Bernie Sanders exposes himself as a revolting fraud

the reason hillary will easily win the presidency in 2016 is because the rep party stands for nothing.

True, the Republican Party stands for nothing and Hillary stands for corruption, serving her own interests and deception, of course she'll "easily win", after all electing someone with integrity and competence is considered "radical" these days. :rolleyes:
Damn! With all the problems we have as a nation they say we have, why haven't the Democrats addressed some of them these past seven years when we've had a Democrat President? If they haven't been addressed by the Democrat President by now, how do they think they can do anything about them if they are elected?
Exactly! The debaters kept screaming about worsening inequality but seemed to forget who the president has been the last 7 years. And remember Obama had control of Congress in the early years of his administration.

Here's One Way Income Inequality Has Gotten Worse Under Obama

Obama sells out to Wall Street -
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Great photo! He's practicing saying, congratulations Madam President.
As the first female President, Clinton's got a real 'scary bitch' thing going on. And it's probably the only model likely to get a woman elected President. Just as the first black had to be a conservative democrat.

Barack Obama is a "conservative democrat"? Really, Delta? So his voting record in the know the one where he was rated as one of the most liberal...was just a feint to confuse us? Let's be at least a LITTLE honest here!
Yeah, that was a real loony bin last night. Poor Jim Webb, he couldn't muster a cogent thought to save his life... then Sanders babbling on and on about AGW. It was pretty funny. And look who their enemies are... people that produce life saving drugs and energy.

Great photo! He's practicing saying, congratulations Madam President.
Ravi it saddens me to see you in love with Hillary. Really.
Love? That's a little strong. Realist is more like it.
I truly hope you are incorrect about that.
Take a look at the Republican contenders and you will know I am correct.

several are beating hillary in head to head matchup polls

NONE of them are terrified of her like here Democrat opponents are
Great photo! He's practicing saying, congratulations Madam President.
Ravi it saddens me to see you in love with Hillary. Really.
Love? That's a little strong. Realist is more like it.
I truly hope you are incorrect about that.
Take a look at the Republican contenders and you will know I am correct.

several are beating hillary in head to head matchup polls

NONE of them are terrified of her like here Democrat opponents are

Hillary loses to any (R) candidate right now... and it ain't going to get any better.. especially if Biden jumps in, then the admin with throw everything including the DoJ AND the kitchen sink at her.
At the debate last night Sanders showed us he only want to make pretty speeches, not win the election. He couldn't stop kissing Hillary's ass, even though she is one of the most corrupt figures in American politics.

On the bright side at least Bernie didn't physically get down on his hands and knees and lick her feet.......

I'm pretty sure he was thinking about it. I felt sorry for the other candidates (especially Jim Webb, who is about the only honest one up running) who had to put up with this farce from CNN who made it into a Hillary infomercial
Ya, it's shocking and surprising the next President (sighs) is getting big donor money.
So you agree Clinton is a corrupt tool of special interests? Why doesn't this disturb you?

If I let politics disturb me I'd be a gun-toting Twinkie eating mass shooter in a belltower somewhere. :)

I content myself with the realization that there are massive asteroids hurtlign towards us every day and the law of large numbers says one will hit us eventually rendering bad poliiticians a moot point. :)
You've already stated that if diagnosed with a terminal illness that you know whom your going to take out before you go so implying that you're not an unhinged nut is laughable
Sanders is good at posing as a friend of working folk. In reality he is a tool of the Democratic establishment. Sanders must be laughing at the dopes who cheer him on.

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