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Bernie: Communist, Socialist, Liberal, or Progressive?

More propaganda from our resident Trotskyite

Sanders doesn't endorse communism nor even traditional socialism.

He is advocating for the kind of "managed capitalism" we had during the postwar years - before Reagan and Clinton dismantled welfare and handed regulatory control to big business. His tax rate doesn't come close to Eisenhower or Nixon's.

He is also looking to unwind the subsidy, bailout & monopoly system that has evolved under steroidal lobbying pressure and the dark money that flows into our elections. This will free up revenue to expand access to education and health care.

The OP needs to stop cutting-and-pasting oversimplified garbage. Why not learn the difference between someone who wants to end private property and someone who merely wants to bust up monopolies and direct subsidies to more than just large corporations.

When Reagan took office, he ended the subsidies and policies that helped middle class consumers. He also liberalized trade so the donor class could shift production to more profitable labor markets in freedom hating tyrannies. Indeed, he doubled down on handouts to the wealthy, and helped create a culture of no-bid contracts where Big Pharma now spends more money lobbying Republican politicians than on R&D.

Sanders wants to roll-back our post-Reagan version of capitalism where a narrow portion of wealthy elites receive all the gains, and the middle class is handed credit cards to make up for the prosperity that never trickled down.

His policies are FAR closer to Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy &Nixon than Karl Marx.

(Stop Lying)

"More propaganda from our resident Trotskyite."

Can you be so stupid that you don't recognize that this first sentence obviates any suggestion of credibility for your post????

Even a dolt like you must recognize that I'm using Communist, Socialist, Liberal, Progressive,....and Democrat as pejoratives????

I guess you can be this stupid, as you don't realize that everything I posted is factual.
‘Michael Harrington, co-chairman of the Democratic Socialists of America and author of ''The Other America,'' which helped to encourage the Federal Government's War on Poverty,… Mr. Harrington was probably the most visible spokesman for Socialist ideals in the United States. He often served as the American representative at international Democratic Socialist meetings….he outlined a socialist future that could create a new, progressive society. He said that it must be international; that tax policies should redistribute wealth and increase growth without ''takeover games''; that real control must come from below, and that ''the inexorable socialization of the entire planet'' can become ''the tool, rather than the oppressor, of free women and men.''

Asked in an interview how his brand of socialism differed from the system that had evolved in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, Mr. Harrington said:

''Put it this way. Marx was a democrat with a small d. The Democratic Socialists envision a humane social order based on popular control of resources and production, economic planning, equitable distribution, feminism and racial equality. I share an immediate program with liberals in this country because the best liberalism leads toward socialism. I'm a radical, but as I tell my students at Queens, I try not to soapbox. I want to be on the left wing of the possible.''’
Michael Harrington, Socialist and Author, Is Dead
I don't care about conspiracy theories. If democrats are such 'communists' why do they love promoting free trade? (Apart from a select few.)

Here's a coincidence for you to explain:

The contemporary Democrat Party stands for almost every aim of the communist party (CPUSA).

Shocker, huh?
Do you find it surprising that the CPUSA is laughed at by communists? Go to reddit/rev left or any other left wing website.
Oh, do you find it surprising that neo nazi's agree with some of what trump wants? That doesn't make trump a neo nazi.
Anyways, onto your point. Can I have the list of things the cpusa stands for?

Wise of you not to deny that the contemporary Democrat Party stands for almost every aim of the communist party (CPUSA).
I'll ask again: Can I have the list of things the cpusa claims to stand for?
It redirects you to the DNC website. Democrats are so far left, the Communists no longer need to run their own candidates
I respect you as a person OP. People shouldn't be attacking you in this thread, but it's not 1960 anymore and America's free market has failed us. If you are against socialism, be against it. I still think our alternative is evil. I also think Bernie Sanders is the most caring candidate running when it comes to empathy for the American people

"America's free market has failed us."
You should recognize these two facts:

1. We don't have a free market...we have the very same system that Nazi Germany had:

a. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

b. It is far more common to believe that it represented a form of capitalism, which is what the Communists and all other Marxists have claimed. The basis of the claim that Nazi Germany was capitalist was the fact that most industries in Nazi Germany appeared to be left in private hands.

c. ... private ownership of the means of production existed in name only under the Nazis and that the actual substance of ownership of the means of production resided in the German government. For it was the German government and not the nominal private owners that exercised all of the substantive powers of ownership: it, not the nominal private owners, decided what was to be produced, in what quantity, by what methods, and to whom it was to be distributed, as well as what prices would be charged and what wages would be paid, and what dividends or other income the nominal private owners would be permitted to receive. The position of the alleged private owners, Mises showed, was reduced essentially to that of government pensioners.
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

2. We are saddled with a President who is the worst economic disaster in our history.

Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "...annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/with-gdp-downgrade-obama-growth-gap-expands/

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. "....first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth." Obama economy is 'amazing,' says hedge fund billionaire

Thanks for the kind words.
He's all those. but liberal. And Bernie has only attracted the mush brained tools from Universities, the anarchist, commies, socialist, far left democrats which pretty much makes up the Democrat party of today. Maybe this will give moderate Dem voters a good look at what's happened to their party

"...Bernie has only attracted the mush brained tools from Universities, the anarchist, commies, socialist, far left democrats...."

