Bernie Sanders wants the working class voters back

Except that t is true and your claims.are fiction

The current unemployment rate is due to covid

You mean the disease that Trump criminally mismanaged? That Covid? The one he called a Hoax and held Super Spreader events because his ego can't go five minutes without crowds cheering him?

It doesn't really matter what the unemployment is due to. The fact is, every Republican President has ended his term on a RECESSION. the 2008 one was due to the Housing Crash, the 2001 one was due to 9/11, the 1990 one was due to the S&L Collapse... there's always a "Cause". But they mostly seem to happen when Republicans are in charge.
Except that t is true and your claims.are fiction

The current unemployment rate is due to covid

You mean the disease that Trump criminally mismanaged? That Covid? The one he called a Hoax and held Super Spreader events because his ego can't go five minutes without crowds cheering him?

It doesn't really matter what the unemployment is due to. The fact is, every Republican President has ended his term on a RECESSION. the 2008 one was due to the Housing Crash, the 2001 one was due to 9/11, the 1990 one was due to the S&L Collapse... there's always a "Cause". But they mostly seem to happen when Republicans are in charge.
Presidents do not manage disease

CIte where he called it a hoax.

Your racist god biden held identical events.

No every repulican has not endded with a recession you ware massively ignorant
You know little of history and the fact is the middle class existed before FDR.

The university of Illinois gave me a degree in it, so you'd be wrong. There wasn't a true middle class as we know it today until FDR decided to put working people ahead of corporations.

There's a reason he got elected 4 times in landslides.

There is in fact an entitlement class now which yoour democrat gods created for votes.

Most on assistance are lazy dead beats wake the fuck up you fool

Actually, that's not true, either.

40% of people on SNAP have at least one person in the household that has a job. The same with Medicaid, Section 8, or TANF. Most of the rest are either children or elderly.

The biggest welfare programs, as I have said, are the ones that benefit Middle Class White people, and while republicans would love to cut them, they know they'd be called out on it if they did.

You know little of history and the fact is the middle class existed before FDR.

The university of Illinois gave me a degree in it, so you'd be wrong. There wasn't a true middle class as we know it today until FDR decided to put working people ahead of corporations.

There's a reason he got elected 4 times in landslides.

There is in fact an entitlement class now which yoour democrat gods created for votes.

Most on assistance are lazy dead beats wake the fuck up you fool

Actually, that's not true, either.

40% of people on SNAP have at least one person in the household that has a job. The same with Medicaid, Section 8, or TANF. Most of the rest are either children or elderly.

The biggest welfare programs, as I have said, are the ones that benefit Middle Class White people, and while republicans would love to cut them, they know they'd be called out on it if they did.

View attachment 421627
Yes there was a middle class as we know it before FDR that is an absolute FACT and it does not matter how hatrd you sucked up to get a degree you kknow nothing of history as we have proven time and time again.

The biggest welfare programs benefit deadbeats who are dependant because that is what the left wants
Presidents do not manage disease

CIte where he called it a hoax.

Your racist god biden held identical events.

No every repulican has not endded with a recession you ware massively ignorant

You know, it's hard to waste my time arguing with someone who is barely literate.

Okay, let's review.

Trump- Ended with the current recession, will be the first president since Hoover to post a net jobs loss.
Bush-43 - Ended with the Great Recession and the Housing Crash
Bush- 41 - Ended with the S&L Recession.
Reagan- Didn't have a recession, but he did have the Stock Market Crash of 1987.
Ford - Had a recession.
Nixon- Before he got impeached, he had recessions and gas lines.
Eisenhower- Had THREE recessions on his watch, the last one in 1960.
Hoover- Had a little thing, you might have heard of it, called THE GREAT DEPRESSION.

Republican Recessions- they're not a bug, they're a DESIGN FEATURE.
Yes there was a middle class as we know it before FDR that is an absolute FACT and it does not matter how hatrd you sucked up to get a degree you kknow nothing of history as we have proven time and time again.

Guy, you seem to be barely literate... much less have any knowledge on a topic.
Yes there was a middle class as we know it before FDR that is an absolute FACT and it does not matter how hatrd you sucked up to get a degree you kknow nothing of history as we have proven time and time again.

Guy, you seem to be barely literate... much less have any knowledge on a topic.
I have always proven you wrong concerning history

You are truly uneducated earn hyour GED and come back
I have always proven you wrong concerning history

You are truly uneducated earn hyour GED and come back

Guy, you don't even sound like you qualified for a GED. You can't spell and you don't seem to know how to structure a sentence.
You know little of history and the fact is the middle class existed before FDR.

