Best Article on Trump Trade Policies vs DC Globalist Traitors


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Thus is the best article I've seen in a long time on President Trump's trade policies, perhaps the best ever. Well worth the time to read it >>>

Thus is the best article I've seen in a long time on President Trump's trade policies, perhaps the best ever. Well worth the time to read it >>>

Our trade deficit with China is pretty much were it was when the blob oozed into office. There is no "massively successful" trade policy.
Our trade deficit with China is pretty much were it was when the blob oozed into office. There is no "massively successful" trade policy.
You don't undo 30 YEARS of trade irresponsibility, treason, and idiocy entirely, in 3 years. It takes much longer. Do you judge a football quarterback's whole season, just by one game ?
And your'e wrong. There HAS been a reversal of globalist trade.


Thereby returning America's economy to America, instead of being owned by the Chinese. Thank you President Trump.

US manufacturing’s ability to hold its ground as imports sharply declined, resulted in a manufacturing import ratio (MIR) of 12.1 percent, meaning the US market imported 12.1 cents worth of offshore production from Asian LCCs for every $1 of domestic
manufacturing gross output. A reversal of the previous upward trend. This now shows a reduction from 13.1 to 12.1.
I tried to copy/paste the MIR graph, but it wouldn't copy. It is, however, in the link I provided right here (the bar graph shown in purple)
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It’s baffling that so many Dems are terrified at the prospect of changing trade policies to favor manufacturing in the US. Then again, when you realize radical Dems hate this country, it kind of makes sense why they hate President Trump and his trade policies.
It’s baffling that so many Dems are terrified at the prospect of changing trade policies to favor manufacturing in the US. Then again, when you realize radical Dems hate this country, it kind of makes sense why they hate President Trump and his trade policies.
They are GLOBALISTS, aka Internationalists, aka Communists. They have no allegiance to any country, including the US. Their allegiance is to the world. This is easily evidenced by their support of internationalist trade policies that favor other countries over the US. (ex. WTO, NAFTA, CAFTA, TPP)

It's also illustrated by Hillary Clinton's membership in Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, both notorious, globalist, outsourcing organizations.

It's also illustrated by the Obama/Biden world trade policy, which gave China unrestricted access to our huge valuable MARKET, thereby flooding our stores with Made in China garbage, hurting US businesses, and reducing jobs for US workers.

It's also illustrated by Democrats' open borders policies, favoring Mexico et al countries over the US.

It's also illustrated by Obama's infamous, globalist remark from a speech in Germany, when he stated "I am a citizen of the world." For which he was sharply criticized by 2012 conservative presidential candidate Virgil Goode, who said "You're supposed to be a citizen of the United States, and as a US president, representing the American people, not the world."
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And what did Biden do about China, when he had some (VP) power ? Makes sweetheart deals with them, helping nobody in America, except him and his family.
Fantastic success, largest trade deficit in 14 years, mission accomplished, time to celebrate, keep up the good work. Not.

The Commerce Department said on Tuesday the trade deficit jumped 5.9% to $67.1 billion, the widest since August 2006.

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Our trade deficit with China is pretty much were it was when the blob oozed into office. There is no "massively successful" trade policy.
You don't undo 30 YEARS of trade irresponsibility, treason, and idiocy entirely, in 3 years. It takes much longer. Do you judge a football quarterback's whole season, just by one game ?
And your'e wrong. There HAS been a reversal of globalist trade.

View attachment 396793

Thereby returning America's economy to America, instead of being owned by the Chinese. Thank you President Trump.

US manufacturing’s ability to hold its ground as imports sharply declined, resulted in a manufacturing import ratio (MIR) of 12.1 percent, meaning the US market imported 12.1 cents worth of offshore production from Asian LCCs for every $1 of domestic
manufacturing gross output. A reversal of the previous upward trend. This now shows a reduction from 13.1 to 12.1.
I tried to copy/paste the MIR graph, but it wouldn't copy. It is, however, in the link I provided right here (the bar graph shown in purple)

This is some interesting hard numbers, showing some real benefits from Trump's radically changed Trade policy and gives reason to keep going down that path.
Why do you insist on inflaming a discussion by calling those who you disagree with 'traitors'? What purpose does that serve in making your argument palatable, acceptable, legitimate?

From my perspective, it diminishes you to the point of dismissal.

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