Bernie Sanders-even after Wisconsin-the math is not there for him to close this gap.

bernie would destroy trump or cruz in the general election because he has taht support of the center. Republicans are currently busy calling them rino's and throwing them out of the party!

bernie will crush you by 10-15 points!

The two candidates that can mention polling data 5 times in one paragraph are always Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Oddly enough Donald Trump has high polling numbers, but he also has the most unfavorable rating of any candidate in the history of this nation. But he'll always bring up that poll, as Sanders continually does that show him wiping out another candidate.

The polls have turned into a world-wide disaster and for good reason. No one picks up on unknown callers anymore except (Trump and Sanders supporters.) So they get a very small sample, and call it a National poll and run with it. Here is a great article explaining this.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

So you have to go by math and election history. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not and has never elected a far left or far right candidate, much less a recognized and confirmed socialist.

Baby Boomers the largest generation in this nations history are not going to vote for a candidate that is out there campaigning on free college tuition, as they just finished paying for their own kids tuition.

They also remember Fidel Castro very well as one of the most brutal murderous dictators to come out of the 20th century, and would never vote for a candidate that praised him. In fact Republicans would use that to steam roll and bury Sanders on election night.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

So this is what election night would look like with a Sanders nominee. Just move the blue part over to New Hampshire and Vermont and color the rest of this country RED. Reagan v Mondale--1984

Pure conjecture. Again you ignore the actual polling data.
Bernie Sanders just claimed another victory in Wisconsin tonight, after having a run on the smaller caucus states. So does this suggest he has a chance at winning the nomination? No not at all. Democrat delegates are split in every state proportionately. So right now Hillary Clinton has 1778 to Sanders 1097. So he's still 681 delegates behind Hillary Clinton.

Sanders has had success in these smaller caucus states, because they typically produce less than 1% of the party that bothers to show up at a 3 hour meeting to sit around and cast a vote. They are really the worst case of voter disenfranchisement in this country today. Typically the underdog candidate will win these, because underdog supporters will show up to vote. Had these caucus states been primary states, where several days of voting are allowed at the voters convenience, along with mail in ballots, Hillary Clinton would have won all of those,and Sanders would be a distant memory right now. I imagine Bernie Sanders will win Wyoming on Saturday, the smallest delegate state in this country, but it's still not going to put a dent into her lead.

We are headed into large CLOSED primary states where Bernie Sanders has been getting clobbered. New York & Pennsylvania. She will gain on him in these large closed primaries. Then after all of this we head into another closed Presidential primary, the big one in June- California.

Democrat Super Delegates. 700 of them--580 already soft pledged to Hillary Clinton.. They are not going to move over for Sanders, someone who just changed their party status to run on the Democrat ticket. They also know that he would get creamed in a National election, so they'll be staying in Hillary Clinton's corner. Plus to date she still has a 2+ million popular vote lead among Democrats.

Regardless of these polls that have turned out to be a world wide disaster, and Sanders who always states showing him beating Donald Trump. No one can really believe that this country would ever elect a recognized and confirmed socialist. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

Technically--it is mathematically impossible for Bernie Sanders to close this gap and win the nomination at this time. A Bernie Sanders rally at this point in time, is just a side show.
Bernie Sanders’s path to the nomination is getting very narrow
It’s Really Hard To Get Bernie Sanders 988 More Delegates

Look, if this nomination process had not begun in the south, Bernie would be well ahead of Hillary right now in pledged delegates. Hillary's ace in the hole has been the black vote who have been the deciding factor in her early big wins. That single demographic and super delegates are the only things that has given her such a big advantage. That's hardly impressive.

Also, for you to downplay Bernie supporters like you are is so incredibly lame and disingenuous. Here are some facts about Bernie's campaign:

1) He has outraised every republican in the race without the aid of super PAC funding. Had Hillary gone this route, she would be severely underfunded.