There have been some 4,331,720 votes cast in the Democrat primaries.....about, what...40% for a Socialist/Communist.

The rest for Bill's wife....a corrupt, lying scoundrel.....

This is what the party of Andrew Jackson and Scoop Jackson has become.
"Why are so many young Americans suddenly calling themselves democratic socialists? I think many of them simply want to distinguish themselves from socialists who might have supported dictatorial regimes such as the former USSR and Maoist China, or who today might support North Korea. They want to signal that for them, political liberty is just as important as, say, economic justice.

But are the concepts of democracy and socialism even compatible?

While socialism’s goals may be lofty, its means are inherently at odds with democracy. In the end, “democratic socialism” makes no more sense than “voluntary slavery.”
“Democratic Socialism” Is a Contradiction in Terms | Sandy Ikeda

Lots of folks find the idea of government giving them stuff, appealing.

They don't recognize that, actually, government is about to take their stuff and give it to someone else.
Talk to Denmark and Sweden and Finland etc i But are the concepts of democracy and socialism even compatible?
Denmark are just a little socialists. More Capitalism today strenghten in Denmark but Sweden and Finland have bigger socialists portion's off course today leader Löven are socialist. Finnish Centre Party and Socialdemocrat Government and Finlands leader didn't knowing.
The far right and libertarian idiots are so funny.

They have no idea about terms and definitions and history.

Complete far right losers.
These far right losers look like Michigan State did right now getting its ass handed to it by a 15th seed.

Even the 15th seeds here know far more than PC and her ilk.
The far right and libertarian idiots are so funny.

They have no idea about terms and definitions and history.

Complete far right losers.

You means me my voices problem they know far away my latest or is it false Gud but it is my problem with voices far away false humans or Gud how have no justice far away ?!
Socialist and Progressives. Yes, Jewish.

For clarity....your position is that the Democrat Party....the one with the same basic platform as the Communist Party....is religious....and their religion is Judaism?

Have I got that right?

I’ll say this about ya’…you’re old school insane.

The Democratic Party does not have the same platform as the Communist Party. You're a retard if you think so.
"Democratic socialism, then, is not a doctrine designed to protect the liberal values of independence, autonomy, and self-direction that many on the left still value to some degree. It is, on the contrary, a doctrine that forces those of us who cherish those liberal values onto a slippery slope toward tyranny."
“Democratic Socialism” Is a Contradiction in Terms | Sandy Ikeda

Bernie certainly isn't about liberty.

But, then....none of the shameful six are: socialism, Nazism, fascism, Liberalism, Progressivism or communism.

Yet, look at the dolts who have been fooled supporting them.
"Democratic socialism, then, is not a doctrine designed to protect the liberal values of independence, autonomy, and self-direction that many on the left still value to some degree. It is, on the contrary, a doctrine that forces those of us who cherish those liberal values onto a slippery slope toward tyranny."
“Democratic Socialism” Is a Contradiction in Terms | Sandy Ikeda

Bernie certainly isn't about liberty.

But, then....none of the shameful six are: socialism, Nazism, fascism, Liberalism, Progressivism or communism.

Yet, look at the dolts who have been fooled supporting them.

The idea that one might get a college education without becoming an indentured servant for a decade or more is tyranny?

lol. This is the kind of nonsense you hear from someone as out of touch as PoliticalChic...

...someone who has tacitly admitted she's never worked a day in her life, but is magically well off.
10. Not only are Democrats perfectly copacetic with voting for a communist, but we've known it for quite a while.

a. "Democrats, by a 75% to 11% margin, say they’d rather be called a good citizen than a patriot. Republicans and unaffiliated voters are fairly evenly divided on the question.
Forty percent (40%) of men prefer patriot, a view shared by just 18% of women.
However, there is strong agreement across party lines on the notion of what it means to be a good citizen.

Sixty-seven percent (67%) of all voters believe that volunteering for church and community groups is more important than getting involved in politics and government. In terms of being a good citizen, only 17% take the opposite view and think involvement in politics matters most."
40% Say Being a Good Citizen is Different From Being a Patriot - Rasmussen Reports™

b. "Sixty percent (60%) of U.S. adults nationwide say that capitalism is better than socialism. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 18% disagree, while 21% are not sure.
Adults under 30 are closely divided on the question. While Republicans and unaffiliated voters overwhelmingly say that capitalism is better, just 43% of Democrats agree. Twenty-four percent (24%) of Democrats say socialism is better. "
60% Say Capitalism Better Than Socialism - Rasmussen Reports™

c."Once again, no big surprise, but those who favor capitalism or socialism are divided in a partisan way as well. Republicans favor capitalism by an 11-1 margin, while democrats are much more divided on the issue; 39% say they favor capitalism while 30% favor socialism."
Rasmussen Poll: Capitalism vs. Socialism, 53% Prefer Capitalism » Right Pundits

d. "The most striking partisan differences come in reactions to the word "socialism." Just 15% of Republicans react positively to "socialism" while 77% react negatively. By more than two-to-one (64% to 26%), independents also have a negative impression of "socialism."
However, Democrats are evenly divided -- 44% have a positive reaction to "socialism" while 43% react negatively."
“Socialism” Not So Negative, “Capitalism” Not So Positive

As there is no clear demarcation between Democrat, Socialist, Communist, Progressive or Liberal....

