"Best" climate change denial argument EVER....by Mark Levin

You warmers really need to go back to school and pay attention in science class.

And what do you believe we missed in science class that would have convinced us you know what you're talking about and mainstream science does not?
The inability to represent the earth's climate with a single temperature.
The inability to accurately estimate a single temperature for the planet for each of the last 2000 years.
The misuse of the greenhouse gas effect to arrive at the erroneous conclusion that atmospheric CO2 drives climate change.
The inability to show how CO2 has effected previous climates throughout the geologic record.
The overestimation of feedback in their climate models.
Blaming global warming for natural events such as heat waves, droughts, blizzards, floods, hurricanes and forest fires.
The overestimation of temperature and sea level in heir models.
The overestimation of the impact on life and property of climate change.
The dramatization of climate change.
The demonization of anyone who dares to challenge the science and findings.

LMAO..........ding pwns the k00ks!!:2up:
You warmers really need to go back to school and pay attention in science class.

And what do you believe we missed in science class that would have convinced us you know what you're talking about and mainstream science does not?
The inability to represent the earth's climate with a single temperature.
The inability to accurately estimate a single temperature for the planet for each of the last 2000 years.
The misuse of the greenhouse gas effect to arrive at the erroneous conclusion that atmospheric CO2 drives climate change.
The inability to show how CO2 has effected previous climates throughout the geologic record.
The overestimation of feedback in their climate models.
Blaming global warming for natural events such as heat waves, droughts, blizzards, floods, hurricanes and forest fires.
The overestimation of temperature and sea level in heir models.
The overestimation of the impact on life and property of climate change.
The dramatization of climate change.
The demonization of anyone who dares to challenge the science and findings.

LMAO..........ding pwns the k00ks!!:2up:
And what do you believe we missed in science class that would have convinced us you know what you're talking about and mainstream science does not?
The inability to represent the earth's climate with a single temperature.

Something you imagined, as they do that quite well.

The inability to accurately estimate a single temperature for the planet for each of the last 2000 years.

Something you imagined, as they do that quite well.

The misuse of the greenhouse gas effect to arrive at the erroneous conclusion that atmospheric CO2 drives climate change.

Something you imagined, as ... wait, I note the pattern here. You're just making crazy stuff up.
You warmers really need to go back to school and pay attention in science class.

And what do you believe we missed in science class that would have convinced us you know what you're talking about and mainstream science does not?
The inability to represent the earth's climate with a single temperature.
The inability to accurately estimate a single temperature for the planet for each of the last 2000 years.
The misuse of the greenhouse gas effect to arrive at the erroneous conclusion that atmospheric CO2 drives climate change.
The inability to show how CO2 has effected previous climates throughout the geologic record.
The overestimation of feedback in their climate models.
Blaming global warming for natural events such as heat waves, droughts, blizzards, floods, hurricanes and forest fires.
The overestimation of temperature and sea level in heir models.
The overestimation of the impact on life and property of climate change.
The dramatization of climate change.
The demonization of anyone who dares to challenge the science and findings.

LMAO..........ding pwns the k00ks!!:2up:
/----/ And don't forget this tidbit:
Bill Nye says that we should throw "climate deniers" in jail. - RedState
Apr 14, 2016 - Bishop of the Church of Climate Change, Bill Nye, has been preaching the fire and brimstone theology of global cooling – I mean global ...
You warmers really need to go back to school and pay attention in science class.

And what do you believe we missed in science class that would have convinced us you know what you're talking about and mainstream science does not?
The inability to represent the earth's climate with a single temperature.
The inability to accurately estimate a single temperature for the planet for each of the last 2000 years.
The misuse of the greenhouse gas effect to arrive at the erroneous conclusion that atmospheric CO2 drives climate change.
The inability to show how CO2 has effected previous climates throughout the geologic record.
The overestimation of feedback in their climate models.
Blaming global warming for natural events such as heat waves, droughts, blizzards, floods, hurricanes and forest fires.
The overestimation of temperature and sea level in heir models.
The overestimation of the impact on life and property of climate change.
The dramatization of climate change.
The demonization of anyone who dares to challenge the science and findings.

LMAO..........ding pwns the k00ks!!:2up:

Hey ding.......want to laugh your balls off. Check out this poll on voter concerns for the past election..............


WHO'S NOT WINNING??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:2up::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:
You are blaming hurricane Harvey on climate change and Levin is the moron?

YES, fuckhead.......(Are you related to "Archie-Meedez?")

Do you know how many "500 year floods" that Houston has had in the last 3 years???
THREE of them.

And we all know that once we mortal humans declare the parameters for 500 Year floods, then mother nature is obligated to respect those parameters OR ELSE!
And so it goes.

It happens on every thread in this folder. Deniers get massacred by the facts, so they go into a frenzy of deflecting, insulting and crying.

Deniers, if you weren't all such cult losers, you wouldn't have to act like that. You could act like the rational people, and use logic and evidence. But as all the evidence contradicts your conspiracy babbling, going into these rage fits for the purpose of destroying the thread is the only tactic you're capable of.

There's more than one way for conservatives to censor discussion. They're masters of all of them, but they're particularly good at deliberately silencing discussion by screaming over it.
And so it goes.

