Bernie Sanders: "The greatest threat, facing our country and all of humanity"...can you guess what he thinks it is?

he will die from stifling heat. why do you want my son to die?
Air Conditioning. Heard of it? Relocation. Heard of it? Phoenix. Heard of it? Millions of people in Phoenix tolerate - indeed they thrive in - three digit temperatures for at least six months of the year. Canada has LOTS of open space where "warming" will be a positive trend, to be treasured.

I hope you are not filling your son's head with this nonsense.
Actually, reducing the world's population would be a very effective step.

My family is helping as few are marrying and having children. My family line will likely die out in a generation. As things worsen this phenomenon will likely become common. Already many don't want to bring children into this messed up world.

Read your Bibles people. You were told this was coming. :omg:

Looks like you may need to read yours.

No where in the Bible does God instruct people not to marry and have children as a means to save the world.

The earth was created for people to live on. Duh.
Make it rain where it's not raining. Deflect or kill hurricanes. Stop tornados. Make it warm where it's cold then, and only then, talk to me about spending trillions on 'climate change.'
my 14 year old son is too young to vote, but not too young to not suffer from the devastating consequences of climate change, my friends

If I were you I would buy and store way a few window air conditioners for him before the people you vote for ban them. It’s really all you can do to help him.
We should experiment to see if indeed we can affect climate change, if the day comes when we need to.
I'm pretty sure the Sun and earth's orbit is beyond our control. Science and math prove it would take over 230,000 nukes just to lower the temp of Antarctica 1 degree. That's a crap ton of nukes.
Not to worry, there's this thing called death.

You think there's a limit?
We've already exceeded the limit.

Do you think the resources needed to sustain an ever-growing population are unlimited? Everywhere in nature populations are limited by food and water, except humans of course. ;)
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I'm pretty sure the Sun and earth's orbit is beyond our control. Science and math prove it would take over 230,000 nukes just to lower the temp of Antarctica 1 degree. That's a crap ton of nukes.
I don't think Antarctica is the place to start cooling the earth.
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The Climate Change proponents are advocating or demanding that the American Taxpayer pay $50T between now and 2050 yet cannot provide the measurable impact even by estimate on how much the US Contribution will lower Carbon footprint on the World. Debates on Climate Change aside, assume every US Citizen is on board and supportive of getting to Carbon Neutrality, how can you demand from the US Taxpayer $50T and have not the slightest measurable estimate of the impact towards the goal? That is a tall order and to think there won’t be legitimate pushback from the Taxpayer is one of entitlement and no accountability.
Make it rain where it's not raining. Deflect or kill hurricanes. Stop tornados. Make it warm where it's cold then, and only then, talk to me about spending trillions on 'climate change.'

We’ve already wasted trillions.
People seem to like those with shock value wild & over the top opinions.
Not those with more measured & thoughtful plans. WE seem to be too lazy to look at all sides
sell our common sense, to join a club that takes care of its self & not the best interest of our country.
Its a bad habit that's hard to break. But we must,
political party's over country not a good deal.

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