law Firm, Planned UnParenthood, the recent dead DNC staffer,....

We will all remember a lot about you for a long time.

It was Sanders decision to change his party status to Democrat to run on THEIR ticket. At that time he agreed to all DNC rules and regulations, national and state, and he also agreed to those 714 Democrat Super Delegates and knew their roll in this election.

What did he do coming out of the gate?: Campaign on a "rigged election"--LOL which was BOUND to piss off Waserman and every other top DNC officials.

Like I said, I doubt Democrats in the House or Senate will welcome Sanders with open arms anymore.

Let alone Hillary Clinton supporters showing up to listen to the old fart is kind of remote.


I didn't hear YOU complain that he wasn't a fucking DemocRAT! And it just goes to show how CORRUPT your party is with these INSIDER SUPER DELEGATES...they simply went through a BIG ACT to highlight the C*NT and had no intention of letting the people truly vote....RIGGED ALL THE WAY

Bernie's former supporters found out about the $600, 000 cash down payment on his new VT lakeside retirement villa, making him effectively the 1% that the Socialist DOG was always complaining about!!! ....Hillary.....guess bringing him back into the game after your 9-11 collapse won't get them back on board after all....? Does the Bern EVER forget you and the Wasserman test STOLE the nomination from him?


We remember: we remember all the politically convenient deaths, all the preposterous lies, Benghazi, deleted emails, fixing the FBI, Whitewater, Mena Ark, Rose Law Firm, Planned UnParenthood, the recent dead DNC staffer,....

We will all remember a lot about you for a long time.

It was Sanders decision to change his party status to Democrat to run on THEIR ticket. At that time he agreed to all DNC rules and regulations, national and state, and he also agreed to those 714 Democrat Super Delegates and knew their roll in this election.

What did he do coming out of the gate?: Campaign on a "rigged election"--LOL which was BOUND to piss off Waserman and every other top DNC officials.

Like I said, I doubt Democrats in the House or Senate will welcome Sanders with open arms anymore.

Let alone Hillary Clinton supporters showing up to listen to the old fart is kind of remote.


Bernie Sanders and the far left of the Democratic Party got fucked by Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC! That was never supposed to be a contest. The only reason it became one is because Hillary Clinton is such a Gawd Awful Candidate!

Debbie Wassermann didn't screw Bernie out of any votes. She was pissed because he was campaigning on a rigged election, even though he signed off and agreed to all the rules of the DNC nomination process, including those 714 Super Delegates.

The 714 Democrat Super Delegates are there because of the election of 1984. After this election is when they were instituted into the nomination process by the Democrat party.


Democrats installed 714 Democrat Super Delegates to prevent the stupid Democrats from going bat shit crazy over a candidate that couldn't possibly win the White House. Bernie Sanders being one of them.

And I am certain after this Trump disaster Republicans will be wanting to add in some Super Delegates of their own to make sure it never happens again.


There's just way too many stupid people out there, that can make very bad decisions that affect us all.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains
Bernie's former supporters found out about the $600, 000 cash down payment on his new VT lakeside retirement villa, making him effectively the 1% that the Socialist DOG was always complaining about!!! ....Hillary.....guess bringing him back into the game after your 9-11 collapse won't get them back on board after all....? Does the Bern EVER forget you and the Wasserman test STOLE the nomination from him?


We remember: we remember all the politically convenient deaths, all the preposterous lies, Benghazi, deleted emails, fixing the FBI, Whitewater, Mena Ark, Rose Law Firm, Planned UnParenthood, the recent dead DNC staffer,....

We will all remember a lot about you for a long time.

It was Sanders decision to change his party status to Democrat to run on THEIR ticket. At that time he agreed to all DNC rules and regulations, national and state, and he also agreed to those 714 Democrat Super Delegates and knew their roll in this election.

What did he do coming out of the gate?: Campaign on a "rigged election"--LOL which was BOUND to piss off Waserman and every other top DNC officials.

Like I said, I doubt Democrats in the House or Senate will welcome Sanders with open arms anymore.

Let alone Hillary Clinton supporters showing up to listen to the old fart is kind of remote.


Bernie Sanders and the far left of the Democratic Party got fucked by Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC! That was never supposed to be a contest. The only reason it became one is because Hillary Clinton is such a Gawd Awful Candidate!