2) Bernie since near the beginning of the race has beaten every republican in hypothetical match up polls. Hillary has only managed to beat Trump in these polls and Bernie beats Trump by wider margins.

3) It's interesting you mention Bernie's performance in closed caucus states vs his performance in open primaries. It demonstrates his popularity among independents.

4) He is the only candidate in his entire race with a favorability rating.

But it would be very short lived regardless of where the primary season started. Sanders is no Democrat, he would have still been wiped out. And it's clear he has exploited a lot of political ignorance, especially with the youth in this country. I suppose that's why he hangs out at all the universities. He can B.S for votes. It's getting annoying, this nursing home candidate should really drop out of this race. The longer he stays in, the more it hurts Hillary Clinton in the general.

There are no honest Hilary supporters.
Hey Oreo

You do know that Super delegates are allowed to switch their vots!!

Right now, it is best to focus on state delegates won with note that Hillary has the vast majority of Superdelegates.

I tend to compare the number of State delagtes won only

If anything, it seems like Bernie's likability with Super Delegates is why he is losing.

But the math is there--the question, does intraparty politics favor him? The answer to that is no!
Hey Oreo

You do know that Super delegates are allowed to switch their vots!!

Right now, it is best to focus on state delegates won with note that Hillary has the vast majority of Superdelegates.

I tend to compare the number of State delagtes won only

If anything, it seems like Bernie's likability with Super Delegates is why he is losing.

But the math is there--the question, does intraparty politics favor him? The answer to that is no!
Likability? Does that mean they don't like him because he not bought and paid for like Hilary Clinton?
Hey Oreo

You do know that Super delegates are allowed to switch their vots!!

Right now, it is best to focus on state delegates won with note that Hillary has the vast majority of Superdelegates.

I tend to compare the number of State delagtes won only

If anything, it seems like Bernie's likability with Super Delegates is why he is losing.

But the math is there--the question, does intraparty politics favor him? The answer to that is no!
Likability? Does that mean they don't like him because he not bought and paid for like Hilary Clinton?

More as in

They prefer Hillary as the nominee more than Sanders. The reason is both political and varied. Like some are friends to she promise a position to some of them....

However, there should be three columns for the Democrats!

One for superdelegates
One for pledged state delegates won
And the total.

If you see it that way and know that unsecured 'soft pledged' Democrats that makes the race lopsided, you would know that Hillary is in the race of her life and could lose still.
Hey Oreo

You do know that Super delegates are allowed to switch their vots!!

Right now, it is best to focus on state delegates won with note that Hillary has the vast majority of Superdelegates.

I tend to compare the number of State delagtes won only

If anything, it seems like Bernie's likability with Super Delegates is why he is losing.

But the math is there--the question, does intraparty politics favor him? The answer to that is no!
Likability? Does that mean they don't like him because he not bought and paid for like Hilary Clinton?

More as in

They prefer Hillary as the nominee more than Sanders. The reason is both political and varied. Like some are friends to she promise a position to some of them....

However, there should be three columns for the Democrats!

One for superdelegates
One for pledged state delegates won
And the total.

If you see it that way and know that unsecured 'soft pledged' Democrats that makes the race lopsided, you would know that Hillary is in the race of her life and could lose still.
The Democrat corporate establishment is as corrupt and self serving as any hedge fund manager, as hypocritical as any GOP politician.
No. The math IS there, depending on how you want to look at it. Presently, if you exclude the pledged "super delegates" (500-600 total), then Hillary is barely leading Sanders. If crazy Bernie can convince some of these to switch, then he can possibly win the nomination. This probably will not happen. But it is at least theoretical that some will switch if Bernie continues scoring big primary wins. It is the establishment Dems who are on Hillary's side. If they give her the nomination despite the popular vote going to Bernie then there will be a revolt in the Dem party to the same or greater degree that the Republicans are seeing in their party. They may agree to give it to Bernie then, so long as he agrees to give Hillary the VP spot so she can become President in 4 years, or sooner if Bernie drops dead before the end of his term). And, of course, you will have all of the super delegates jump ship if Hillary is indicted.

