Bernie Sanders: "The greatest threat, facing our country and all of humanity"...can you guess what he thinks it is?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
I don’t care that it’s the hottest day in 100,000+ years. I care about what we’re doing to stop it from getting hotter and to help those least responsible for causing climate change to adapt.

All humans around the globe possess the knowledge and means to adapt to the changes that are a normal part of nature.
Climate change has been happening throughout the history of the planet it is only a danger to those who do not adapt or adapt too slowly. No need to panic. I understand Bernie Sanders's concern for the poor and disadvantaged and climate change's effects on them. As far as food production there needs to be a plan in place now to deal with the effects of climate change. It is not something that cannot be done. If we the common citizens pressure our governments and yes private industry to work for solutions mass starvation and other disasters will not happen.
The danger is that a global totalitarian government is formed to deal with the changes, the solutions must come from us the common people.
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Bern's at it again?

Dr. Bernstein and Gore are laying down the law that we must exterminate humanity (except the important parts like them) in order to save the trees (for them).

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No worries

Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates have a solution.
Actually, reducing the world's population would be a very effective step.

My family is helping as few are marrying and having children. My family line will likely die out in a generation. As things worsen this phenomenon will likely become common. Already many don't want to bring children into this messed up world.

Read your Bibles people. You were told this was coming. :omg:
There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that humans can do to impact the climate, or to slow the inevitable warming of the planet, whether it is cyclical or not. "We" can only devise engineering solutions to the problems that arise, as they become real problems.

The portion of the earth's "greenhouse gases" that are the product of humans' discretionary emissions of same is so small as to be a joke in the overall scheme of things. To wit, what would Senator Sanders do about the burning of carbon fuel in oceangoing vessels (essential to the global economy), airplanes, construction equipment, over-the-road trucking, agricultural machinery, and essential human transportation (leaving out discretionary travel, which is manageable)? How would they propose producing the electricity to power the Electric Vehicles that they demand we buy? Adjusting our thermostats, Summer and Winter, is also a joke in the overall scheme of things.

What is the percentage of the earth's population that gives a shit about climate change, and has the resources to even think about curtailing greenhouse gas emissions? It is about 25%, with 75% struggling to facilitate burning MORE carbon, so they can have things like electricity, heat in Winter, and cooling in summer, transportation, modern agriculture, and so on. Do you think the peasants in India, China, and Africa who are cooking their food on dung fires give a damn about their carbon footprint? I personally do not. And these unfortunates comprise more than half of the world's population.

This is nothing but a power play by the world's Leftists to gain control of the world's production and transportation resources, and to curtail economic activity that they simply do not like.

If such people were serious, they would be very much "on the bandwagon" to increase the global scope of nuclear power - the best feasible way to reduce the production of greenhouse gases. But they oppose nuclear power because apparently, they got an overdose of Godzilla movies when they were children and have no concept of the actual dangers of nuclear radiation.

It is difficult to say whether Sanders is stupid or corrupt; someone who has been successful into his 80's without ever actually having had a job is hardly a person to be taken seriously about serious issues.

A vote for any Democrat is a vote for Sanders and people like him. If Trump is the only alternative, then vote for Trump.
Bern's at it again?

How's he (and his fellow legislators) turn off the AC, open a window, and for once lead by example vs exception......~S~

They're sheltered sociopaths living in cocoons. They think everybody in the U.S. has $50K for solar systems, plus another $50K for EV's, plus another $100K a year for 'buying organic food' and hydroponics, etc. Bernie's never had a real job, so he certainly has zero clue as to how the unwashed masses have to get by, neither does the Democratic Party or the GOP leaderships. Neither do several posters here, for that matter, and that isn't limited to just left wing Burb Brats.
my 14 year old son is too young to vote, but not too young to not suffer from the devastating consequences of climate change, my friends
Please provide details of "devastating consequences of climate change" that your son will personally experience. I suspect that living in a modern, Western society will pretty much eliminate any significant inconvenience.

But seriously, let's see it. How will your son suffer? Be specific.

Will he BENEFIT from longer summers and milder winters? Can you PROVE that destructive storms will be more common? (The data don't show that).
I don’t care that it’s the hottest day in 100,000+ years. I care about what we’re doing to stop it from getting hotter and to help those least responsible for causing climate change to adapt.

100,000 years?

Millions of years before that was the hottest earths mean temperature has ever been. And that predates humans by quite a lot.

That's because back then the antarctic was a rainforest. That's why we found rainforest fossils under the ice.

It's called climate change because the climate changes. It has for billions of years. Earth is not static, it's in a constant state of chaos. That's why we have had world wide floods, world wide droughts, mass extinctions, tectonic activity so great it broke apart land masses, a total reversal of the poles, several ice ages and so on.

Bernie only exists because he is an alarmist. He doesn't actually do anything or serve a purpose.

This is the same guy who hated millionaires until he became one then he started hating billionaires. He marches around saying capitalism is bad but you can buy his book about how capitalism is bad and buy tickets to hear him talk about how capitalism is bad. He tells kids they need to make 30 bucks an hour for working at Starbucks without acknowledging the prices of everything will skyrocket and they pay would mean nothing.
Please provide details of "devastating consequences of climate change" that your son will personally experience. I suspect that living in a modern, Western society will pretty much eliminate any significant inconvenience.

But seriously, let's see it. How will your son suffer? Be specific.

Will he BENEFIT from longer summers and milder winters? Can you PROVE that destructive storms will be more common? (The data don't show that).
he will die from stifling heat. why do you want my son to die?
We should experiment to see if indeed we can affect climate change, if the day comes when we need to.

"Be Prepared". -Boy Scout motto.

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