Debbie Wassermann didn't screw Bernie out of any votes. She was pissed because he was campaigning on a rigged election, even though he signed off and agreed to all the rules of the DNC nomination process, including those 714 Super Delegates.

The 714 Democrat Super Delegates are there because of the election of 1984. After this election is when they were instituted into the nomination process by the Democrat party.


Democrats installed 714 Democrat Super Delegates to prevent the stupid Democrats from going bat shit crazy over a candidate that couldn't possibly win the White House.

And I am certain after this Trump disaster Republicans will be wanting to add in some Super Delegates of their own to make sure it never happens again.


There's just way too many stupid people out there, that can make very bad decisions that affect us all.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Thank you for admitting it RIGGED since fuckers don't care about what the voters truly wanted!

You mean President TRUMP...get used to it little piss ant!

States of the Nation [Ipsos/Reuters Turnout Prediction; Map of Electoral Votes] ^ | 9/17/16 | reuters
SCENARIO THE REUTERS/IPSOS ESTIMATE OF TURNOUT In this scenario: Currently, Reuters/Ipsos estimates overall turnout at around 60%, although that rate varies among different demographic groups. Minority turnout, for example, is expected to be about 43%, while about 59% of African-American women and 69% of White men are projected to cast ballots.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Bernie supporters had his back until he turned his back on them. Many Millennials felt that he abandoned them and the movement that they'd created. Now the Clinton campaign is begging Bernie and the Obamas to help energize the youth vote. It ain't gonna happen...Obama got 60% of their vote, and she's only capturing 30%, and that would have happened whether or not Bernie had never been in the race. She's not charismatic like her husband or Obama, so there was never going to be that much enthusiasm for her.
Bernie's former supporters found out about the $600, 000 cash down payment on his new VT lakeside retirement villa, making him effectively the 1% that the Socialist DOG was always complaining about!!! ....Hillary.....guess bringing him back into the game after your 9-11 collapse won't get them back on board after all....? Does the Bern EVER forget you and the Wasserman test STOLE the nomination from him?


We remember: we remember all the politically convenient deaths, all the preposterous lies, Benghazi, deleted emails, fixing the FBI, Whitewater, Mena Ark, Rose Law Firm, Planned UnParenthood, the recent dead DNC staffer,....

We will all remember a lot about you for a long time.

It was Sanders decision to change his party status to Democrat to run on THEIR ticket. At that time he agreed to all DNC rules and regulations, national and state, and he also agreed to those 714 Democrat Super Delegates and knew their roll in this election.

What did he do coming out of the gate?: Campaign on a "rigged election"--LOL which was BOUND to piss off Waserman and every other top DNC officials.

Like I said, I doubt Democrats in the House or Senate will welcome Sanders with open arms anymore.

Let alone Hillary Clinton supporters showing up to listen to the old fart is kind of remote.


Bernie Sanders and the far left of the Democratic Party got fucked by Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC! That was never supposed to be a contest. The only reason it became one is because Hillary Clinton is such a Gawd Awful Candidate!

Debbie Wassermann didn't screw Bernie out of any votes. She was pissed because he was campaigning on a rigged election, even though he signed off and agreed to all the rules of the DNC nomination process, including those 714 Super Delegates.

The 714 Democrat Super Delegates are there because of the election of 1984. After this election is when they were instituted into the nomination process by the Democrat party.


Democrats installed 714 Democrat Super Delegates to prevent the stupid Democrats from going bat shit crazy over a candidate that couldn't possibly win the White House.

And I am certain after this Trump disaster Republicans will be wanting to add in some Super Delegates of their own to make sure it never happens again.


There's just way too many stupid people out there, that can make very bad decisions that affect us all.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Thank you for admitting it RIGGED since fuckers don't care about what the voters truly wanted!

You mean President TRUMP...get used to it little piss ant!

States of the Nation [Ipsos/Reuters Turnout Prediction; Map of Electoral Votes] ^ | 9/17/16 | reuters
SCENARIO THE REUTERS/IPSOS ESTIMATE OF TURNOUT In this scenario: Currently, Reuters/Ipsos estimates overall turnout at around 60%, although that rate varies among different demographic groups. Minority turnout, for example, is expected to be about 43%, while about 59% of African-American women and 69% of White men are projected to cast ballots.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Look after the chimpanzee you nominated gets his ass kicked by Hillary Clinton, most Republicans are going to be in favor of adding in Super Delegates of their own. These Super Delegates will be legislators, intelligent, knowing which candidate can win the White House and which one can't. Which policies form the standard Republican platform and which candidate doesn't represent that. The GOAL is to win the White House, not to just put up any Dumbass to see how bad he can lose. This isn't a fucking game.

