Bernie Sanders has my vote. He must win.

Now of course a lot of you cons oppose Sanders simply because he is a socialist democrat. But very few of you even know what issues he actually stands for.

He is taking on income inequality, Citizens United, and climate change. Three of the most pressing issues this country is currently facing. You know, the things republicans will NEVER try to fix.

Watch this video and become informed on actual, honest to god facts and statistics that support what he stands for.

How many facts are presented by Bernie in this video?

Sen. Bernie Sanders Says U.S. Should Look More Like Scandinavia Watch the video - Yahoo News
If Sanders has your vote, that's one more for Hillary. TY.
He also needs to come out as pro-infrastructure and science investment. We need to start focusing on this country...I don't think the loserterians give a damn about the future of America as a first world country if they oppose such.

Don't bother trying to convince the cons. They won't vote for that side of the ticket no matter who is on it. They will, however try to use any differences as a wedge to try to sew discord for Democrats. I personally know more about Clinton than I do about Sanders, but for now either sounds like a viable candidate. There is plenty of time to figure out if one is a better choice than the other, or perhaps even someone else.
If he must win all you Dems better get out there and back Bernie. How many of you are truly ready to toss Hillary to curb for Bernie?
If Sanders shows any strength they all will. They all understand Hillary in the White House would be 4 years at least of scandal after scandal. They'dbe relieved to see her gone.
If he must win all you Dems better get out there and back Bernie. How many of you are truly ready to toss Hillary to curb for Bernie?
If Sanders shows any strength they all will. They all understand Hillary in the White House would be 4 years at least of scandal after scandal. They'dbe relieved to see her gone.
Sanders is the poor mans Elizabeth Warren he will appeal to the hard left of the party but I doubt he has any support beyond that.
Bernie Sanders has my vote. He must win.

He is taking on income inequality, Citizens United, and climate change.

Income inequality - who gives a shit about what people make except the greedy and the envious? You are not poorer because somebody else is richer. If you want your income to be closer to that of somebody rich then put down your bong and work harder and smarter.

Citizen United - Sanders takes money from the filthy ass union PAC and millionaires so he is a hypocrite. He hates conservatives lobbying but he loves Moon Bat lobbying.

Climate Change - The biggest scam in human history. Only idiots take that scam seriously.
He is taking on income inequality, Citizens United, and climate change.

Income inequality - who gives a shit about what people make except the greedy and the envious? You are not poorer because somebody else is richer. If you want your income to be closer to that of somebody rich then put down your bong and work harder and smarter.

Citizen United - Sanders takes money from the filthy ass union PAC and millionaires so he is a hypocrite. He hates conservatives lobbying but he loves Moon Bat lobbying.

Climate Change - The biggest scam in human history. Only idiots take that scam seriously.

Income inequality. Nobody gives a shit how much they are making until jobs get shipped over seas to pay 2.50/hour to someone else.
Keep playing that shit and watch the conservatives crash and burn.
Bernie Sanders does have my vote.
I have to ask why.

Sanders is the one that has come out fighting for Vets, working class people (blue collar), and the elderly. He doesn't lie. He doesn't bullshit people.
Who cares that he proposes to finance all his programs by stealing from people who earn more, and giving to people who earn less?

The end justifies the means, doesn't it?
Bernie Sanders does have my vote.
I have to ask why.

Sanders is the one that has come out fighting for Vets, working class people (blue collar), and the elderly. He doesn't lie. He doesn't bullshit people.
Who cares that he proposes to finance all his programs by stealing from people who earn more, and giving to people who earn less?

The end justifies the means, doesn't it?

Pay attention: US Steel is laying off 9,000 workers nation wide due to trade issues. These are the issues.

It's bigger than your sniveling. You have no clue what you are trying to talk about. Your little past propaganda shit? Won't work here.
He is taking on income inequality, Citizens United, and climate change.

Income inequality - who gives a shit about what people make except the greedy and the envious? You are not poorer because somebody else is richer. If you want your income to be closer to that of somebody rich then put down your bong and work harder and smarter.

Citizen United - Sanders takes money from the filthy ass union PAC and millionaires so he is a hypocrite. He hates conservatives lobbying but he loves Moon Bat lobbying.

Climate Change - The biggest scam in human history. Only idiots take that scam seriously.
Income inequality is a real problem, look at where productivity is at and where the wages are going, you may want to call those in poverty greedy, which is fine, you hurt your own cause..
Citizens united is a joke, and telling Bernie he gets his money from filthy ass union pacs and millionaires? Yeah, ok, you obviously know all about the tiny amount he gets from unions, and he doesn't run with any millionaires I'm aware of, the majority of his donations are from working class people.
Ah... I suppose the majority of the worlds scientists are idiots. I'm sure you're educated on climate change to talk about as well. Grow up.

Inequality is not a big problem for anybody except the greedy and envious. You know, the sorry shitheads in this country.

The rich in this country provide many of the jobs, pays the most in taxes and are usually very generous with charity. Things that very few of you Moon Bats can make claim to.

In that rinky dink little state Sanders is from he got half a million form the filthy unions and $2.6 million from "large contributors" (i.e millionaires) so the guy is a hypocrite.

Go read the emails from Climategate I and Climategate II and you will see how the AGW scam has been exposed. The little fuckers got caught making up data to support the scam. There is evidence of climate change but absolutely no evidence of it being man made. Sanders is only harping on this issue sop that he can get some of Tom Steyer's billionaire environmental wacko money.

Sanders is an idiot for believing in that crap and you are an idiot in believing in Sanders.. He is not to be taken seriously on anything. He is a joke just like this thread is a joke.
guess what buddy, you live under a government, with social programs, a military, roads... Taxes are a part of life, and it's not stealing, if you think it is, move to somalia, it might be your paradise.
You left out the Constitution, to nobody's surprise. It says there are only certain things the Fed govt can spend tax money on. Most of Bernie's programs aren't included. But he says he'll do it anyway. That turns his actions into theft, and distribution of stolen goods.

Socialists, of course, believe that government can, and should, do anything.

They are wrong on both counts.

That's why people like Sanders will get fewer votes than the local dogcatcher.
guess what buddy, you live under a government, with social programs, a military, roads... Taxes are a part of life, and it's not stealing, if you think it is, move to somalia, it might be your paradise.
You left out the Constitution, to nobody's surprise. It says there are only certain things the Fed govt can spend tax money on. Most of Bernie's programs aren't included. But he says he'll do it anyway. That turns his actions into theft, and distribution of stolen goods.

Socialists, of course, believe that government can, and should, do anything.

They are wrong on both counts.

That's why people like Sanders will get fewer votes than the local dogcatcher.

You have no idea what Sanders is about. You're going to learn.

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