Bernie Sanders criticizes Cornel West, opposes Democratic primary

The OP article and headline is actually misleading as to what Bernie Sanders is doing and saying. The article itself is from a right-leaning source.

The real issue is whether there will be a strong alternative candidate to Biden, or whether he will retire.

There will STILL and DEFINITELY be Democratic Primaries in states and a Democratic Convention! Here is an article that explains how they will be conducted:

Note: The above article is also valuable as it explains that the DNC & RNC do not have the power to force states to hold primaries at times they would prefer, and some states will refuse to do so, or have “open primaries.” Thus the primary season before the two parties’ respective conventions will likely be rather chaotic and complex, especially as this year the DNC is trying to change the order of its state party primary elections.
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Well, first of all Prof. Cornell West is not running as a Democrat, but on the People’s Party ticket, which is only on the ballot in FL, and maybe soon in Maine. They never ran a Presidential campaign before, so now West is seeking the endorsement of the more experienced Green Party. He is a long-standing member of the Democratic Socialists of America, but I don’t think they have a position yet.

Probably all this is pretty irrelevant, as West is just an African-American intellectual with no traction or appeal for normal American voters. I figure Bernie wants to discourage him from seeking the Green Party endorsement, which will be on the ballot in many states, where he might somewhere split off just enough votes to lose Biden a close state to Trump, or whoever is the final Republican candidate.

As for “democracy,” our two party winner-take-all voting systems allowing for no “ranked choices” is the real problem. Most everything is set up to help the interests of politicians and parties, not citizens and voters.
RCV = Scam to end all scams
Oh, a third party! How awful! A third party is who I’ll vote for, I won’t vote for Biden or Trump, both are terrible candidates, both have been terrible Presidents. So unlike you, and Bernie, I’ll vote for someone I want, not the lesser of two evils nonsense. If someone siphons votes from your guy, maybe you should put up a better candidate or do a better job leading the country.

What puzzles me is Democrats always voting for systemic racism and then pretend they are against it.

Ranked voting is fine by me, I’m for it.
Some good comments save for the last.

RCV locks in massive Democrat corruption.
Bernie is seeing what 77% of voters are seeing.
Joe headed for the cliff in 2024 and there is no way to stop it.
Bernie Sanders is one year OLDER than Biden. He is clearly too tired and has no chance to win himself.

I suspect Sanders simply feels there is no strong alternative Democratic candidate at this point. He competed strongly in 2016 against Hillary and less strongly in 2020 against Biden, endorsing both after he withdrew / was defeated.

I think it is a pity that others have not announced. Sanders certainly does not have the power to force Biden to withdraw even if he wanted to. He endorsed Biden back in April — but if Biden is forced by health or other reasons to withdraw, of course everything could change. Sanders would not run again, but the party would I think coalesce quickly around another choice, who might pick a new V.P. running mate. Timing is important, because if Biden withdraws too late, Harris will step in, and she is not an inspiring candidate either.

Of course if Biden drops out soon, we could still get a real open primary with several candidates running. I hope that happens, but am not holding my breath.

Sanders is obviously too old to be president, but he's still young enough to keep getting paid to pretend to run. And his price goes up every time.

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