You wanted Trump, now you OWN it and what comes with it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

Bernie's former supporters found out about the $600, 000 cash down payment on his new VT lakeside retirement villa, making him effectively the 1% that the Socialist DOG was always complaining about!!! ....Hillary.....guess bringing him back into the game after your 9-11 collapse won't get them back on board after all....? Does the Bern EVER forget you and the Wasserman test STOLE the nomination from him?


We remember: we remember all the politically convenient deaths, all the preposterous lies, Benghazi, deleted emails, fixing the FBI, Whitewater, Mena Ark, Rose Law Firm, Planned UnParenthood, the recent dead DNC staffer,....

We will all remember a lot about you for a long time.

It was Sanders decision to change his party status to Democrat to run on THEIR ticket. At that time he agreed to all DNC rules and regulations, national and state, and he also agreed to those 714 Democrat Super Delegates and knew their roll in this election.

What did he do coming out of the gate?: Campaign on a "rigged election"--LOL which was BOUND to piss off Waserman and every other top DNC officials.

Like I said, I doubt Democrats in the House or Senate will welcome Sanders with open arms anymore.

Let alone Hillary Clinton supporters showing up to listen to the old fart is kind of remote.


Bernie Sanders and the far left of the Democratic Party got fucked by Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC! That was never supposed to be a contest. The only reason it became one is because Hillary Clinton is such a Gawd Awful Candidate!

Debbie Wassermann didn't screw Bernie out of any votes. She was pissed because he was campaigning on a rigged election, even though he signed off and agreed to all the rules of the DNC nomination process, including those 714 Super Delegates.

The 714 Democrat Super Delegates are there because of the election of 1984. After this election is when they were instituted into the nomination process by the Democrat party.


Democrats installed 714 Democrat Super Delegates to prevent the stupid Democrats from going bat shit crazy over a candidate that couldn't possibly win the White House.

And I am certain after this Trump disaster Republicans will be wanting to add in some Super Delegates of their own to make sure it never happens again.


There's just way too many stupid people out there, that can make very bad decisions that affect us all.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Thank you for admitting it RIGGED since fuckers don't care about what the voters truly wanted!

You mean President TRUMP...get used to it little piss ant!

States of the Nation [Ipsos/Reuters Turnout Prediction; Map of Electoral Votes] ^ | 9/17/16 | reuters
SCENARIO THE REUTERS/IPSOS ESTIMATE OF TURNOUT In this scenario: Currently, Reuters/Ipsos estimates overall turnout at around 60%, although that rate varies among different demographic groups. Minority turnout, for example, is expected to be about 43%, while about 59% of African-American women and 69% of White men are projected to cast ballots.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Look after the chimpanzee you nominated gets his ass kicked by Hillary Clinton, most Republicans are going to be in favor of adding in Super Delegates of their own. These Super Delegates will be legislators, intelligent, knowing which candidate can win the White House and which one can't. Which policies form the standard Republican platform and which candidate doesn't represent that. The GOAL is to win the White House, not to just put up any Dumbass to see how bad he can lose. This isn't a fucking game.

You wanted Trump, now you OWN it and what comes with it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

What...a almost 60 year old MAP..... Why not go back to Lincoln, you ass clown? our party is CORRUPT, keeps the same assholes in it that have fucked this country since WW II!!!!! THIS is why the Republicans have revolted, there is basically NO DIFFERENCE between ESTABLISHMENT Dimwits and Repubicks!

You know what you have on your team?.....

Bernie's former supporters found out about the $600, 000 cash down payment on his new VT lakeside retirement villa, making him effectively the 1% that the Socialist DOG was always complaining about!!! ....Hillary.....guess bringing him back into the game after your 9-11 collapse won't get them back on board after all....? Does the Bern EVER forget you and the Wasserman test STOLE the nomination from him?


We remember: we remember all the politically convenient deaths, all the preposterous lies, Benghazi, deleted emails, fixing the FBI, Whitewater, Mena Ark, Rose Law Firm, Planned UnParenthood, the recent dead DNC staffer,....

We will all remember a lot about you for a long time.