Do I really think any of this will happen? No, but I am open to the possibility. Hillary better be open to it too or she may go down in history as the stupidest fucking political hack ever. However, crazy things can happen. Hell, Hillary may drop dead of a heart attack tomorrow. But it is most certainly NOT mathematically impossible for Bernie to get the nomination. He is still alive in the race.
Hey Oreo

You do know that Super delegates are allowed to switch their vots!!

Right now, it is best to focus on state delegates won with note that Hillary has the vast majority of Superdelegates.

I tend to compare the number of State delagtes won only

If anything, it seems like Bernie's likability with Super Delegates is why he is losing.

But the math is there--the question, does intraparty politics favor him? The answer to that is no!
Likability? Does that mean they don't like him because he not bought and paid for like Hilary Clinton?

More as in

They prefer Hillary as the nominee more than Sanders. The reason is both political and varied. Like some are friends to she promise a position to some of them....

However, there should be three columns for the Democrats!

One for superdelegates
One for pledged state delegates won
And the total.

If you see it that way and know that unsecured 'soft pledged' Democrats that makes the race lopsided, you would know that Hillary is in the race of her life and could lose still.

Think this way--Bernies long shot is base in party politics!

He is 150 behind in won state and the political confidence the party has in Hillary

There are still 2000 state delegates out need winning!

At least 1075 --if Sanders win 1075 out of 2000.

50.4 %!!

Then the party might, just might, flip on Hillary!

The math is not there my arse!!

More like- can you trust a Democrats politician promise?

Answer: It depends!
Just for the sake of disclosure I will point out that I am a Republican notwithstanding my apparent supportive post above. Both Bernie and Hillary are too fucking old to be president, and both are despicable pieces of trash for their own reasons.
Establishment Dems have turned on Hillary before, and there is a large faction of the Dem party who hate her and Bill. Besides, it is an insult to the real leftists that Hillary is now taking positions against banks and big business. Nobody really believes her on these points. It shows how unreliable she is (she bends with the breeze), how deceitful and corrupt she is to the core, and how stupid she thinks the voters are. She may have a lot of super delegates pledging support for her at the moment, but that can change if Bernie keeps winning over the popular vote. These super delegates are not beholden to her. They are going to ride whatever train is most likely to take them to the White House.
Hey Oreo

You do know that Super delegates are allowed to switch their vots!!

Right now, it is best to focus on state delegates won with note that Hillary has the vast majority of Superdelegates.

I tend to compare the number of State delagtes won only

If anything, it seems like Bernie's likability with Super Delegates is why he is losing.

But the math is there--the question, does intraparty politics favor him? The answer to that is no!
Likability? Does that mean they don't like him because he not bought and paid for like Hilary Clinton?

More as in

They prefer Hillary as the nominee more than Sanders. The reason is both political and varied. Like some are friends to she promise a position to some of them....

However, there should be three columns for the Democrats!

One for superdelegates
One for pledged state delegates won
And the total.

If you see it that way and know that unsecured 'soft pledged' Democrats that makes the race lopsided, you would know that Hillary is in the race of her life and could lose still.

Think this way--Bernies long shot is base in party politics!

He is 150 behind in won state and the political confidence the party has in Hillary

There are still 2000 state delegates out need winning!

At least 1075 --if Sanders win 1075 out of 2000.

50.4 %!!

Then the party might, just might, flip on Hillary!

The math is not there my arse!!

More like- can you trust a Democrats politician promise?

Answer: It depends!

Who's excited about the Clinton candidacy besides the people who contribute to the Clinton Foundation? The momentum is with Sanders.

