Bernie Sanders needs to man up and drop out of this race.

I'd vote for Bernie over any candidate except Kasich. Hillary, the corrupt, lying, Wall St loving whore, will never get my vote.
Every Democrat that votes for Hillary over Sanders is proof that the Democrats want Wall St. to rule the government. Every Democrat that votes for Hillary over Berinie shows the hypocrisy and corruption of the Democratic Party.

BULLSHIT! The Obama administration has been fining wall street and banks over the last seven years and there's no indication that will stop when Clinton is elected.
Big deal. What difference does that make when both Obama and Clinton work for Wall Street?
Put your money where your mouth is and PROVE IT with Hillary. Show us how she was working for Wall Street with the Bills she supported or did not support involving Wall Street the 8 years as Senator... You have no idea what you are talking about and are just taking made up talking points and regurgitating them without any research of your own like the typical Republican does....shame on you.

Her two biggest donors on Wall street ARE FOR REGULATING Wall Street and reigning them in....they believe they do need reigning that? Has it sunk in yet?
Every Democrat that votes for Hillary over Sanders is proof that the Democrats want Wall St. to rule the government. Every Democrat that votes for Hillary over Berinie shows the hypocrisy and corruption of the Democratic Party.

BULLSHIT! The Obama administration has been fining wall street and banks over the last seven years and there's no indication that will stop when Clinton is elected.
Big deal. What difference does that make when both Obama and Clinton work for Wall Street?

True dat! They look out for themselves, notice how neither Obama or Clinton want Wall St punished for the debacle in 2008.
Every Democrat that votes for Hillary over Sanders is proof that the Democrats want Wall St. to rule the government. Every Democrat that votes for Hillary over Berinie shows the hypocrisy and corruption of the Democratic Party.

BULLSHIT! The Obama administration has been fining wall street and banks over the last seven years and there's no indication that will stop when Clinton is elected.

Hillary is tied to Wall St. She has bigger ties to Wall St. than any other candidate. Tell me how she is going to bring Wall St. Into line? lol! She is Wall Street's whore, and you are her little bitch.
Wall Streeters donated 500% MORE TO THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES in this presidential election cycle than to Democrats....yes, there were a lot of Republican candidates but they still donated 500% more money towards REPUBLICANS...where their heart lies...

and most of the money the PAC supporting Hillary got was from two donors, and they believe and support her position that Wall Street needs more regulation and reigning in. Do all the Wall Streeters/Banks supporting Republicans believe they need more regulation to reign them in??? No, OF COURSE NOT...

inform yourself.
Every Democrat that votes for Hillary over Sanders is proof that the Democrats want Wall St. to rule the government. Every Democrat that votes for Hillary over Berinie shows the hypocrisy and corruption of the Democratic Party.

BULLSHIT! The Obama administration has been fining wall street and banks over the last seven years and there's no indication that will stop when Clinton is elected.

Hillary is tied to Wall St. She has bigger ties to Wall St. than any other candidate. Tell me how she is going to bring Wall St. Into line? lol! She is Wall Street's whore, and you are her little bitch.
Wall Streeters donated 500% MORE TO THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES in this presidential election cycle than to Democrats....yes, there were a lot of Republican candidates but they still donated 500% more money towards REPUBLICANS...where their heart lies...

and most of the money the PAC supporting Hillary got was from two donors, and they believe and support her position that Wall Street needs more regulation and reigning in. Do all the Wall Streeters/Banks supporting Republicans believe they need more regulation to reign them in??? No, OF COURSE NOT...

inform yourself.

Yeah, that is why Bernie is my second pick and Trump and Hillary are 4th and 5th. Nut job!

Also Republicans had 16 candidates to two Democrats. Let's see how the cycle plays out.

Goldman Sachs contributes more to Democrats than Republicans, the must be benevolent. lol!
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Sanders just got slammed dunked in New York. This was a must win state for him. There is absolutely no possibility of him winning this nomination. Next Tuesday, April 26- it's going to be even more embarrassing for Bernie Sanders and his supporters.

Tuesday April 26
Connecticut Closed 70 delegates
Delaware Closed 31 delegates
Maryland Closed 118 delegates
Pennsylvania Closed 210 delegates
Rhode Island Mixed 31 delegates

Hillary Clinton is leading by double digits in all of them. After this big win in New York her momentum is going to show itself in the above states.

