Bernie Bust: Only 150 Turn Out For Bernie Sanders Ohio Rally For Hillary

On the RIGHT is the 150 crowd at Akron, Ohio today.


BERNIE BUST: Only 150 turn out at Sanders Ohio stop for Hillary - The American Mirror

I think Bernie kind of burnt his bridge with a lot of Democrats who aren't real interested in hearing from him again. His reluctance to drop out of a race that he had already lost, and his continual attacks on Clinton (after he had clearly lost) put a foul taste in Democrats mouths.

Finally after getting BOOED by house Democrats when he made this statement was the final straw for most Democrats.

All states had voted and all votes had been counted, and Hillary Clinton kicked Sanders butt by 3,775, 437 popular votes. In comparison Obama defeated Hillary by a measly 41.622 votes in 2008.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

So thereafter, after all states had finished and all votes had been counted, House Democrats met with Sanders and were asking him how he was going to help Hillary Clinton defeat Trump and he stated this.

“The goal isn’t to win elections, the goal is to transform America,” Sanders said at one point, according to multiple lawmakers and aides in the room. Some Democrats booed Sanders for that line, which plays better on the campaign trail than in front of a roomful of elected officials.
Sanders booed by House Democrats

I don't think Sanders would have taken this race as far as he did if Hillary's name was Henry Clinton. His sour puss face at the DNC convention was really disgusting, which also probably changed a lot of minds within the Democrat population, and especially those who voted for him, as to whom Bernie Sanders really was. A very sore looser.

Sanders is the atypical democrat. Everyone knew that the fix was in for Hillary. It was so obvious even Sanders had to realize it. So why does he stay in a race with no hope? Money. Those democrats who thought he had a chance, which is what he told them, gave him money. And he was a good foil for Hillary to bounce her BS agenda. She too knew there was no fear of losing to Sanders.

Not a real surprise that this happened right after he drops out. I am thinking that he was paid off, big time.

Bernie Sanders buys a $575,000 vacation home and the Internet cries hypocrisy

Nope--the last thing the DNC would do is put up a candidate that campaigned on their system being rigged, and that's exactly what Sanders did.

Sure the overwhelming majority wanted Hillary Clinton, but at first the overwhelming majority wanted Clinton in 2008, but they kicked her to the curb during the nomination process for Barack Obama. So yes it can be done with the right candidate. In 2008 Super Delegates were jumping ship and moving over to Barack Obama. It is evidenced then because Obama defeated Hillary Clinton with a measly 41,622 popular votes. And yet NO ONE said voter fraud, no one called the nomination RIGGED, etc. etc. etc.

As far as Sanders now using donation money for cars and other purchases, I don't believe they're supposed to do that. That money was for campaigning only--and he should have donated that back to other candidates that were running for office.
If he had endorsed Trump he would be attracting large groups.

Too bad Hillary promised him some 2nd rate job, which won't ever materialize. His loss...

No I doubt it--Trump & Sanders really only have a couple of things in common. They're both bat shit crazy, and they both exploit their supporters ignorance, and Trump only attracts one certain group.

A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Wow they know so much about Trump supporters but Hillary goes rigid and they know nothing about that. Interesting double standard.

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