Best Book You Ever Read?

I read a good book at least 1 hour a day now having worked my way up from 10 minutes. I am always on the lookout for more good books to add to my library. What are some of the most influential books you have read and why?

I think back, and the most influential book that I read was actually silly. One of the Barsoom seireis by Edger Rice Borroughs. Yet, when I finished that first book, borrowed from an older cousin, the stars and planets were not longer points of light in the sky, but possibly abodes of life, and solar systems that might harbor who knows what.
Best books of 1966. Every book on this list you should read and it if was published that year and isnt on this list dont give it a single minute of your time.
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Best book I ever read? Hard to remember, I havent read many books in the last 10 years, but what sticks out the most for me was Red Mars, a book my aunt gave me. There was a trilogy and I read two of them. Big thick books for a teen to read. I was fascinated with space at the time and read a lot of scifis. My auntie was a scifi aficionado as well so we had many good space conversations .
Seeing the cover once again brings it all back good times.
Best non-fiction:

The Screwing of the Average Man by David Hapgood

The Tyranny of Words by Stuart Chase

The title speaks for itself. Showed me most economic writings and blather are BS.

No such thing for fiction, too much variation with no objective reference. This is interesting in relation to the world today:

Daemon & Freedom by Daniel Suarez
My favorite? "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy (see my username? ) A very close second "Picture This" by Joseph Heller ( see avatar? )
Should also mention "All Quiet on the Western Front" by Erich Maria Remarque. Only read it once, don't know if I'll ever have the courage to read it again. I literally cried for an hour after I finished it. It was that good.
A fictional story that is Good should be up to date about the world and suggestive about the future. I mentioned

Daemon & Freedom by Daniel Suarez

but gave no explanation. It is about a genius computer game designer who leaves behind a "daemon" when he dies. It proceeds to murder people and engage in stock manipulations to take over companies. Freedom is a continuation of the same story with the detective who was framed for the murders.

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