Daily Kos: Sanders Can Sweep California, Win Nomination - Breitbart
Bernie Sanders just claimed another victory in Wisconsin tonight, after having a run on the smaller caucus states. So does this suggest he has a chance at winning the nomination? No not at all. Democrat delegates are split in every state proportionately. So right now Hillary Clinton has 1778 to Sanders 1097. So he's still 681 delegates behind Hillary Clinton.

Sanders has had success in these smaller caucus states, because they typically produce less than 1% of the party that bothers to show up at a 3 hour meeting to sit around and cast a vote. They are really the worst case of voter disenfranchisement in this country today. Typically the underdog candidate will win these, because underdog supporters will show up to vote. Had these caucus states been primary states, where several days of voting are allowed at the voters convenience, along with mail in ballots, Hillary Clinton would have won all of those,and Sanders would be a distant memory right now. I imagine Bernie Sanders will win Wyoming on Saturday, the smallest delegate state in this country, but it's still not going to put a dent into her lead.

We are headed into large CLOSED primary states where Bernie Sanders has been getting clobbered. New York & Pennsylvania. She will gain on him in these large closed primaries. Then after all of this we head into another closed Presidential primary, the big one in June- California.

Democrat Super Delegates. 700 of them--580 already soft pledged to Hillary Clinton.. They are not going to move over for Sanders, someone who just changed their party status to run on the Democrat ticket. They also know that he would get creamed in a National election, so they'll be staying in Hillary Clinton's corner. Plus to date she still has a 2+ million popular vote lead among Democrats.

Regardless of these polls that have turned out to be a world wide disaster, and Sanders who always states showing him beating Donald Trump. No one can really believe that this country would ever elect a recognized and confirmed socialist. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

Technically--it is mathematically impossible for Bernie Sanders to close this gap and win the nomination at this time. A Bernie Sanders rally at this point in time, is just a side show.
Bernie Sanders’s path to the nomination is getting very narrow
It’s Really Hard To Get Bernie Sanders 988 More Delegates

Look, if this nomination process had not begun in the south, Bernie would be well ahead of Hillary right now in pledged delegates. Hillary's ace in the hole has been the black vote who have been the deciding factor in her early big wins. That single demographic and super delegates are the only things that has given her such a big advantage. That's hardly impressive.

Also, for you to downplay Bernie supporters like you are is so incredibly lame and disingenuous. Here are some facts about Bernie's campaign:

1) He has outraised every republican in the race without the aid of super PAC funding. Had Hillary gone this route, she would be severely underfunded.

2) Bernie since near the beginning of the race has beaten every republican in hypothetical match up polls. Hillary has only managed to beat Trump in these polls and Bernie beats Trump by wider margins.

3) It's interesting you mention Bernie's performance in closed caucus states vs his performance in open primaries. It demonstrates his popularity among independents.

4) He is the only candidate in his entire race with a favorability rating.

Bernie has never had greater support than Hillary. and you might recall he got his butt kicked in the Carolinas. I think that's the south. so I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. he says some decent things, but his lack of knowledge on important issues is bizarre given his lifetime in congress.

no socialist jew is going to win the presidency.
Just for the sake of disclosure I will point out that I am a Republican notwithstanding my apparent supportive post above. Both Bernie and Hillary are too fucking old to be president, and both are despicable pieces of trash for their own reasons.

No problem.

Hillary supporters forget why Ted Kennedy endorsement was so important in 2008!
Bernie Sanders just claimed another victory in Wisconsin tonight, after having a run on the smaller caucus states. So does this suggest he has a chance at winning the nomination? No not at all. Democrat delegates are split in every state proportionately. So right now Hillary Clinton has 1778 to Sanders 1097. So he's still 681 delegates behind Hillary Clinton.