Sanders has been getting clobbered in these closed Primary states where only Democrats are allowed to vote. He's had a run on several of the smaller caucus states, due to very low voter participation. Typically underdogs will win them, because only underdog supporters will bother to show up for a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. Had these states been primary states where several days of voting are allowed along with the use of mail in ballots Hillary Clinton would have won them all, and he would be a distant memory now.

If he stays in this race after losing this badly in New York it only proves what Democrats think of him anyway. That he's no Democrat, and he will not do what is right and helpful for the Democrat Party. If he decides he just wants to stay in the limelight--while launching assaults at Hillary Clinton, he does damage to her in the General Election. It's time for this party to unify, and that's not going to happen if Sanders insists on staying in a race that he cannot win.

If Sanders drops out, the Democrats won't have a candidate. It will be Ted Cruz or Donald Trump vs. nobody. Because Hillary is going to be too busy with her indictment and subsequent trial for violating federal law to be in a campaign.
Every Democrat that votes for Hillary over Sanders is proof that the Democrats want Wall St. to rule the government. Every Democrat that votes for Hillary over Berinie shows the hypocrisy and corruption of the Democratic Party.

BULLSHIT! The Obama administration has been fining wall street and banks over the last seven years and there's no indication that will stop when Clinton is elected.

Hillary is tied to Wall St. She has bigger ties to Wall St. than any other candidate. Tell me how she is going to bring Wall St. Into line? lol! She is Wall Street's whore, and you are her little bitch.
Wall Streeters donated 500% MORE TO THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES in this presidential election cycle than to Democrats....yes, there were a lot of Republican candidates but they still donated 500% more money towards REPUBLICANS...where their heart lies...

and most of the money the PAC supporting Hillary got was from two donors, and they believe and support her position that Wall Street needs more regulation and reigning in. Do all the Wall Streeters/Banks supporting Republicans believe they need more regulation to reign them in??? No, OF COURSE NOT...

inform yourself.

Bernie Sanders has received donations from Wall Street. His idiot supporters don't know that corporations cannot donate to any candidate. Individuals that work for someone can donate, but only a maximum of $2500 to any one candidate. That's the law.

What Sanders has been doing is looking at her individual donors, and if one of them works at a plastic bottle company, he would accuse her of accepting money to trash the earth. They bought into his bullshit, like they did with everything else he said.
Sanders’s Record, Filings Show Benefits From Super PACs, Links to Wall Street Donors

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There's no reason for Sanders to get out. He's getting his message across, and the more people who hear it, the better chance the country has of a major revolt against our corrupt government. Trump is serving up a similar message of revolt, albeit in a much more crude and polarizing way. It's not going to happen this election, but they're laying the groundwork for something potentially very big in 2020.

The biggest threats to the American middle class are Republicans and corporate America, ie; Trump.

"Corporate America" built this country my friend.

Neither it, nor Trump are going anywhere.:wink_2:

"Corporate America" built this country my friend.

Neither it, nor Trump are going anywhere.

Wrong. The government of the people built this country. Corporate America is nothing but a necessary evil.

People who think Corporate America is a "Necessary evil" are an UNnecessary evil:wink_2:
Well it's no surprise this nursing home candidate wants more of the limelight. Hillary Clinton clobbered him in New York--insuring that he lost and she won the nomination. So what does he do? Instead of dropping out, with head held high. Nope he gets down in the dirt, knowing there is no mathematical possibility of him winning the nomination and cries (voter suppression in New York.)

Here's what happened. There was a large group of Sanders supporters, who tried to get a Judge to do a temporary restraining order, actually making the claim, that they weren't really registered as Republicans or Independents and were actually trying to get the Judge to open up a Democrat closed primary to them and allow them to vote. Of course the Judge wouldn't allow that. Funny but I have changed my party status online, and I get this card back in the mail, telling me what I am, so I don't forget what I am.

The next issue are the missing 126,000 voters that were purged in Brooklyn. How do 126K people go missing off of the voter rolls.--This is very, very suspicious.

Speaking to CNN on Tuesday night, Board of Elections Executive Director Michael Ryan pushed back against the growing criticism, saying, "We're not finding that there were issues throughout the city that are any different than what we experience in other elections."
Of the 126,000 Democratic voters taken off from the rolls in Brooklyn, Ryan said 12,000 had moved out of borough, while 44,000 more had been placed in an inactive file after mailings to their homes bounced back. An additional 70,000 were already inactive and, having failed to vote in two successive federal elections or respond to cancel notices, were removed.
New York primary hit by voter issues, Brooklyn 'purge' -

It appears to me that the only voters that were trying to cheat are Sanders supporters. Of course Bernie is back in the spotlight letting us all he's still here, and certainly this story should score him some more donations.

