Sanders: Biden could ‘win in a landslide’

“If you believe in democracy, you want to see more people vote, not fewer people vote, I think the choice is pretty clear. And that choice is Biden,” he said.
TOO FUNNY. The guy who was clueless about his chances of beating Hillary is now telling us the clear choice id Biden! And for what? Lower gas prices? Abundant energy? Affordable housing? Fewer wars and less crime? Secure border control? NO. People will vote for Biden because their top concern is MORE PEOPLE VOTING! Not legal votes, just more ballots counted. And this despite already having RECORD NUMBERS voting the last two elections! :laughing0301:

Sure. How lame. Build back better--- wasn't that his promise in 2020 and LOOK WHAT WE GOT INSTEAD: Everything WORSE, nothing better. And despite trillions wasted, still nothing to show for it but a war in Ukraine and another right around the corner while millions of undocumented grimy peasants pour into the country illegally and cities reel in waves of unprecedented crime.
He won last time and he will win again.

Gee, that's like saying that Hitler invaded Poland, France and England once last time and given another chance, HE WOULD DO IT AGAIN.

If that fuck wins by a landslide, either the people of this country are total brainwashed IDIOTS, or we live in a banana republic where elections are just a show, a pretense, all prearranged now by an Authoritocrasy behind closed doors.
Treason has that effect on people when they are not brainwashed functional morons....
tre45on 2.png
Sanders beat Hillary in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Trump won because Hillary lost Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
Bernie Sanders had the states with a caucus on his side. New people showing up. People who were not regular or loyal Democrats.

because facts matter - quotes:

By this measure, Clinton was quite dominant. She trailed Sanders in pledged delegates only once, after Sanders won New Hampshire early on. But she regained the pledged delegate lead after Nevada and never looked back. After Super Tuesday on March 1, Clinton had a lead of 191 pledged delegates, and it never dropped below 187 pledged delegates the rest of the way:

Bernie Sanders had the states with a caucus on his side. New people showing up. People who were not regular or loyal Democrats.

because facts matter - quotes:

By this measure, Clinton was quite dominant. She trailed Sanders in pledged delegates only once, after Sanders won New Hampshire early on. But she regained the pledged delegate lead after Nevada and never looked back. After Super Tuesday on March 1, Clinton had a lead of 191 pledged delegates, and it never dropped below 187 pledged delegates the rest of the way:

As we found out in the end, Hillary and the DNC also stacked the deck against Sanders.
J6II MAGATs will do anything. They are not educated. orange führer loves the uneducated. And the uneducated love the orange führer

Hey! Another programmed wound up leftwing bot with all of the proper talking points programmed into her empty skull!

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