Sanders has had success in these smaller caucus states, because they typically produce less than 1% of the party that bothers to show up at a 3 hour meeting to sit around and cast a vote. They are really the worst case of voter disenfranchisement in this country today. Typically the underdog candidate will win these, because underdog supporters will show up to vote. Had these caucus states been primary states, where several days of voting are allowed at the voters convenience, along with mail in ballots, Hillary Clinton would have won all of those,and Sanders would be a distant memory right now. I imagine Bernie Sanders will win Wyoming on Saturday, the smallest delegate state in this country, but it's still not going to put a dent into her lead.

We are headed into large CLOSED primary states where Bernie Sanders has been getting clobbered. New York & Pennsylvania. She will gain on him in these large closed primaries. Then after all of this we head into another closed Presidential primary, the big one in June- California.

Democrat Super Delegates. 700 of them--580 already soft pledged to Hillary Clinton.. They are not going to move over for Sanders, someone who just changed their party status to run on the Democrat ticket. They also know that he would get creamed in a National election, so they'll be staying in Hillary Clinton's corner. Plus to date she still has a 2+ million popular vote lead among Democrats.

Regardless of these polls that have turned out to be a world wide disaster, and Sanders who always states showing him beating Donald Trump. No one can really believe that this country would ever elect a recognized and confirmed socialist. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

Technically--it is mathematically impossible for Bernie Sanders to close this gap and win the nomination at this time. A Bernie Sanders rally at this point in time, is just a side show.
Bernie Sanders’s path to the nomination is getting very narrow
It’s Really Hard To Get Bernie Sanders 988 More Delegates

Look, if this nomination process had not begun in the south, Bernie would be well ahead of Hillary right now in pledged delegates. Hillary's ace in the hole has been the black vote who have been the deciding factor in her early big wins. That single demographic and super delegates are the only things that has given her such a big advantage. That's hardly impressive.

Also, for you to downplay Bernie supporters like you are is so incredibly lame and disingenuous. Here are some facts about Bernie's campaign:

1) He has outraised every republican in the race without the aid of super PAC funding. Had Hillary gone this route, she would be severely underfunded.

2) Bernie since near the beginning of the race has beaten every republican in hypothetical match up polls. Hillary has only managed to beat Trump in these polls and Bernie beats Trump by wider margins.

3) It's interesting you mention Bernie's performance in closed caucus states vs his performance in open primaries. It demonstrates his popularity among independents.

4) He is the only candidate in his entire race with a favorability rating.

Bernie has never had greater support than Hillary. and you might recall he got his butt kicked in the Carolinas. I think that's the south. so I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. he says some decent things, but his lack of knowledge on important issues is bizarre given his lifetime in congress.

no socialist jew is going to win the presidency.

Not counting Superdelegates, this race is close!
The question is "How loyal are these superdelegates to Clinton?"

The media got people counting 'Delagates' before they are truly committed..
Bernie Sanders just claimed another victory in Wisconsin tonight, after having a run on the smaller caucus states. So does this suggest he has a chance at winning the nomination? No not at all. Democrat delegates are split in every state proportionately. So right now Hillary Clinton has 1778 to Sanders 1097. So he's still 681 delegates behind Hillary Clinton.

Sanders has had success in these smaller caucus states, because they typically produce less than 1% of the party that bothers to show up at a 3 hour meeting to sit around and cast a vote. They are really the worst case of voter disenfranchisement in this country today. Typically the underdog candidate will win these, because underdog supporters will show up to vote. Had these caucus states been primary states, where several days of voting are allowed at the voters convenience, along with mail in ballots, Hillary Clinton would have won all of those,and Sanders would be a distant memory right now. I imagine Bernie Sanders will win Wyoming on Saturday, the smallest delegate state in this country, but it's still not going to put a dent into her lead.

We are headed into large CLOSED primary states where Bernie Sanders has been getting clobbered. New York & Pennsylvania. She will gain on him in these large closed primaries. Then after all of this we head into another closed Presidential primary, the big one in June- California.

