Bernie Sanders needs to man up and drop out of this race.

So "man up" is to be the new overused term on USMB. It's "man up" if he does what you suggest, but if he'd dropped out without your insistence, he'd be a "pussy," right?

Magical thinking.
I don't think he should drop out, until he's lost after the last him more power to set the agenda and goals of the party.
It ain't over 'til it's over.

You never know what those delegates and super delegates will end up doing.

Besides, it makes for a more exciting show at the Convention.
Clinton followers wanted it over months ago....very annoying not having the queen crowned automatically.

Every Democrat that votes for Hillary over Sanders is proof that the Democrats want Wall St. to rule the government. Every Democrat that votes for Hillary over Berinie shows the hypocrisy and corruption of the Democratic Party.

With Crooked Hillary getting indicted later today, Uncle Bernie or Uncle Joe Biden or Aunt Elizabeth will be the Dem nominee.
If he has the money and wants to fight to the end I say go for it same with Kasich on the Republican side. Neither will win the nomination but when they get out of the race is up to them.
Sanders just got slammed dunked in New York. This was a must win state for him. There is absolutely no possibility of him winning this nomination. Next Tuesday, April 26- it's going to be even more embarrassing for Bernie Sanders and his supporters.

Tuesday April 26
Connecticut Closed 70 delegates
Delaware Closed 31 delegates
Maryland Closed 118 delegates
Pennsylvania Closed 210 delegates
Rhode Island Mixed 31 delegates

Hillary Clinton is leading by double digits in all of them. After this big win in New York her momentum is going to show itself in the above states.

Sanders has been getting clobbered in these closed Primary states where only Democrats are allowed to vote. He's had a run on several of the smaller caucus states, due to very low voter participation. Typically underdogs will win them, because only underdog supporters will bother to show up for a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. Had these states been primary states where several days of voting are allowed along with the use of mail in ballots Hillary Clinton would have won them all, and he would be a distant memory now.

If he stays in this race after losing this badly in New York it only proves what Democrats think of him anyway. That he's no Democrat, and he will not do what is right and helpful for the Democrat Party. If he decides he just wants to stay in the limelight--while launching assaults at Hillary Clinton, he does damage to her in the General Election. It's time for this party to unify, and that's not going to happen if Sanders insists on staying in a race that he cannot win.

What, specifically, do you think Hillary will do right for the party?

There are millions of Republicans that believe Hillary Clinton is more conservative than Donald Trump. Republicans are going to vote for conservatism.

She is also a Hawk--she is not as passive regarding terrorism as Barack Obama. In fact, if not for her, Osama Bin Laden would be alive and well today. She was the one that put the pressure on Obama to do the hit, while Joe Biden and many other said no. Also Leon Panneta praises her in his book.

And she has a lot of Republicans that have praised her in the past.
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise
Republicans also despise her.

Ok what exactly do you think she will do domestically that would be good for the American people?

Well you probably weren't born yet--but the most fantastic economy that this country ever witnessed was under another Clinton--named Bill. This is when middle class incomes were going thru the roof--and the middle class was also investing in Wall Street. A time when employers were begging for employees. A time when the Federal Budget was balanced--which creates economic growth and opportunity in this country.

Hillary has a lot of praise from Republicans she has worked with in the past. Including Bush Sr. who worked hand in hand with her on putting major dent in AIDS in Africa. G.W. Bush seemed to be fond of her--and commented about about her, and most notably Paul Ryan--house speaker stated: That had she been elected instead of Barack Obama--this fiscal mess would have already been solved.

Bernie on the other hand--has just been a yay, nay and present voter in the senate for the last 25 years. No one ever heard of him, prior to him changing his party status to run on the Democrat ticket. He is the epitiome of what a politician does, that has no real accomplishment or record to run on. He comes out of the gate making all kinds of promises--that he knows with 100% certainty have ZERO chance of making it through the House or Senate. He has exploited the political ignorance of his supporters for campaign donations.

In fact here is his email--after getting clobbered in New York last night to his supporters:

"As you read this, thousands of supporters are responding to tonight’s results with contributions because they believe we can win. I need to know if I can count on you to add yours.

