"Best" climate change denial argument EVER....by Mark Levin

The silly little science debates that go on in here..........they are hysterical to read when you step back and take it in. Hysterical........as if any of this shit changes the dynamic in the real world. This is hobby stuff folks........philosophy and nothing more. This stuff is all hugely irrelevant........the people who make government policy on energy could not be yawning more broadly.

Lets face it.........in 2017, the fact is, no matter what has been being stated in the matrix, they climate crusaders still haven't made the case after 25 years. If they had, The Paris Treaty is a chip shot field goal. Its dead.

But continue on with the philosophical debates............high entertainment value for me for 9 years now.:deal:
With the destruction and misery caused by Harvey, NK's crazed threats with nukes,and an idiot sitting in the oval office (well, whenever he's not golfing)......We NEED a laugh....

Please follow the "logic" by Levin about WHY climate change does not exist....
(BTW, Levin, the favorite moron of the radio waves and a paragon of right wing "intelligence"....pronounces Archimedes as “Archie Meedeez”...something like a Mexican comic book character..

Just listen...its hilarious


/----/ Mark is right. Climate Change is an ideology. It has nothing to do with science.

Well now, another little ignorant cocksuck raises his stupid head. In 1824, Joseph Fourier, the great French polymath, stated that there had to be something in the atmosphere that absorbed outgoing radiation, or else the oceans would be frozen down to the equator. In 1859, Tyndall measured the absorption of IR by the gases in the atmosphere, and in 1896, Svante Arrhenius made the first, and pretty accurate, estimate for how much warming would occur for doubling the CO2 in the atmosphere.

Of course, Levin and you are ignorant of all of that, and, indeed, almost every other aspect of science.

Q. According to the latest manmade globalclimatechangewarming models, how much must we lower CO2 in order to halt global warming?

A. $15 trillion

Which is less than 3 years of fossil fuel subsidies.

Damn, that's a bargain.

Thanks for pointing that out, Frank. We'd have to be insane not to take the deal.
Thread summary:

Deniers have just been badly embarrassed by the failure of their crank pseudoscience, and the catastrophe of their political ideology, so they're lashing out blindly.

Harvey. What made it worse?

Higher water temperatures, due to global warming, make a stronger hurricane.

Higher air temperatures, due to global warming, meant the atmosphere can hold more water.

Higher ocean levels, due to global warming, make it harder for water to drain away.

Stalling patterns, due to global warming, hold the storm in one place longer.

If you don't think global warming made Harvey worse, you are a paste-eating moron, a human being who is to 'effin stupid to be wasting the time of the grownups. Have a juicebox and go back to the kiddie table with you fellow 'tard cultists, because nobody is buying your weepy cult babbling.
Q. According to the latest manmade globalclimatechangewarming models, how much must we lower CO2 in order to halt global warming?

A. $15 trillion

Which is less than 3 years of fossil fuel subsidies.

Damn, that's a bargain.

Thanks for pointing that out, Frank. We'd have to be insane not to take the deal.

Well we know you're insane so that's not saying much. WTF is a "Fossil Fuel subsidy"? You sound like a moronic Progressive who never left Mom's basement
You are blaming hurricane Harvey on climate change and Levin is the moron?

YES, fuckhead.......(Are you related to "Archie-Meedez?")

Do you know how many "500 year floods" that Houston has had in the last 3 years???
THREE of them.

Do you even no what the term."500 year food even means?"

Btw libtard where did you get the documents from off of tepees from the year 1468?

Q. According to the latest manmade globalclimatechangewarming models, how much must we lower CO2 in order to halt global warming?

A. $15 trillion

Which is less than 3 years of fossil fuel subsidies.

Damn, that's a bargain.

Thanks for pointing that out, Frank. We'd have to be insane not to take the deal.
The government subsidizes fossil fuels to the tune of $5 trillion a year? Our entire budget isn't even that much.

Do you understand why everyone thinks you're dumb as a cockroach?
Thread summary:

Deniers have just been badly embarrassed by the failure of their crank pseudoscience, and the catastrophe of their political ideology, so they're lashing out blindly.

Harvey. What made it worse?

Higher water temperatures, due to global warming, make a stronger hurricane.

Higher air temperatures, due to global warming, meant the atmosphere can hold more water.

Higher ocean levels, due to global warming, make it harder for water to drain away.

Stalling patterns, due to global warming, hold the storm in one place longer.