Hillary Clinton clobbered Bernie Sanders in New York by 290,614. So this means that Sanders only needs to find 164,614 fraudulent votes in New York to catch up to her. I guess that would be a reason to stay in this race--LOL

Sanders really needs to man up and drop out this race, and stop this ridiculous nonsense.

Well it's no surprise this nursing home candidate wants more of the limelight. Hillary Clinton clobbered him in New York--insuring that he lost and she won the nomination. So what does he do? Instead of dropping out, with head held high. Nope he gets down in the dirt, knowing there is no mathematical possibility of him winning the nomination and cries (voter suppression in New York.)

Here's what happened. There was a large group of Sanders supporters, who tried to get a Judge to do a temporary restraining order, actually making the claim, that they weren't really registered as Republicans or Independents and were actually trying to get the Judge to open up a Democrat closed primary to them and allow them to vote. Of course the Judge wouldn't allow that. Funny but I have changed my party status online, and I get this card back in the mail, telling me what I am, so I don't forget what I am.

The next issue are the missing 126,000 voters that were purged in Brooklyn. How do 126K people go missing off of the voter rolls.--This is very, very suspicious.

Speaking to CNN on Tuesday night, Board of Elections Executive Director Michael Ryan pushed back against the growing criticism, saying, "We're not finding that there were issues throughout the city that are any different than what we experience in other elections."
Of the 126,000 Democratic voters taken off from the rolls in Brooklyn, Ryan said 12,000 had moved out of borough, while 44,000 more had been placed in an inactive file after mailings to their homes bounced back. An additional 70,000 were already inactive and, having failed to vote in two successive federal elections or respond to cancel notices, were removed.
New York primary hit by voter issues, Brooklyn 'purge' -

It appears to me that the only voters that were trying to cheat are Sanders supporters. Of course Bernie is back in the spotlight letting us all he's still here, and certainly this story should score him some more donations.

Hillary Clinton clobbered Bernie Sanders in New York by 290,614. So this means that Sanders only needs to find 164,614 fraudulent votes in New York to catch up to her. I guess that would be a reason to stay in this race--LOL

Bernie Sanders is FROM Brooklyn. It lives in his accent. Meanwhile Hillary is from Chicago, and ditto.

Now why would Sanders want to purge voters from his own home town?

Didn't think this through real deep didja?

Sanders really needs to man up and drop out this race, and stop this ridiculous nonsense.

Ironic statement by an petulant child who spends all day and night whining and stomping his feet over the fact that Scary Jewish Man chooses to run for President.

Change your diaper already.
Well it's no surprise this nursing home candidate wants more of the limelight. Hillary Clinton clobbered him in New York--insuring that he lost and she won the nomination. So what does he do? Instead of dropping out, with head held high. Nope he gets down in the dirt, knowing there is no mathematical possibility of him winning the nomination and cries (voter suppression in New York.)

Here's what happened. There was a large group of Sanders supporters, who tried to get a Judge to do a temporary restraining order, actually making the claim, that they weren't really registered as Republicans or Independents and were actually trying to get the Judge to open up a Democrat closed primary to them and allow them to vote. Of course the Judge wouldn't allow that. Funny but I have changed my party status online, and I get this card back in the mail, telling me what I am, so I don't forget what I am.

The next issue are the missing 126,000 voters that were purged in Brooklyn. How do 126K people go missing off of the voter rolls.--This is very, very suspicious.

Speaking to CNN on Tuesday night, Board of Elections Executive Director Michael Ryan pushed back against the growing criticism, saying, "We're not finding that there were issues throughout the city that are any different than what we experience in other elections."
Of the 126,000 Democratic voters taken off from the rolls in Brooklyn, Ryan said 12,000 had moved out of borough, while 44,000 more had been placed in an inactive file after mailings to their homes bounced back. An additional 70,000 were already inactive and, having failed to vote in two successive federal elections or respond to cancel notices, were removed.
New York primary hit by voter issues, Brooklyn 'purge' -

It appears to me that the only voters that were trying to cheat are Sanders supporters. Of course Bernie is back in the spotlight letting us all he's still here, and certainly this story should score him some more donations.