If everybody who has signed up to support our campaign made a $2.70 contribution tonight, we will have the resources we need to do very well next week and to take the pledged delegate lead on June 7.

From the day we started this campaign, the corporate media counted us out. The political establishment and financial elite organized against us. But every great movement in American history faced many of the same obstacles and eventually won because of a simple, timeless human truth: when people come together, when they stand together even through adversity, they win."

And so will we.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

So as we see Sander's is still trying to scorch his supporters for more campaign donations, when he knows that there is absolutely no mathematical possibility of him winning this nomination. Sanders supporters think Hillary Clinton is underhanded-????-LOL Maybe that's why they refer to him as a BUM. But now he's also a sore loser, and he wants your money BAD. Maybe there's another trip to Europe in this ponzi scheme plan?
Bernie Sanders, The Bum Who Wants Your Money

He should drop out of this race immediately. Hillary Clinton needs to be focused on the General Election, not what's coming out of this loser's mouth.
Bill's legacy now means dick to Hillary's potential performance as president. Yes, she has received praise for her professional history, but what I want to know is what, specifically, do you think Hillary will do to better the nation domestically. What policies?

I'll agree it's a long shot for Bernie winning the nomination. What he is counting on is Hillary's numbers continuing their decline and him winning big in the contests to follow which would also change the minds of many of the super delegates. This FBI investigation isn't going away and Bernie polls far better in general election match ups. There's a lot of passion behind his campaign. He knows he would do a disservice to his base just pack up and leave. I think Bernie's biggest accomplishment has been pushing progressive politics into the mainstream. He has effectively pushed Hillary way more to the left because of his broad support. Hillary has had to flip flop on many issues in fear of losing significant democratic support in the general election. The Bernie or Bust crowd is very real.
Every Democrat that votes for Hillary over Sanders is proof that the Democrats want Wall St. to rule the government. Every Democrat that votes for Hillary over Berinie shows the hypocrisy and corruption of the Democratic Party.

BULLSHIT! The Obama administration has been fining wall street and banks over the last seven years and there's no indication that will stop when Clinton is elected.
If she is going to be indicted they might as well start an FBI investigation into Colin Powell's and Condi Rice's emails as they have the same email issues.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
Fine with me, especially Powell (the backstabbing liberal rino).
^^^ Hates the U.S. military.
He's a liberal.

No Bernie Sanders is sooo much more than a liberal. There isn't a politician alive in this country that would have praised one of the most brutal--murderous dictators to come out of the 20th century, Fidel Castro. One who slaughtered thousands, imprisoned thousands more, burned books, executed teachers and scientists, seized private property and assets, while thousands more died in homemade rafts trying to make it to the Florida coast.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

Now while I am certain that millennials don't remember Fidel Castro, I can assure you that the largest generation in this nation's history--(baby boomers) remember him very well and know what he did.

Now you can see why Bernie Sanders would have been slaughtered in a National Election. Republicans would have used this to steam roll and bury him on election night. If Bernie Sanders became the nominee of the Democrat party--just move the blue over to the USSR of Vermont and New Hampshire and color the rest of this country RED.

This is another reason Bernie Sanders should drop out of this race right now.


Reagan v Mondale 1984
I was talking about Colin Powell.

Collin Powell was the ultimate political officer from the moment he donned his uniform.
Every Democrat that votes for Hillary over Sanders is proof that the Democrats want Wall St. to rule the government. Every Democrat that votes for Hillary over Berinie shows the hypocrisy and corruption of the Democratic Party.

BULLSHIT! The Obama administration has been fining wall street and banks over the last seven years and there's no indication that will stop when Clinton is elected.
Big deal. What difference does that make when both Obama and Clinton work for Wall Street?
Bernie needs to stay in. Democrats need to pretend their voters actually have a choice.

(sorry, I couldn't keep from laughing at that)
What utter bull crud!!!!

Keep tryin'!!!