Democrat Super Delegates. 700 of them--580 already soft pledged to Hillary Clinton.. They are not going to move over for Sanders, someone who just changed their party status to run on the Democrat ticket. They also know that he would get creamed in a National election, so they'll be staying in Hillary Clinton's corner. Plus to date she still has a 2+ million popular vote lead among Democrats.

Regardless of these polls that have turned out to be a world wide disaster, and Sanders who always states showing him beating Donald Trump. No one can really believe that this country would ever elect a recognized and confirmed socialist. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

Technically--it is mathematically impossible for Bernie Sanders to close this gap and win the nomination at this time. A Bernie Sanders rally at this point in time, is just a side show.
Bernie Sanders’s path to the nomination is getting very narrow
It’s Really Hard To Get Bernie Sanders 988 More Delegates

Look, if this nomination process had not begun in the south, Bernie would be well ahead of Hillary right now in pledged delegates. Hillary's ace in the hole has been the black vote who have been the deciding factor in her early big wins. That single demographic and super delegates are the only things that has given her such a big advantage. That's hardly impressive.

Also, for you to downplay Bernie supporters like you are is so incredibly lame and disingenuous. Here are some facts about Bernie's campaign:

1) He has outraised every republican in the race without the aid of super PAC funding. Had Hillary gone this route, she would be severely underfunded.

2) Bernie since near the beginning of the race has beaten every republican in hypothetical match up polls. Hillary has only managed to beat Trump in these polls and Bernie beats Trump by wider margins.

3) It's interesting you mention Bernie's performance in closed caucus states vs his performance in open primaries. It demonstrates his popularity among independents.

4) He is the only candidate in his entire race with a favorability rating.

Bernie has never had greater support than Hillary. and you might recall he got his butt kicked in the Carolinas. I think that's the south. so I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. he says some decent things, but his lack of knowledge on important issues is bizarre given his lifetime in congress.

no socialist jew is going to win the presidency.

Not counting Superdelegates, this race is close!
The question is "How loyal are these superdelegates to Clinton?"

The media got people counting 'Delagates' before they are truly committed..
Yes. Of course it is close, despite what Hillary and the media want you to believe.
Bernie Sanders just claimed another victory in Wisconsin tonight, after having a run on the smaller caucus states. So does this suggest he has a chance at winning the nomination? No not at all. Democrat delegates are split in every state proportionately. So right now Hillary Clinton has 1778 to Sanders 1097. So he's still 681 delegates behind Hillary Clinton.

Sanders has had success in these smaller caucus states, because they typically produce less than 1% of the party that bothers to show up at a 3 hour meeting to sit around and cast a vote. They are really the worst case of voter disenfranchisement in this country today. Typically the underdog candidate will win these, because underdog supporters will show up to vote. Had these caucus states been primary states, where several days of voting are allowed at the voters convenience, along with mail in ballots, Hillary Clinton would have won all of those,and Sanders would be a distant memory right now. I imagine Bernie Sanders will win Wyoming on Saturday, the smallest delegate state in this country, but it's still not going to put a dent into her lead.

We are headed into large CLOSED primary states where Bernie Sanders has been getting clobbered. New York & Pennsylvania. She will gain on him in these large closed primaries. Then after all of this we head into another closed Presidential primary, the big one in June- California.

Democrat Super Delegates. 700 of them--580 already soft pledged to Hillary Clinton.. They are not going to move over for Sanders, someone who just changed their party status to run on the Democrat ticket. They also know that he would get creamed in a National election, so they'll be staying in Hillary Clinton's corner. Plus to date she still has a 2+ million popular vote lead among Democrats.

Regardless of these polls that have turned out to be a world wide disaster, and Sanders who always states showing him beating Donald Trump. No one can really believe that this country would ever elect a recognized and confirmed socialist. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

Technically--it is mathematically impossible for Bernie Sanders to close this gap and win the nomination at this time. A Bernie Sanders rally at this point in time, is just a side show.
Bernie Sanders’s path to the nomination is getting very narrow
It’s Really Hard To Get Bernie Sanders 988 More Delegates

The math may not be there but it is only because the " media " continues counting EVERY superdelegate for Clinton, even though some have already said they have switched to Bernie.