If you don't think global warming made Harvey worse, you are a paste-eating moron, a human being who is to 'effin stupid to be wasting the time of the grownups. Have a juicebox and go back to the kiddie table with you fellow 'tard cultists, because nobody is buying your weepy cult babbling.

That's all warmist horseshit, of course.
Thread summary:

Deniers have just been badly embarrassed by the failure of their crank pseudoscience, and the catastrophe of their political ideology, so they're lashing out blindly.

Harvey. What made it worse?

Higher water temperatures, due to global warming, make a stronger hurricane.

Higher air temperatures, due to global warming, meant the atmosphere can hold more water.

Higher ocean levels, due to global warming, make it harder for water to drain away.

Stalling patterns, due to global warming, hold the storm in one place longer.

If you don't think global warming made Harvey worse, you are a paste-eating moron, a human being who is to 'effin stupid to be wasting the time of the grownups. Have a juicebox and go back to the kiddie table with you fellow 'tard cultists, because nobody is buying your weepy cult babbling.

Translation~ mamooth once again proves she is a moron., What made it worse? Too much concrete no where for the water to go.

Do you even no what the term."500 year food even means?"
Btw libtard where did you get the documents from off of tepees from the year 1468?

Yeah, sure, you're the illiterate moron who needs answering to that "magnificent" post ???
Last edited:
Thread summary:

Deniers have just been badly embarrassed by the failure of their crank pseudoscience, and the catastrophe of their political ideology, so they're lashing out blindly.

Harvey. What made it worse?

Higher water temperatures, due to global warming, make a stronger hurricane.

Higher air temperatures, due to global warming, meant the atmosphere can hold more water.

Higher ocean levels, due to global warming, make it harder for water to drain away.

Stalling patterns, due to global warming, hold the storm in one place longer.

If you don't think global warming made Harvey worse, you are a paste-eating moron, a human being who is to 'effin stupid to be wasting the time of the grownups. Have a juicebox and go back to the kiddie table with you fellow 'tard cultists, because nobody is buying your weepy cult babbling.

Translation~ mamooth once again proves she is a moron., What made it worse? Too much concrete no where for the water to go.

You are a fucking idiot. You put down 30" to 56" of rain in less than six days over an area big as some of our medium sized states, and you are going to see flooding even if there is not a single piece of pavement in the area.

The precipitation event that is Harvey is a direct result of global warming. The stalled weather system that created the near stationary hurricane has other similar systems creating floods in Asia, and a prolonged heat wave in Europe called Lucifer. A warmer ocean and a warmer atmosphere means more evaporation, which means more precipitation per event.
Thread summary:

Deniers have just been badly embarrassed by the failure of their crank pseudoscience, and the catastrophe of their political ideology, so they're lashing out blindly.

Harvey. What made it worse?

Higher water temperatures, due to global warming, make a stronger hurricane.

Higher air temperatures, due to global warming, meant the atmosphere can hold more water.

Higher ocean levels, due to global warming, make it harder for water to drain away.

Stalling patterns, due to global warming, hold the storm in one place longer.

If you don't think global warming made Harvey worse, you are a paste-eating moron, a human being who is to 'effin stupid to be wasting the time of the grownups. Have a juicebox and go back to the kiddie table with you fellow 'tard cultists, because nobody is buying your weepy cult babbling.

Translation~ mamooth once again proves she is a moron., What made it worse? Too much concrete no where for the water to go.

You are a fucking idiot. You put down 30" to 56" of rain in less than six days over an area big as some of our medium sized states, and you are going to see flooding even if there is not a single piece of pavement in the area.

The precipitation event that is Harvey is a direct result of global warming. The stalled weather system that created the near stationary hurricane has other similar systems creating floods in Asia, and a prolonged heat wave in Europe called Lucifer. A warmer ocean and a warmer atmosphere means more evaporation, which means more precipitation per event.

Bullshit. It is small compared to the atmospheric river of 1862. There is zero support that harvey, the first hurricane to even make landfall in 12 years, was affected by the non existent "climate change". A temperature increase that is so tiny (if it even exists) that no instruments can even measure it.
Thread summary:

Deniers have just been badly embarrassed by the failure of their crank pseudoscience, and the catastrophe of their political ideology, so they're lashing out blindly.

Harvey. What made it worse?

Higher water temperatures, due to global warming, make a stronger hurricane.

Higher air temperatures, due to global warming, meant the atmosphere can hold more water.

Higher ocean levels, due to global warming, make it harder for water to drain away.