The university of Illinois gave me a degree in it, so you'd be wrong. There wasn't a true middle class as we know it today until FDR decided to put working people ahead of corporations.

There's a reason he got elected 4 times in landslides.

There is in fact an entitlement class now which yoour democrat gods created for votes.

Most on assistance are lazy dead beats wake the fuck up you fool

Actually, that's not true, either.

40% of people on SNAP have at least one person in the household that has a job. The same with Medicaid, Section 8, or TANF. Most of the rest are either children or elderly.

The biggest welfare programs, as I have said, are the ones that benefit Middle Class White people, and while republicans would love to cut them, they know they'd be called out on it if they did.

View attachment 421627
Yes there was a middle class as we know it before FDR that is an absolute FACT and it does not matter how hatrd you sucked up to get a degree you kknow nothing of history as we have proven time and time again.

The biggest welfare programs benefit deadbeats who are dependant because that is what the left wants

Actually, during the FDR regime , the middle class declined.

It was during the 1920's, that was a boom time for the Middle Class. The number of American families with automobiles soared exponentially, ditto with home electrification and radios, indoor plumbing, etc. The advent of automobile culture enabled the growing middle class to move to the suburbs.
You are not well.informed of educated in history

The middle class predated far and is the result of capitalism

Are you fucking retarded. Tell you what, pick up a history book, and read how most of the working class lived in the 1920's... They lived in crowded tenements, not nice houses.

Before FDR, there was no welfare or entitlement class = class that does not work. Go back to the roots and stop taking more out of the Middle Class paycheck.

Actually, there isn't one now. Most people on assistance have jobs. Just jobs that don't pay enough. The simple solution would be to mandate a living wage, but watch people scream when you insist we pay them fairly.

Here's the funny thing. Assistance to the poor is a very small part of what is taken out of your paycheck. I know it terribly upsets you that you have to, because frankly, with modern conservatism, cruelty has become the point.

The big ticket items are "Middle Class Entitlements", or as I lovingly call them "White People Welfare". Medicare, Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, Veteran's Benefits....

Things that if you cut, would actually put a cut in the deficit, but no one is ever going to cut them.

I have no problem assisting the poor. You’d be surprised how much I assist the poor beyond what the Government takes in the name of assisting the poor. That’s why I was shocked to learn President-Elect Joe Biden only gave $395 in charitable donations in 2008 compared to the nearly 8x I gave. It is also why I was shocked to learn John Kerry had the opportunity as Senator of Massachusetts to give to the state’s Commonwealth Fund and chose $0. He must have been too busy floating his yacht into Rhode Island to avoid Massachusetts luxury tax.

You see, I am all about giving and helping the poor. What I am against are liberal wealthy elite politicians who wag their finger at me in the name of giving to the poor but who are in fact top tax evaders themselves.
Actually, during the FDR regime , the middle class declined.

It was during the 1920's, that was a boom time for the Middle Class. The number of American families with automobiles soared exponentially, ditto with home electrification and radios, indoor plumbing, etc. The advent of automobile culture enabled the growing middle class to move to the suburbs.

Actually, nothing of the sort happened...

For many Americans, the 1920s was a decade of poverty. More than 60 per cent of Americans lived just below the poverty line.

Generally, groups such as farmers, black Americans, immigrants and the older industries did not enjoy the prosperity of the “Roaring Twenties”.

I have no problem assisting the poor. You’d be surprised how much I assist the poor beyond what the Government takes in the name of assisting the poor.

Again, giving to Charities where most of the money goes to the people running them doesn't impress me.
How do we avoid future authoritarians? Winning back the working class is key | US elections 2020 | The Guardian

“A segment of working-class people in our country still believes Donald Trump defends their interests. We must win them over”

“Democrats must show, in word and deed, how fraudulent the Republican party is when it claims to be the party of working families.”

Sanders is a typical despicable demagogue Democrat Politician.
He uses hate and envy as his class warfare weapons.
It is shocking that there are actually people who trust and admire this cretin.
How can the Democratic Party convince the people who they hate to vote for them?
How can they take back calling working class people names like “nazi, white supremacist, uneducated, deplorable, zenophobic, islamophobic......”.
How can anyone trust the Democrats after their daily avalanche of lies, censorship, corruption and propaganda?
They Can't
Left Wing economics enslaves workers.
Middle Class people do not want to be the Corrupt Democratic Party's serfs.
Everyone is not as dumb and useless as the average Dem Voter.
The Democratic Party is totally dishonest and corrupt.
The Dems have abandoned the working class at least for a generation.
You are not well.informed of educated in history

The middle class predated far and is the result of capitalism

Are you fucking retarded. Tell you what, pick up a history book, and read how most of the working class lived in the 1920's... They lived in crowded tenements, not nice houses.