Without the superdelegates the race is extremely close.
Bernie Sanders just claimed another victory in Wisconsin tonight, after having a run on the smaller caucus states. So does this suggest he has a chance at winning the nomination? No not at all. Democrat delegates are split in every state proportionately. So right now Hillary Clinton has 1778 to Sanders 1097. So he's still 681 delegates behind Hillary Clinton.

Sanders has had success in these smaller caucus states, because they typically produce less than 1% of the party that bothers to show up at a 3 hour meeting to sit around and cast a vote. They are really the worst case of voter disenfranchisement in this country today. Typically the underdog candidate will win these, because underdog supporters will show up to vote. Had these caucus states been primary states, where several days of voting are allowed at the voters convenience, along with mail in ballots, Hillary Clinton would have won all of those,and Sanders would be a distant memory right now. I imagine Bernie Sanders will win Wyoming on Saturday, the smallest delegate state in this country, but it's still not going to put a dent into her lead.

We are headed into large CLOSED primary states where Bernie Sanders has been getting clobbered. New York & Pennsylvania. She will gain on him in these large closed primaries. Then after all of this we head into another closed Presidential primary, the big one in June- California.

Democrat Super Delegates. 700 of them--580 already soft pledged to Hillary Clinton.. They are not going to move over for Sanders, someone who just changed their party status to run on the Democrat ticket. They also know that he would get creamed in a National election, so they'll be staying in Hillary Clinton's corner. Plus to date she still has a 2+ million popular vote lead among Democrats.

Regardless of these polls that have turned out to be a world wide disaster, and Sanders who always states showing him beating Donald Trump. No one can really believe that this country would ever elect a recognized and confirmed socialist. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

Technically--it is mathematically impossible for Bernie Sanders to close this gap and win the nomination at this time. A Bernie Sanders rally at this point in time, is just a side show.
Bernie Sanders’s path to the nomination is getting very narrow
It’s Really Hard To Get Bernie Sanders 988 More Delegates

Look, if this nomination process had not begun in the south, Bernie would be well ahead of Hillary right now in pledged delegates. Hillary's ace in the hole has been the black vote who have been the deciding factor in her early big wins. That single demographic and super delegates are the only things that has given her such a big advantage. That's hardly impressive.

Also, for you to downplay Bernie supporters like you are is so incredibly lame and disingenuous. Here are some facts about Bernie's campaign:

1) He has outraised every republican in the race without the aid of super PAC funding. Had Hillary gone this route, she would be severely underfunded.

2) Bernie since near the beginning of the race has beaten every republican in hypothetical match up polls. Hillary has only managed to beat Trump in these polls and Bernie beats Trump by wider margins.

3) It's interesting you mention Bernie's performance in closed caucus states vs his performance in open primaries. It demonstrates his popularity among independents.

4) He is the only candidate in his entire race with a favorability rating.

To an extent that's true. I don't think you can extrapolate Bernie's winning independents in caucuses though. He's winning those same states Obama won in 08. And Bernie hasn't gotten the latino vote. Plus, had Bernie not lost in Mass, Illinois, Missouri, Ohio ... he'd probably be winning, not to mention NV and AZ. So, it's not "just" the South.

Now if he can pull upsets in NY, Penn, Mary and Calif ..... maybe so. But if you look at the map today, he's taking William Jennings Bryan type states, and that ain't gonna cut it.

Democratic Party presidential primaries, 2016 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bernie Sanders just claimed another victory in Wisconsin tonight, after having a run on the smaller caucus states. So does this suggest he has a chance at winning the nomination? No not at all. Democrat delegates are split in every state proportionately. So right now Hillary Clinton has 1778 to Sanders 1097. So he's still 681 delegates behind Hillary Clinton.

