Bernie Is About to Publicly Roast Capitalists in Front of the Nation: as chair of a key Senate committee, Sanders will put rich CEOs in the hot seat


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
A recent New York Times report noted, perhaps wishfully, that his new role as chair of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions “could be his final act in Washington.” But so far, Sanders is alive and staying put, and the hearings he’s planning for next month could provide some powerful public education on our capitalist system and lend fuel to organizing efforts nationwide.

As head of this committee, Sanders has the power to call CEOs to testify before Congress, and he plans to use that power.

He’s already demanded that Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, appear. Schultz has refused and is sending a lower-level flunky. Makes sense: he’s on his way out and presumably doesn’t want to be remembered as the guy who was humiliated by Bernie Sanders in a viral YouTube clip.

Jeff Bezos, too, has been invited to appear. You may recall that Sanders introduced legislation entitled the “Stop BEZOS Act” a few years ago.

Bernie thinks everyone else’s money is excessive but his is just fine
He’s an emotional shill against effort and success.
Bernie is a Socialist Pied Piper, making a fortune off of Capitalsim through book sales and speaking engagements, railing against the very system making him rich.

He is an old 'Medicine Show, snake oil peddler who looks like the Crypt Keeper from 'Tales From the Crypt'.

I would no sooner buy and 'drink' anything he is selling as a politician than I would anything the Crypt Keeper would sell off of his traveling medicine show wagon.

Anyone supporting him, politically or financially, is an ignorant, conned dupe, IMO.

His credibility is irrepairably destroyed. He is just another self-serving, self-enriching, past his prime, 'old fart' politician that needed to be weeded out of DC years ago....IMHO.
A recent New York Times report noted, perhaps wishfully, that his new role as chair of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions “could be his final act in Washington.” But so far, Sanders is alive and staying put, and the hearings he’s planning for next month could provide some powerful public education on our capitalist system and lend fuel to organizing efforts nationwide.

As head of this committee, Sanders has the power to call CEOs to testify before Congress, and he plans to use that power.

He’s already demanded that Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, appear. Schultz has refused and is sending a lower-level flunky. Makes sense: he’s on his way out and presumably doesn’t want to be remembered as the guy who was humiliated by Bernie Sanders in a viral YouTube clip.

Jeff Bezos, too, has been invited to appear. You may recall that Sanders introduced legislation entitled the “Stop BEZOS Act” a few years ago.

Well if he roast them it will just prove once again the hypocrite he is. Mr 95 dollars to see me on book tour Sanders.
Bernie is a Socialist Pied Piper, making a fortune off of Capitalsim through book sales and speaking engagements, railing against the very system making him rich.

He is an old 'Medicine Show, snake oil peddler who looks like the Crypt Keeper from 'Tales From the Crypt'.

I would no sooner buy and 'drink' anything he is selling as a politician than I would anything the Crypt Keeper would sell off of his traveling medicine show wagon.

Anyone supporting him, politically or financially, is an ignorant, conned dupe, IMO.

His credibility is irrepairably destroyed. He is just another self-serving, self-enriching, past his prime, 'old fart' politician that needed to be weeded out of DC years ago....IMHO.
But the bromance guy likes him so Bernie cant be all bad

A recent New York Times report noted, perhaps wishfully, that his new role as chair of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions “could be his final act in Washington.” But so far, Sanders is alive and staying put, and the hearings he’s planning for next month could provide some powerful public education on our capitalist system and lend fuel to organizing efforts nationwide.

As head of this committee, Sanders has the power to call CEOs to testify before Congress, and he plans to use that power.

He’s already demanded that Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, appear. Schultz has refused and is sending a lower-level flunky. Makes sense: he’s on his way out and presumably doesn’t want to be remembered as the guy who was humiliated by Bernie Sanders in a viral YouTube clip.

Jeff Bezos, too, has been invited to appear. You may recall that Sanders introduced legislation entitled the “Stop BEZOS Act” a few years ago.

How is his book selling?

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