Before FDR, there was no welfare or entitlement class = class that does not work. Go back to the roots and stop taking more out of the Middle Class paycheck.

Actually, there isn't one now. Most people on assistance have jobs. Just jobs that don't pay enough. The simple solution would be to mandate a living wage, but watch people scream when you insist we pay them fairly.

Here's the funny thing. Assistance to the poor is a very small part of what is taken out of your paycheck. I know it terribly upsets you that you have to, because frankly, with modern conservatism, cruelty has become the point.

The big ticket items are "Middle Class Entitlements", or as I lovingly call them "White People Welfare". Medicare, Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, Veteran's Benefits....

Things that if you cut, would actually put a cut in the deficit, but no one is ever going to cut them.

I have no problem assisting the poor. You’d be surprised how much I assist the poor beyond what the Government takes in the name of assisting the poor. That’s why I was shocked to learn President-Elect Joe Biden only gave $395 in charitable donations in 2008 compared to the nearly 8x I gave. It is also why I was shocked to learn John Kerry had the opportunity as Senator of Massachusetts to give to the state’s Commonwealth Fund and chose $0. He must have been too busy floating his yacht into Rhode Island to avoid Massachusetts luxury tax.

You see, I am all about giving and helping the poor. What I am against are liberal wealthy elite politicians who wag their finger at me in the name of giving to the poor but who are in fact top tax evaders themselves.
Rich Left Wing Politicians and Pundits want to put the burden of the poor on the backs of the Middle Class Taxpayers.
Middle Class Taxpayers can't avoid taxes like the rich can.
Actually, during the FDR regime , the middle class declined.

It was during the 1920's, that was a boom time for the Middle Class. The number of American families with automobiles soared exponentially, ditto with home electrification and radios, indoor plumbing, etc. The advent of automobile culture enabled the growing middle class to move to the suburbs.

Actually, nothing of the sort happened...

For many Americans, the 1920s was a decade of poverty. More than 60 per cent of Americans lived just below the poverty line.

Generally, groups such as farmers, black Americans, immigrants and the older industries did not enjoy the prosperity of the “Roaring Twenties”.

I have no problem assisting the poor. You’d be surprised how much I assist the poor beyond what the Government takes in the name of assisting the poor.

Again, giving to Charities where most of the money goes to the people running them doesn't impress me.

Again, giving to Charities where most of the money goes to the people running them doesn't impress me.

Having wealthy liberal elites use the State as a medium to take peoples’ earned money in the name of the Poor to first reward friends and then use what is left over to the poor must be more your style.
How do we avoid future authoritarians? Winning back the working class is key | US elections 2020 | The Guardian

“A segment of working-class people in our country still believes Donald Trump defends their interests. We must win them over”

“Democrats must show, in word and deed, how fraudulent the Republican party is when it claims to be the party of working families.”

Sanders is a typical despicable demagogue Democrat Politician.
He uses hate and envy as his class warfare weapons.
It is shocking that there are actually people who trust and admire this cretin.
How can the Democratic Party convince the people who they hate to vote for them?
How can they take back calling working class people names like “nazi, white supremacist, uneducated, deplorable, zenophobic, islamophobic......”.
How can anyone trust the Democrats after their daily avalanche of lies, censorship, corruption and propaganda?
They Can't
Left Wing economics enslaves workers.
Middle Class people do not want to be the Corrupt Democratic Party's serfs.
Everyone is not as dumb and useless as the average Dem Voter.
The Democratic Party is totally dishonest and corrupt.

One problem, you can't win working class over by promising their money to people who want to destroy them.
Having wealthy liberal elites use the State as a medium to take peoples’ earned money in the name of the Poor to first reward friends and then use what is left over to the poor must be more your style.

Guy, we've been over this. WHen the rich pay their fair share, we can pay our bills. It's this most amazing thing.
Not happening Bernie. Outsourcing good jobs and importing slave labor only hurts the American worker. The party of China and open borders will never have the American worker back unless we revert to slavery again.

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