Sanders has had success in these smaller caucus states, because they typically produce less than 1% of the party that bothers to show up at a 3 hour meeting to sit around and cast a vote. They are really the worst case of voter disenfranchisement in this country today. Typically the underdog candidate will win these, because underdog supporters will show up to vote. Had these caucus states been primary states, where several days of voting are allowed at the voters convenience, along with mail in ballots, Hillary Clinton would have won all of those,and Sanders would be a distant memory right now. I imagine Bernie Sanders will win Wyoming on Saturday, the smallest delegate state in this country, but it's still not going to put a dent into her lead.

We are headed into large CLOSED primary states where Bernie Sanders has been getting clobbered. New York & Pennsylvania. She will gain on him in these large closed primaries. Then after all of this we head into another closed Presidential primary, the big one in June- California.

Democrat Super Delegates. 700 of them--580 already soft pledged to Hillary Clinton.. They are not going to move over for Sanders, someone who just changed their party status to run on the Democrat ticket. They also know that he would get creamed in a National election, so they'll be staying in Hillary Clinton's corner. Plus to date she still has a 2+ million popular vote lead among Democrats.

Regardless of these polls that have turned out to be a world wide disaster, and Sanders who always states showing him beating Donald Trump. No one can really believe that this country would ever elect a recognized and confirmed socialist. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

Technically--it is mathematically impossible for Bernie Sanders to close this gap and win the nomination at this time. A Bernie Sanders rally at this point in time, is just a side show.
Bernie Sanders’s path to the nomination is getting very narrow
It’s Really Hard To Get Bernie Sanders 988 More Delegates

The math may not be there but it is only because the " media " continues counting EVERY superdelegate for Clinton, even though some have already said they have switched to Bernie.

Without the superdelegates the race is extremely close.
Close if you call a 282 pledged delegate lead when he's won 1088 pledged.
Bernie Sanders just claimed another victory in Wisconsin tonight, after having a run on the smaller caucus states. So does this suggest he has a chance at winning the nomination? No not at all. Democrat delegates are split in every state proportionately. So right now Hillary Clinton has 1778 to Sanders 1097. So he's still 681 delegates behind Hillary Clinton.

Sanders has had success in these smaller caucus states, because they typically produce less than 1% of the party that bothers to show up at a 3 hour meeting to sit around and cast a vote. They are really the worst case of voter disenfranchisement in this country today. Typically the underdog candidate will win these, because underdog supporters will show up to vote. Had these caucus states been primary states, where several days of voting are allowed at the voters convenience, along with mail in ballots, Hillary Clinton would have won all of those,and Sanders would be a distant memory right now. I imagine Bernie Sanders will win Wyoming on Saturday, the smallest delegate state in this country, but it's still not going to put a dent into her lead.

We are headed into large CLOSED primary states where Bernie Sanders has been getting clobbered. New York & Pennsylvania. She will gain on him in these large closed primaries. Then after all of this we head into another closed Presidential primary, the big one in June- California.

Democrat Super Delegates. 700 of them--580 already soft pledged to Hillary Clinton.. They are not going to move over for Sanders, someone who just changed their party status to run on the Democrat ticket. They also know that he would get creamed in a National election, so they'll be staying in Hillary Clinton's corner. Plus to date she still has a 2+ million popular vote lead among Democrats.

Regardless of these polls that have turned out to be a world wide disaster, and Sanders who always states showing him beating Donald Trump. No one can really believe that this country would ever elect a recognized and confirmed socialist. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

Technically--it is mathematically impossible for Bernie Sanders to close this gap and win the nomination at this time. A Bernie Sanders rally at this point in time, is just a side show.
Bernie Sanders’s path to the nomination is getting very narrow
It’s Really Hard To Get Bernie Sanders 988 More Delegates


Why should he quit when Hillary could still be indicted? That would change everything and he's the only alternative at this point

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