Hillary Clinton clobbered Bernie Sanders in New York by 290,614. So this means that Sanders only needs to find 164,614 fraudulent votes in New York to catch up to her. I guess that would be a reason to stay in this race--LOL

Bernie Sanders is FROM Brooklyn. It lives in his accent. Meanwhile Hillary is from Chicago, and ditto.

Now why would Sanders want to purge voters from his own home town?

Didn't think this through real deep didja?

Sanders really needs to man up and drop out this race, and stop this ridiculous nonsense.

Ironic statement by an petulant child who spends all day and night whining and stomping his feet over the fact that Scary Jewish Man chooses to run for President.

Change your diaper already.

Do have any reading comprehension problems? If you do there are classes available that can help you. This is important-- don't just read the title of the page--that is only to get your attention. Actually read the entire article, and if you have to read over and over again until you understand it, this will help with those reading skills.
New York primary hit by voter issues, Brooklyn 'purge' -
Do have any reading comprehension problems.

:lol: No -- "Do have writing comprehension problems"?

Change your diper ya whiny bitch. You're embarrassing yourself.

LOL--Pogo just can't take seeing that "free" college education evaporating.

The voter rolls have to be purged due to no contact, people moving out of state, moving into other districts and voting there, and of course people who die should be purged from the voter registry also. It's done all over the country in every voting district, so there is nothing unusual about it. This is what happened to that mysterious 126,000 people that were purged from the registry. I imagine you'll find the overwhelming majority somewhere else, voting in a different state, or district of New York.

But I understand that is a very difficult thing for a Sanders supporter to understand, especially when they lose.
Bernie needs to stay in. Democrats need to pretend their voters actually have a choice.

(sorry, I couldn't keep from laughing at that)
What utter bull crud!!!!

Keep tryin'!!!

The voters HAVE SPOKEN, to the tune of nearly 3 million voters picking Hillary over Bernie, and 277 pledged delegates for Hillary over Bernie.

I have no issues with Bernie going to the last primary, but unless some sort of miracle from God happens, he will not even come close to the delegates and votes Hillary has earned in the election process.
Yes, THE VOTERS HAVE SPOKEN!! Bernie should stick around as long as possible to remind the ones that voted for him don't matter.
you win some, you lose some....such is life, better get used to it...and better to learn the lesson while young....only makes you work harder the next time around to achieve your goals.
'Tis true.
Bernie Sanders should quit? Why? Because it comforts the Hillary supporters that one potential threat is removed.

However, there is a real threat among Sanders supporters. They are not endeared to Hillary. They may stay home in the generals. What many analyst tend to miss is that most of the attacks launched at Hillary are things that many of these "Sanders or Bust" supporters believe in.

And Hillary do not address these attacks appropriately!

Do you understand? Bernie is acting as a conduit between the Hillary campaign and the untrusting supporters. Remove Bernie, you remove a golden chance to win these people over when she win the nomination. Refuse to address these attacks, you help solidify the idea that Hillary has something to hide.

It was said early that how Hillary treat Bernie in the primary will effect how well she can unite the party. Do you see why this is true?

There are Democrats that are highly distrustful of Hillary but hold Bernie in high esteem. However, Bernie can not appear to try and beat Hillary and act as her apologist. He can act as the persecutor in which Hillary can defend herself to these Democrats charges.

He personally threw out the BS emails out and addressed basic competent issues surround Hillary.But how can he prove to them that Hillary is not a stooge of Wall st. A record of her private speeches and record of contributors does.

So keep demanding Bernie drop out. I doubt Hillary can unite then party tightly enough to keep from being attack by her own side. Bernie can help, if you understand his role.
...Bernie shouldn't drop out. Liberals are going to need a candidate once Hillary is indicted.

...Bernie shouldn't drop out. Liberals are going to need a candidate once Hillary is indicted.


If they're going to indict Hillary Clinton, then they'll have to indict Colin Powell and Condi Rice also.

The longer Bernie Sanders stays in a race that he has already lost, the more he'll alienate the Democrat Party, and the more he loses credibility, respect and support. Technically he just working for the Trump campaign now.

Instead of putting his self interests (more campaign donations) aside and doing what's good for a party that he is now abusing. He is putting Hillary Clinton in a position to defend against what comes out of a failed candidates mouth, when she should be focusing on the General election.


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