Biden Poised To Declare Climate Emergency To Ram Through Green Agenda: REPORT

There are no such restrictions on how the president decides what is an emergency or where in the world it is occurring.

Congress could close the loophole that presidents have exploited since it was passed but......the duopoly says no ya don't.........

There are constitutional restrictions on federal authority. EOs are to implement laws and other constitutional executive authority. The courts will strike anything that doesn't fall within those parameters. As it should be.

So you don't think fentanyl coming across the southern border, and being the leading cause of death in 18-49 year olds, isn't an emergency?

Not one the law was written for. Not one that declaring a National Emergency for so you can access, aka take, already appropriated military funds for our troops, and building a wall will stop.

That crisis is a failure of the war on American citizens who use non government approved recreational substances. But that's a different thing.....
There are constitutional restrictions on federal authority. EOs are to implement laws and other constitutional executive authority. The courts will strike anything that doesn't fall within those parameters. As it should be.

The Wall didn't get built and the Green Agenda (what ever that is) will not be enacted by EO's alone.
That illegal border crossing were at low point in 2016 didn't stop the Trumpyberra from declaring an emergency on the border to access presidential superpowers to build the Wall Mexico was suppose to pay for.

What presidential superpower could Joe be getting that has the Neo-GOP's panties all in a tightwad?
He did get Mexico to pay for it by stopping the caravans at their border. Saved us millions to pay for the wall.

Biden Poised To Declare Climate Emergency To Ram Through Green Agenda​

Everything democrats do is based on an emergency. The sad thing is that even if there IS a climate emergency, no one has proven we are at the heart of it much less that the democrats have any definite solution. But even if they did, it will take DECADES to enact it not MONTHS and to do any more would be patricide against the human race. They might spend trillions enacting it only to find they are wrong or it doesn't work. This is just one more mad power grab by the insane Left and the sane among us will have to hold these miscreants accountable.
Not one the law was written for. Not one that declaring a National Emergency for so you can access, aka take, already appropriated military funds for our troops, and building a wall will stop.

That crisis is a failure of the war on American citizens who use non government approved recreational substances. But that's a different thing.....

Actually there is a law that allows exactly that. It was cited at the time and the Supreme Court upheld using it for that purpose. Try doing some research before you make yourself look more ignorant than you already are.

He did get Mexico to pay for it by stopping the caravans at their border. Saved us millions to pay for the wall.
Stopping those asylum seekers didn't stop illegal immigration or the drug smuggling between 2017 and 2021. Did they pay the funds back to the military from those savings?
Stopping those asylum seekers didn't stop illegal immigration or the drug smuggling between 2017 and 2021. Did they pay the funds back to the military from those savings?
Trump handed Biden a secure border. How many billions have we spent supporting the millions of new illegals Biden let in?
Trump handed Biden a secure border. How many billions have we spent supporting the millions of new illegals Biden let in?
The talking point fails because illegals and illegal drugs still crossed the border. No shortage of either in Trumpybears America. It was as open to everyone, including smugglers, except asylum seekers.

They groomed you to think it was secure.
Oh really? No one saw this coming? Not with Battlin' Bill Barr and Trump and unitary theory powers?

It's not that no one warned that Trump was upping the ante on using emergency declarations to achieve what he could not get through congress, and that was different from even the 75 or whatever emergencies that have been declared since 1976 that usually involve embargos because of wars or things that effect our economy, like strikes and covid and shortages. It's not that no one warned the Trumpfans that they were opening a can of worms.
In case you haven't noticed, Ben...we HAVE a national emergency at our southern border! Millions of unvetted illegals are flooding the country. Some of them are criminals. Some of them might very well be terrorists. Some of them are carrying large amounts of Fentanyl...a drug that is killing tens of thousands. What more of an "emergency" do you need? Our border SHOULD have been secured and Trump was trying to do despite Democrats efforts to thwart that. You on the left OWN the border crisis we now find ourselves in!
There are no such restrictions on how the president decides what is an emergency or where in the world it is occurring.

Congress could close the loophole that presidents have exploited since it was passed but......the duopoly says no ya don't.........
Cite the word "emergency", or any allusions of such, in the Constitution. :eusa_hand:
On Monday, Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley of Oregon said it was time for Biden to take massive, unilateral executive actions on climate change, even if the Supreme Court rules them unconstitutional.
What a dipshit!
The demented LEFT are at war with the weather, and they DEMAND we must play along.
This is Shocking and Alarming!!!! Who'd ever have foreseen something like This!!??

And remember Battlin' Bill Barr was the champion of the president and the unitary theory of unlimited power
Yeah, Trump thought Article II gave him "total authority". Like a king.

I wonder if anyone ever read the Constitution to him.
So you don't think fentanyl coming across the southern border, and being the leading cause of death in 18-49 year olds, isn't an emergency?

Most fentanyl is coming from China via mail.

It was originally coming from right here in the good old USA from Big Pharma. They started the crisis.
I don't recall the Constitution containing such a clause.

President Joe Biden could declare a climate emergency as soon as this week, according to The Washington Post, in a bid to implement elements of his environmental agenda as climate legislation has stalled in Congress.
Leading Biden administration officials are debating ways to advance the president’s agenda, and the president is prepared to announce a number of new initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reported the Post, citing three people familiar with the matter. The internal discussions come after Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia told party leaders last week that he opposes the plans to advance this month’s significant economic package that includes billions of dollars toward slashing carbon emissions and promoting green energy.
White House Economic Adviser Jared Bernstein told reporters at a press briefing Monday that Biden would work “aggressively to attack climate change.”
“Realistically there is a lot he can do and there is a lot he will do,” Bernstein stated.
“Unilaterally declaring a climate emergency will not reduce emissions by one molecule,” American Exploration & Production Council CEO, Anne Bradbury said on Twitter Tuesday. “In fact, many of the policies that could follow from declaring a climate emergency would increase emissions while driving up costs for American families.”
Democratic lawmakers are also calling on Biden to use his powers to enact further climate policies amid failed legislative action and the Supreme Court’s recent decision to limit the regulatory abilities of the Environmental Protection Agency.
On Monday, Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley of Oregon said it was time for Biden to take massive, unilateral executive actions on climate change, even if the Supreme Court rules them unconstitutional.
“There is probably nothing more important for our nation and our world than for the United States to drive a bold, energetic transition in its energy economy from fossil fuels to renewable energy,” Merkley told reporters on Monday, according to the Post.
“This also unchains the president from waiting for Congress to act,” Merkley said, referencing the recent legislative impasse.
Meanwhile, Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon, who chairs the Senate Finance Committee, said that lawmakers should continue to pursue legislation in a statement on Monday.
“While I strongly support additional executive action by President Biden, we know a flood of Republican lawsuits will follow,” Wyden said, according to the Post.
“Legislation continues to be the best option here,” he added.
The White House did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

Why would the White House respond to an unreliable and completely biased news?

"In review, The Daily Caller is a strongly conservative news and opinion website involved in publishing controversial and false stories. For example, they routinely publish misleading or false information regarding climate change that goes against the consensus of science. The Daily Caller has also published articles by Jason Kessler, a white supremacist who organized a rally of hundreds of white nationalists in Charlottesville. They subsequently scrubbed those articles after the Charlottesville vehicular homicide incident."

What is Biden going to do with his 'Mergency Powers?

Outlaw cows?
Biden is funneling billions of taxpayer dollars to build community cooling centers. You know, those climate killing buildings cooled by burning fossil fuels. Oh wait :eusa_think:

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