Bernie Sanders And AOC Wants Congress To Declare Climate Change A National Emergency

May 1, 2017
images553.jpg “Declaring climate change a national emergency will help us focus and enact sweeping reforms across government to help everyday people cope with the transition that’s going to be required,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a call with reporters READ MORE CLICK HERE
"Transition that is required"

Translation: Bernie taking the everyday people's stuff.
This is a sign of just how prosperous our country is. Go to any country where people are struggling to eat and you will see just how far down their list climate change would be. We are ultra-spoiled, just don't know it.

Let the US slip into a great depression like in the 20's and this type of legislation would have ZERO traction.
Fuck Bernie Sanders. I hope the next plane he is on plummets to the earth.

the use of the index finger by infants---FACINATES me----I would estimate that baby as being 8-10 months old------the INDEX FINGER gesture is hard wired in the
brain------babies just DO IT----without being taught, nor do they need to see mama
do it (uhm....that is my semi professional opinion)
View attachment 269014 “Declaring climate change a national emergency will help us focus and enact sweeping reforms across government to help everyday people cope with the transition that’s going to be required,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a call with reporters READ MORE CLICK HERE

Ha ha. another manufactured climate change emergency declaration by overt Socialists who ignore the NULL hypothesis. It is an obvious grab for additional government power over the people. The power they will abuse for their own ends since Authoritarian Socialism has killed over 100 Million people in the last 100 years.

In reality there is NO true emergency, only insane people can see things that are not there, which are often ecoloonies and Socialists nutballs. Rational people understand that at times Weather can be spectacular and scary, but stays well within the NULL hypothesis of Weather and Climate trends
Climate Change is certainly something we should be prioritizing as a national emergency over some of the drummed up border non-sense and wall building that the rubes have fell for.
Climate Change is certainly something we should be prioritizing as a national emergency over some of the drummed up border non-sense and wall building that the rubes have fell for.
And enact laws that have turned the forests of California into inferoes........bug infested overgrowth that create firestorms that burn whole towns.......same thing they are now trying in Oregon from people who left Cali..........only to try it again in another state destroying the logging industry........and destroying jobs.........and towns in rural areas.........with NO CONCERN for those harmed with their policies...............

If the left is so Righteous why are people FLEEING their States............LOL

I think AOC and Bernie need to read and learn the Constitution.............That is the ONLY NATIONAL EMERGENCY............

They are destructive forces of nature.

the use of the index finger by infants---FACINATES me----I would estimate that baby as being 8-10 months old------the INDEX FINGER gesture is hard wired in the
brain------babies just DO IT----without being taught, nor do they need to see mama
do it (uhm....that is my semi professional opinion)
Never thought of that............LOL

I thought of it because my nephew pointed lots as a baby----but so did his
mama. I thought it was a LEARNED thing. Then my boy got born-----
I did not point----but HE pointed incessantly at a very young age----and onward----
like starting about four months-----and babbled. He talked at a very early age. I is convinced that POINTING is an early form of actual hardwired communication.-----as is LANGUAGE (ie complex verbal communication). Keep that in mind when someone extends his index finger and wiggles it in your face

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