Bernie Sanders on immigration


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
"( - Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) says he mostly agrees with President Obama, except when it comes to his deportation policies.

"And I would not support those," Sanders said at Thursday's Democratic debate in Milwaukee. "Bottom line is a path towards citizenship for 11 million undocumented people. If Congress doesn't do the right thing, we use the executive orders of the president."
Sanders Advocates Path to Citizenship, Using Executive Orders 'If Congress Doesn't Do the Right Thing'

So I guess it will be more of the same, only, less deportations.

Screw Congress. Why are they even there?
well obama and sanders are just doing the work that jebito and roobio would do if they were elected . Seems to me that a sovereign America is pretty much gone . My generation are probably the last of the REAL Americans , imo !! 15 - 18 years from now the youngsters being pushed around by immigrants will just think that thats the normal way of life in their 'amerika' !!
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Bernie has said something curious.

“But I think what we need, when I talk about a political revolution, is bringing millions and millions of people into the political process, in a way that does not exist right now,” he said.

So how does writing Executive Orders getting the people involved in issues such as this? Would Bernie follow the will of the people on the immigration issue if it contradicted his own stance? My guess is no.
well obama and sanders are just doing the work that jebito and roobio would do if they were elected . Seems to me that a sovereign America is pretty much gone . My generation are probably the last of the REAL Americans , imo !! 15 - 18 years from now the youngsters being pushed around by immigrants will just think that thats the normal way of life in their 'america' !!
Please define "real americans." I'm not for EO's btw.
well , they won't be the next generation Ben !! Course that's just my opinion . I'm just glad that I have had the majority of my time when this country was still America , IMO !! As I have said in previous posts , my parents born in the early to mid 20s had it the best as Americans . Their kids , my generation has also had it good . Downhill from now on , imo Ben !!
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