It was Sanders decision to change his party status to Democrat to run on THEIR ticket. At that time he agreed to all DNC rules and regulations, national and state, and he also agreed to those 714 Democrat Super Delegates and knew their roll in this election.

What did he do coming out of the gate?: Campaign on a "rigged election"--LOL which was BOUND to piss off Waserman and every other top DNC officials.

Like I said, I doubt Democrats in the House or Senate will welcome Sanders with open arms anymore.

Let alone Hillary Clinton supporters showing up to listen to the old fart is kind of remote.


Bernie Sanders and the far left of the Democratic Party got fucked by Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC! That was never supposed to be a contest. The only reason it became one is because Hillary Clinton is such a Gawd Awful Candidate!

Debbie Wassermann didn't screw Bernie out of any votes. She was pissed because he was campaigning on a rigged election, even though he signed off and agreed to all the rules of the DNC nomination process, including those 714 Super Delegates.

The 714 Democrat Super Delegates are there because of the election of 1984. After this election is when they were instituted into the nomination process by the Democrat party.


Democrats installed 714 Democrat Super Delegates to prevent the stupid Democrats from going bat shit crazy over a candidate that couldn't possibly win the White House.

And I am certain after this Trump disaster Republicans will be wanting to add in some Super Delegates of their own to make sure it never happens again.


There's just way too many stupid people out there, that can make very bad decisions that affect us all.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Thank you for admitting it RIGGED since fuckers don't care about what the voters truly wanted!

You mean President TRUMP...get used to it little piss ant!

States of the Nation [Ipsos/Reuters Turnout Prediction; Map of Electoral Votes] ^ | 9/17/16 | reuters
SCENARIO THE REUTERS/IPSOS ESTIMATE OF TURNOUT In this scenario: Currently, Reuters/Ipsos estimates overall turnout at around 60%, although that rate varies among different demographic groups. Minority turnout, for example, is expected to be about 43%, while about 59% of African-American women and 69% of White men are projected to cast ballots.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Look after the chimpanzee you nominated gets his ass kicked by Hillary Clinton, most Republicans are going to be in favor of adding in Super Delegates of their own. These Super Delegates will be legislators, intelligent, knowing which candidate can win the White House and which one can't. Which policies form the standard Republican platform and which candidate doesn't represent that. The GOAL is to win the White House, not to just put up any Dumbass to see how bad he can lose. This isn't a fucking game.

You wanted Trump, now you OWN it and what comes with it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator


So...are you now claiming that the Sander's supporters were not intelligent? Why didn't THEY count?

I think Bernie kind of burnt his bridge with a lot of Democrats who aren't real interested in hearing from him again. His reluctance to drop out of a race that he had already lost, and his continual attacks on Clinton (after he had clearly lost) put a foul taste in Democrats mouths.

Finally after getting BOOED by house Democrats when he made this statement was the final straw for most Democrats.

All states had voted and all votes had been counted, and Hillary Clinton kicked Sanders butt by 3,775, 437 popular votes. In comparison Obama defeated Hillary by a measly 41.622 votes in 2008.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

So thereafter, after all states had finished and all votes had been counted, House Democrats met with Sanders and were asking him how he was going to help Hillary Clinton defeat Trump and he stated this.

“The goal isn’t to win elections, the goal is to transform America,” Sanders said at one point, according to multiple lawmakers and aides in the room. Some Democrats booed Sanders for that line, which plays better on the campaign trail than in front of a roomful of elected officials.
Sanders booed by House Democrats

I don't think Sanders would have taken this race as far as he did if Hillary's name was Henry Clinton. His sour puss face at the DNC convention was really disgusting, which also probably changed a lot of minds within the Democrat population, and especially those who voted for him, as to whom Bernie Sanders really was. A very sore looser.

Sanders is the atypical democrat. Everyone knew that the fix was in for Hillary. It was so obvious even Sanders had to realize it. So why does he stay in a race with no hope? Money. Those democrats who thought he had a chance, which is what he told them, gave him money. And he was a good foil for Hillary to bounce her BS agenda. She too knew there was no fear of losing to Sanders.

Not a real surprise that this happened right after he drops out. I am thinking that he was paid off, big time.

Bernie Sanders buys a $575,000 vacation home and the Internet cries hypocrisy
If he had endorsed Trump he would be attracting large groups.

Too bad Hillary promised him some 2nd rate job, which won't ever materialize. His loss...

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