The voters HAVE SPOKEN, to the tune of nearly 3 million voters picking Hillary over Bernie, and 277 pledged delegates for Hillary over Bernie.

I have no issues with Bernie going to the last primary, but unless some sort of miracle from God happens, he will not even come close to the delegates and votes Hillary has earned in the election process.
I believe Hillary stayed in against Obama until June. Of course, she made her peace with him.

As you know, there was NEVER any peace between the Clinton's and Lame Duck President Obama. Hillary Clinton was appointed Secretary of State due to the old adage that you keep your friends close...and your enemies closer.
Actually, there was PEACE between them, I recently read some articles on this and the Clinton State Department team, came in and made peace with all of the Obama teams in the administration....immediately, and they all worked very well together, with no indication what so ever, of disrespect.... in my spare time I'll see if I can find a link for what I had read (might take a couple of days)....I was surprised and thought there would have been friction, but there wasn't.

And yet, Hillary Clinton set up an illegal private server in a hidden location so she could hide her dealings with foreign countries and the massive contributions they were making to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Foundation. Their own personal slush fund.

President Obama also specifically forbid Hillary Clinton from hiring Sidney Blumenthal as an adviser when she was Secretary of State. In spite of that, Mr. Blumenthal was one of the people most frequently found in the emails giving foreign policy advice to Hillary.

There was not a smidgeon of a doubt in Hillary's mind, through the years leading to the 2008 election that IT WAS HER TURN to be president. She KNEW that the primary was a mere formality. Then came Sen. Obama who, only a couple years before had stated that he was not prepared to be president...trampling all over her dreams.

The State Department employees are career people. They have to get along with whoever is in the White House. It's their job. This is PERSONAL between the Clinton's and Obama's.
Frankly, I couldn't really think of a position in the cabinet or any other that he's really qualified for. A senator that has been in the senate for 25 long years, and does not know that the Federal Reserve banks and the Federal Government operate separate and independent of one another, has got some very serious issues with what he doesn't know. One of his main campaign themes has been a promise to break up the big banks, and he had no clue--he couldn't. Sanders didn't know that he, nor congress have any authority break up the big banks. That shows an ineptitude that is quite frankly--astounding.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things | VICE News

AT&T was broken up under Commerce/Monopoly laws.
There's no reason for Sanders to get out. He's getting his message across, and the more people who hear it, the better chance the country has of a major revolt against our corrupt government. Trump is serving up a similar message of revolt, albeit in a much more crude and polarizing way. It's not going to happen this election, but they're laying the groundwork for something potentially very big in 2020.

The biggest threats to the American middle class are Republicans and corporate America, ie; Trump.

"Corporate America" built this country my friend.

Neither it, nor Trump are going anywhere.:wink_2:

"Corporate America" built this country my friend.

Neither it, nor Trump are going anywhere.

Wrong. The government of the people built this country. Corporate America is nothing but a necessary evil.

Who makes up a corporation? Don't PEOPLE make up corporations?

Who employees the most workers? Huge corporations, Walmart, Microsoft, Apple, GM, Ford or small businesses?
Sanders just got slammed dunked in New York. This was a must win state for him. There is absolutely no possibility of him winning this nomination. Next Tuesday, April 26- it's going to be even more embarrassing for Bernie Sanders and his supporters.

Tuesday April 26
Connecticut Closed 70 delegates
Delaware Closed 31 delegates
Maryland Closed 118 delegates
Pennsylvania Closed 210 delegates
Rhode Island Mixed 31 delegates

Hillary Clinton is leading by double digits in all of them. After this big win in New York her momentum is going to show itself in the above states.

Sanders has been getting clobbered in these closed Primary states where only Democrats are allowed to vote. He's had a run on several of the smaller caucus states, due to very low voter participation. Typically underdogs will win them, because only underdog supporters will bother to show up for a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. Had these states been primary states where several days of voting are allowed along with the use of mail in ballots Hillary Clinton would have won them all, and he would be a distant memory now.