Let's be clear where the demarcation is: it's between those five.....and American.

wizard baby, wizard.


Bernie's a baby wizard????
You don't remember the spell he cast over his supporters at that Trump rally in Chi town?

I'm sure the cash they were paid didn't hurt. :blues:
10. Not only are Democrats perfectly copacetic with voting for a communist, but we've known it for quite a while.

a. "Democrats, by a 75% to 11% margin, say they’d rather be called a good citizen than a patriot. Republicans and unaffiliated voters are fairly evenly divided on the question.
Forty percent (40%) of men prefer patriot, a view shared by just 18% of women.
However, there is strong agreement across party lines on the notion of what it means to be a good citizen.

Sixty-seven percent (67%) of all voters believe that volunteering for church and community groups is more important than getting involved in politics and government. In terms of being a good citizen, only 17% take the opposite view and think involvement in politics matters most."
40% Say Being a Good Citizen is Different From Being a Patriot - Rasmussen Reports™

b. "Sixty percent (60%) of U.S. adults nationwide say that capitalism is better than socialism. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 18% disagree, while 21% are not sure.
Adults under 30 are closely divided on the question. While Republicans and unaffiliated voters overwhelmingly say that capitalism is better, just 43% of Democrats agree. Twenty-four percent (24%) of Democrats say socialism is better. "
60% Say Capitalism Better Than Socialism - Rasmussen Reports™

c."Once again, no big surprise, but those who favor capitalism or socialism are divided in a partisan way as well. Republicans favor capitalism by an 11-1 margin, while democrats are much more divided on the issue; 39% say they favor capitalism while 30% favor socialism."
Rasmussen Poll: Capitalism vs. Socialism, 53% Prefer Capitalism » Right Pundits

d. "The most striking partisan differences come in reactions to the word "socialism." Just 15% of Republicans react positively to "socialism" while 77% react negatively. By more than two-to-one (64% to 26%), independents also have a negative impression of "socialism."
However, Democrats are evenly divided -- 44% have a positive reaction to "socialism" while 43% react negatively."
“Socialism” Not So Negative, “Capitalism” Not So Positive

As there is no clear demarcation between Democrat, Socialist, Communist, Progressive or Liberal....

Let's be clear where the demarcation is: it's between those five.....and American.

Bernie is not a Communist.
10. Not only are Democrats perfectly copacetic with voting for a communist, but we've known it for quite a while.

a. "Democrats, by a 75% to 11% margin, say they’d rather be called a good citizen than a patriot. Republicans and unaffiliated voters are fairly evenly divided on the question.
Forty percent (40%) of men prefer patriot, a view shared by just 18% of women.
However, there is strong agreement across party lines on the notion of what it means to be a good citizen.

Sixty-seven percent (67%) of all voters believe that volunteering for church and community groups is more important than getting involved in politics and government. In terms of being a good citizen, only 17% take the opposite view and think involvement in politics matters most."
40% Say Being a Good Citizen is Different From Being a Patriot - Rasmussen Reports™

b. "Sixty percent (60%) of U.S. adults nationwide say that capitalism is better than socialism. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 18% disagree, while 21% are not sure.
Adults under 30 are closely divided on the question. While Republicans and unaffiliated voters overwhelmingly say that capitalism is better, just 43% of Democrats agree. Twenty-four percent (24%) of Democrats say socialism is better. "
60% Say Capitalism Better Than Socialism - Rasmussen Reports™

c."Once again, no big surprise, but those who favor capitalism or socialism are divided in a partisan way as well. Republicans favor capitalism by an 11-1 margin, while democrats are much more divided on the issue; 39% say they favor capitalism while 30% favor socialism."
Rasmussen Poll: Capitalism vs. Socialism, 53% Prefer Capitalism » Right Pundits

d. "The most striking partisan differences come in reactions to the word "socialism." Just 15% of Republicans react positively to "socialism" while 77% react negatively. By more than two-to-one (64% to 26%), independents also have a negative impression of "socialism."
However, Democrats are evenly divided -- 44% have a positive reaction to "socialism" while 43% react negatively."
“Socialism” Not So Negative, “Capitalism” Not So Positive

As there is no clear demarcation between Democrat, Socialist, Communist, Progressive or Liberal....

Let's be clear where the demarcation is: it's between those five.....and American.

Bernie is not a Communist.

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