Best Book You Ever Read?

If you remember the best book you "ever" read you probably don't do much reading. I get through about a book a month. I'm currently reading "Frozen in Time" about the heroism of marooned WW2 Airmen and the modern search to find the plane on the Greenland glacier. It should be noted that only 17% of Washington D.C. 8th graders are able to read.
MacBeth and anything by Shakespeare.

I have to say Gone with the Wind too...

Where the Red Fern Grows


The Bible

Annotated Classic Fairy Tales (Maria Tatar)....I actually started with the non-annotated one as a girl, but then my sister replaced it with this is a wonderful thing: [ame=]The Annotated Classic Fairy Tales: Maria Tatar: 9780393051636: Books[/ame]

A collection of Edgar Allen Poe works

The Oxford Guide to English Literature....

Stephen King.

Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Hobbit, Watership Down.

Alice in Wonderland....

Oh and Keeper of the Crypt and Twilight Zone comics. I had stacks of them. Also Archie.

Earthsea Trilogy

Animal Farm

Catcher in the Rye

Anything by Rudyard Kipling

Anything by Jack London
Yeah I can't stick to one either. Every one I think of leads me somewhere else.
I read Gone with the Wind every year or two.

I read the Bible a lot.

I revisit Stephen King and Poe.

Oh and I LOVE Georgette Heyer!

And the Bronte sisters! I read Jane Eyre regularly as well.

^^^ :D

Catch 22 I read in school when if first came out. After a couple years in the Navy, I figured Heller had the military pegged pretty good. Politics too. We get these empty suits and expect they'll serve the people. I liked Milo Minderbender in the book. He subcontracted with the Germans to bomb his own base because he could do it cheaper, (but at least warned his buddies first). Milo, the first global corporatist. Profit first and screw everyone else. Mitt romney would be proud of him.

Without a doubt, Catch 22. I have read it at least 4 times, and I find new truths in it every time. It is a masterpiece.
I can't pick just one :(. I'm going to say the Crucible. It was with that book I realized that I didn't hate reading, I just hated the boring books I had to read in school.
I can't pick just one :(. I'm going to say the Crucible. It was with that book I realized that I didn't hate reading, I just hated the boring books I had to read in school.

Ben Hur is good too.

And it was written by my...great grandfather's...uncle? I think?

Which makes it cool.

I also went through a period where I was reading Christian testimonies..I remember reading a couple of books by Dale Evans, and some other books like it.

As a little girl I had a really nice, illustrated bible stories book.

And I LOVED Hans Christian Anderson...and O.Henry.
I read just about every Stephen King novel and I think "Salem's Lot" is about the best. Since his accident his stuff has lost it's edge though. I just finished "Dr. Sleep" and it left me disappointed plus King is such a cheap shot liberal that it becomes annoying. He never passes up a chance to insult Reagan and Bush while leaving the most juicy administration and a freaking wealth of stuff for novelists, Bubba Bull Clinton aka the pervert-in chief, alone.
Every book I have ever read is the best book I have ever read. Not that many caused me to change. The three I mentioned did.
I read just about every Stephen King novel and I think "Salem's Lot" is about the best. Since his accident his stuff has lost it's edge though. I just finished "Dr. Sleep" and it left me disappointed plus King is such a cheap shot liberal that it becomes annoying. He never passes up a chance to insult Reagan and Bush while leaving the most juicy administration and a freaking wealth of stuff for novelists, Bubba Bull Clinton aka the pervert-in chief, alone.

I couldn't agree more.

Though I definitely loved the Shining, and Firestarter...and some others. Carrie was good...but I LOVE 'salem's lot....
My real favorite, my first fav book was a science fiction anthology work, one called Jupiter. Works by Asimov, Gallun, Weinbaum. I remember the smell of the ink from that book, cracking open the pages. "Victory unintentional" was so funny. "The lotus engine", mind blowing. "The mad moon", well a little bit of all. I loved Melville to Dickens, but Sci fi short stories always seems to tug at my heart.
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There's no way I could ever list just one. Here's just the first to come to mind:

The Great Gatsby
A Scanner Darkly
Snow Crash
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
The War of the Worlds
Watchmen (graphic novel)

And everything Hunter S. Thompson ever wrote.
I read just about every Stephen King novel and I think "Salem's Lot" is about the best. Since his accident his stuff has lost it's edge though. I just finished "Dr. Sleep" and it left me disappointed plus King is such a cheap shot liberal that it becomes annoying. He never passes up a chance to insult Reagan and Bush while leaving the most juicy administration and a freaking wealth of stuff for novelists, Bubba Bull Clinton aka the pervert-in chief, alone.

I couldn't agree more.

Though I definitely loved the Shining, and Firestarter...and some others. Carrie was good...but I LOVE 'salem's lot....

"The Stand" was like about four novels in one and it was great. Even the mini series was good. I didn't care for the "gunslinger" series though.

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