If he stays in this race after losing this badly in New York it only proves what Democrats think of him anyway. That he's no Democrat, and he will not do what is right and helpful for the Democrat Party. If he decides he just wants to stay in the limelight--while launching assaults at Hillary Clinton, he does damage to her in the General Election. It's time for this party to unify, and that's not going to happen if Sanders insists on staying in a race that he cannot win.

Hillary was the better man, Bernie got burned.
Every Democrat that votes for Hillary over Sanders is proof that the Democrats want Wall St. to rule the government. Every Democrat that votes for Hillary over Berinie shows the hypocrisy and corruption of the Democratic Party.

BULLSHIT! The Obama administration has been fining wall street and banks over the last seven years and there's no indication that will stop when Clinton is elected.
Big deal. What difference does that make when both Obama and Clinton work for Wall Street?

You Sanders supporters are getting real irritating. Now while it's just marvelous that you have been attracted into politics--by promise's of a free college education--that your next door neighbor would be on the hook for. I also understand that you're watching that promise evaporate right before your eyes. Now you're angry and lashing out--making all kinds of comments that are not true. You're having a temper tantrum.

It's very clear you've never been involved in politics and you're very green. But did you REALLY believe that you were going to get a free college education, is the question? Anytime someone promises you something for free, especially a politician, you had better read the fine print. Even the most liberal Democrat in Washington, D.C would ever vote for free college tuition, let alone any Republican.

You will find that most of our U.S. Treasury Secretaries actually come from Wall Street. Goldman Sachs and other places. They are put in that position, not out of greed, but out of knowledge and experience. They understand banking, the stock markets and investments that all interchange in this country, to make this economy go. Something Bernie Sanders doesn't have a clue about.

You will find lots of politicians that get paid for speeches. Where does that money go. Right back to party--either Democrat or Republican that they represent. Of course Bernie Sanders would never get paid for a gripe speech which is what he is about. He has no solutions to anything--just gripe. That should have been very clear to you when you watched the New York debate.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things | VICE News

Corporations can also be spelled J.O.B.S in this country. They are small business--medium business and large business--and they are all corporations. People risk a lot of money to start a business. They don't need Bernie Sanders who didn't get his 1st paycheck until he 40 years old, which was a Government paycheck telling them what to do--and how. He is an enemy of business in this country. They would never work with him. If he were POTUS you would more jobs move out of this country.

Last edited:
What utter bull crud!!!!

Keep tryin'!!!

The voters HAVE SPOKEN, to the tune of nearly 3 million voters picking Hillary over Bernie, and 277 pledged delegates for Hillary over Bernie.

I have no issues with Bernie going to the last primary, but unless some sort of miracle from God happens, he will not even come close to the delegates and votes Hillary has earned in the election process.
I believe Hillary stayed in against Obama until June. Of course, she made her peace with him.

As you know, there was NEVER any peace between the Clinton's and Lame Duck President Obama. Hillary Clinton was appointed Secretary of State due to the old adage that you keep your friends close...and your enemies closer.
Actually, there was PEACE between them, I recently read some articles on this and the Clinton State Department team, came in and made peace with all of the Obama teams in the administration....immediately, and they all worked very well together, with no indication what so ever, of disrespect.... in my spare time I'll see if I can find a link for what I had read (might take a couple of days)....I was surprised and thought there would have been friction, but there wasn't.

Hillary Clinton dropped out of the race in 2008 and supported Barack Obama. That's what party leaders do. They put their self-serving interests aside for the good of the party.

Obviously--Sanders threatening to take this "all" the way to the convention is not in the least concerned about the damage done to the Democrat party in his march to NO WHERE.

yes, he does need to clean up his act, but he can do this and go to the last him more influence with his agenda...

Hillary went to the last Primary as well, but then cleaned up her act and supported Obama, the candidate, 100% and even fund raised for him to win the general. She's a class act!

Bernie needs to stay in. Democrats need to pretend their voters actually have a choice.

(sorry, I couldn't keep from laughing at that)
What utter bull crud!!!!

Keep tryin'!!!

The voters HAVE SPOKEN, to the tune of nearly 3 million voters picking Hillary over Bernie, and 277 pledged delegates for Hillary over Bernie.