Stalling patterns, due to global warming, hold the storm in one place longer.

If you don't think global warming made Harvey worse, you are a paste-eating moron, a human being who is to 'effin stupid to be wasting the time of the grownups. Have a juicebox and go back to the kiddie table with you fellow 'tard cultists, because nobody is buying your weepy cult babbling.

Dumbass, global climate change might be real, but there ain't a damn thing man can do to change it.

Climate ALWAYS changes.
Thread summary:

Deniers have just been badly embarrassed by the failure of their crank pseudoscience, and the catastrophe of their political ideology, so they're lashing out blindly.

Harvey. What made it worse?

Higher water temperatures, due to global warming, make a stronger hurricane.

Higher air temperatures, due to global warming, meant the atmosphere can hold more water.

Higher ocean levels, due to global warming, make it harder for water to drain away.

Stalling patterns, due to global warming, hold the storm in one place longer.

If you don't think global warming made Harvey worse, you are a paste-eating moron, a human being who is to 'effin stupid to be wasting the time of the grownups. Have a juicebox and go back to the kiddie table with you fellow 'tard cultists, because nobody is buying your weepy cult babbling.

Translation~ mamooth once again proves she is a moron., What made it worse? Too much concrete no where for the water to go.

You are a fucking idiot. You put down 30" to 56" of rain in less than six days over an area big as some of our medium sized states, and you are going to see flooding even if there is not a single piece of pavement in the area.

The precipitation event that is Harvey is a direct result of global warming. The stalled weather system that created the near stationary hurricane has other similar systems creating floods in Asia, and a prolonged heat wave in Europe called Lucifer. A warmer ocean and a warmer atmosphere means more evaporation, which means more precipitation per event.

So because a weather front stopped the hurricane from advancing, its proof of manmade climate change?

Are you nuts? Meds stop working?
Dumbass, global climate change might be real, but there ain't a damn thing man can do to change it.

Climate ALWAYS changes.

The moronic equivalent of...."since I know I'm going to die someday, why don't I hurry it up a bit"
Thread summary:

Deniers have just been badly embarrassed by the failure of their crank pseudoscience, and the catastrophe of their political ideology, so they're lashing out blindly.

Harvey. What made it worse?

Higher water temperatures, due to global warming, make a stronger hurricane.

Higher air temperatures, due to global warming, meant the atmosphere can hold more water.

Higher ocean levels, due to global warming, make it harder for water to drain away.

Stalling patterns, due to global warming, hold the storm in one place longer.

If you don't think global warming made Harvey worse, you are a paste-eating moron, a human being who is to 'effin stupid to be wasting the time of the grownups. Have a juicebox and go back to the kiddie table with you fellow 'tard cultists, because nobody is buying your weepy cult babbling.

Translation~ mamooth once again proves she is a moron., What made it worse? Too much concrete no where for the water to go.

You are a fucking idiot. You put down 30" to 56" of rain in less than six days over an area big as some of our medium sized states, and you are going to see flooding even if there is not a single piece of pavement in the area.

The precipitation event that is Harvey is a direct result of global warming. The stalled weather system that created the near stationary hurricane has other similar systems creating floods in Asia, and a prolonged heat wave in Europe called Lucifer. A warmer ocean and a warmer atmosphere means more evaporation, which means more precipitation per event.

So because a weather front stopped the hurricane from advancing, its proof of manmade climate change?

Are you nuts? Meds stop working?

OK, Pop, so you are a completely ignorant ass.

Not that you will even watch this lecture by Jennifer Francis in January, 2012 in which she predicts exactly the kind of blocking pattern that we saw with Harvey. And gives the reasons for the blocking patterns.

Thread summary:

Deniers have just been badly embarrassed by the failure of their crank pseudoscience, and the catastrophe of their political ideology, so they're lashing out blindly.

Harvey. What made it worse?

Higher water temperatures, due to global warming, make a stronger hurricane.

Higher air temperatures, due to global warming, meant the atmosphere can hold more water.

Higher ocean levels, due to global warming, make it harder for water to drain away.

Stalling patterns, due to global warming, hold the storm in one place longer.

If you don't think global warming made Harvey worse, you are a paste-eating moron, a human being who is to 'effin stupid to be wasting the time of the grownups. Have a juicebox and go back to the kiddie table with you fellow 'tard cultists, because nobody is buying your weepy cult babbling.
/----/ Deny this tard Climatic Research Unit email controversy - Wikipedia

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