I have no issues with Bernie going to the last primary, but unless some sort of miracle from God happens, he will not even come close to the delegates and votes Hillary has earned in the election process.
I believe Hillary stayed in against Obama until June. Of course, she made her peace with him.

As you know, there was NEVER any peace between the Clinton's and Lame Duck President Obama. Hillary Clinton was appointed Secretary of State due to the old adage that you keep your friends close...and your enemies closer.
Actually, there was PEACE between them, I recently read some articles on this and the Clinton State Department team, came in and made peace with all of the Obama teams in the administration....immediately, and they all worked very well together, with no indication what so ever, of disrespect.... in my spare time I'll see if I can find a link for what I had read (might take a couple of days)....I was surprised and thought there would have been friction, but there wasn't.

And yet, Hillary Clinton set up an illegal private server in a hidden location so she could hide her dealings with foreign countries and the massive contributions they were making to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Foundation. Their own personal slush fund.

President Obama also specifically forbid Hillary Clinton from hiring Sidney Blumenthal as an adviser when she was Secretary of State. In spite of that, Mr. Blumenthal was one of the people most frequently found in the emails giving foreign policy advice to Hillary.

There was not a smidgeon of a doubt in Hillary's mind, through the years leading to the 2008 election that IT WAS HER TURN to be president. She KNEW that the primary was a mere formality. Then came Sen. Obama who, only a couple years before had stated that he was not prepared to be president...trampling all over her dreams.

The State Department employees are career people. They have to get along with whoever is in the White House. It's their job. This is PERSONAL between the Clinton's and Obama's.

And yet, Hillary Clinton set up an illegal private server in a hidden location so she could hide her dealings with foreign countries and the massive contributions they were making to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Foundation. Their own personal slush fund. It was not illegal to do it.

President Obama also specifically forbid Hillary Clinton from hiring Sidney Blumenthal as an adviser when she was Secretary of State. In spite of that, Mr. Blumenthal was one of the people most frequently found in the emails giving foreign policy advice to Hillary. Do you have a reputable link stating Obama forbade her from hiring him? Regardless, the gvt was not paying him so she could talk to him or he could talk to her all she or he wanted. He wasn't giving her advice, he was telling her what he knew, from an outside the gvt view....what was going on and known in the public arena.

There was not a smidgeon of a doubt in Hillary's mind, through the years leading to the 2008 election that IT WAS HER TURN to be president. She KNEW that the primary was a mere formality. Then came Sen. Obama who, only a couple years before had stated that he was not prepared to be president...trampling all over her dreams. She was an excellent Senator for New York for 8 years...she was never a slacker, she didn't sit back and act as if she was Queen, she's a very hard worker, both Republicans and Democrats in office saw this and knew this and know this now, to this very day.

Strong, ambitious women seem to scare weaker men...

She busted her butt running that Presidential campaign, and did not take the opportunity to run lightly...nothing ventured, nothing gained. She wanted to be President and felt she could handle it and do a good job...scary for you, huh? Why you would pick on her for running in 2008 and not John Edwards, or Joe Biden, or Kucinich or Richardson or any of the other male Senators and governors running, but single her out to show your disdain is telling....yeah, yeah yeah....all the men were qualified but only she wasn't and was doing it because she felt entitled, eh? :rolleyes:

The State Department employees are career people. They have to get along with whoever is in the White House. It's their job. This is PERSONAL between the Clinton's and Obama's. The people she brought with her like Cheryl Mills, and Abedine and about 10 in total were not working in the State department before her hire, it was her team.
Every Democrat that votes for Hillary over Sanders is proof that the Democrats want Wall St. to rule the government. Every Democrat that votes for Hillary over Berinie shows the hypocrisy and corruption of the Democratic Party.

BULLSHIT! The Obama administration has been fining wall street and banks over the last seven years and there's no indication that will stop when Clinton is elected.

Hillary is tied to Wall St. She has bigger ties to Wall St. than any other candidate. Tell me how she is going to bring Wall St. Into line? lol! She is Wall Street's whore, and you are her little bitch.

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