It happens on every thread in this folder. Deniers get massacred by the facts, so they go into a frenzy of deflecting, insulting and crying.

Deniers, if you weren't all such cult losers, you wouldn't have to act like that. You could act like the rational people, and use logic and evidence. But as all the evidence contradicts your conspiracy babbling, going into these rage fits for the purpose of destroying the thread is the only tactic you're capable of.

There's more than one way for conservatives to censor discussion. They're masters of all of them, but they're particularly good at deliberately silencing discussion by screaming over it.
/---/ What facts? Your manipulated computer models?? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
And so it goes.

It happens on every thread in this folder. Deniers get massacred by the facts, so they go into a frenzy of deflecting, insulting and crying.

Deniers, if you weren't all such cult losers, you wouldn't have to act like that. You could act like the rational people, and use logic and evidence. But as all the evidence contradicts your conspiracy babbling, going into these rage fits for the purpose of destroying the thread is the only tactic you're capable of.

There's more than one way for conservatives to censor discussion. They're masters of all of them, but they're particularly good at deliberately silencing discussion by screaming over it.
/---/ Former NOAA Scientist Confirms Colleagues Manipulated Climate Records
And so it goes.

It happens on every thread in this folder. Deniers get massacred by the facts, so they go into a frenzy of deflecting, insulting and crying.

Deniers, if you weren't all such cult losers, you wouldn't have to act like that. You could act like the rational people, and use logic and evidence. But as all the evidence contradicts your conspiracy babbling, going into these rage fits for the purpose of destroying the thread is the only tactic you're capable of.

There's more than one way for conservatives to censor discussion. They're masters of all of them, but they're particularly good at deliberately silencing discussion by screaming over it.

Pot - kettle - black

Deniers. . . .


Do you still deny that an abortion kills a child? (despite all the facts that proves you are wrong)
Do you still deny that an abortion kills a child?

Of course I do. I also deny the earth is flat, for the same reason, the facts say so.

Most pro-lifers think the same, of course. They're just not honest about it. They oppose abortion not over concern for life, but because they're authoritarian control freaks. That's also why they're deniers, which is why the two groups are mostly the same people.
Do you still deny that an abortion kills a child?

Of course I do. I also deny the earth is flat, for the same reason, the facts say so.

Most pro-lifers think the same, of course. They're just not honest about it. They oppose abortion not over concern for life, but because they're authoritarian control freaks. That's also why they're deniers, which is why the two groups are mostly the same people.



noun, often attributive \ˈchī(-ə)ld\
1a : an unborn or recently born person dialect : a female infant
And so it goes.

It happens on every thread in this folder. Deniers get massacred by the facts, so they go into a frenzy of deflecting, insulting and crying.

Deniers, if you weren't all such cult losers, you wouldn't have to act like that. You could act like the rational people, and use logic and evidence. But as all the evidence contradicts your conspiracy babbling, going into these rage fits for the purpose of destroying the thread is the only tactic you're capable of.

There's more than one way for conservatives to censor discussion. They're masters of all of them, but they're particularly good at deliberately silencing discussion by screaming over it.
/---/ Former NOAA Scientist Confirms Colleagues Manipulated Climate Records
And when Rep. Lamar Smith, the chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, tried to snow Physicist Rush Holt with that lie, Holt nailed the worthless lying scum with Bates’ statement to E&E — “The issue here is not an issue of tampering with data,” there was “no data tampering, no data changing, nothing malicious” involved with his colleagues’ study. “It’s not trumped up data in any way shape or form.”
You warmers really need to go back to school and pay attention in science class.

And what do you believe we missed in science class that would have convinced us you know what you're talking about and mainstream science does not?

All your global warming predictions have failed to come true OH SNAP!
How many times have you presented that lie, asshole? You guys are pathetic. Your ignorance is abysmal, and your reasoning simply does not exist. The very large precipitation events that we are seeing this year is one of the definite predictions of the result of a warming ocean and atmosphere. As are the heat waves and fire storms that we are seeing on the West Coast this summer.

It is the predictions of you deniers that are absolute zeros. First, you claimed there was no warming, until it became evident to everyone that there is. Then you claimed it was just natural, but could not present any natural drivers for it. Your willful ignorance and general stupidity stands exposed for all to see.
You warmers really need to go back to school and pay attention in science class.

And what do you believe we missed in science class that would have convinced us you know what you're talking about and mainstream science does not?
The inability to represent the earth's climate with a single temperature.
The inability to accurately estimate a single temperature for the planet for each of the last 2000 years.
The misuse of the greenhouse gas effect to arrive at the erroneous conclusion that atmospheric CO2 drives climate change.
The inability to show how CO2 has effected previous climates throughout the geologic record.
The overestimation of feedback in their climate models.
Blaming global warming for natural events such as heat waves, droughts, blizzards, floods, hurricanes and forest fires.
The overestimation of temperature and sea level in heir models.
The overestimation of the impact on life and property of climate change.
The dramatization of climate change.
The demonization of anyone who dares to challenge the science and findings.
Little asshole, why don't you explain this to the people in Houston;

"The overestimation of the impact on life and property of climate change."

While having a Cat 4 hurricane hit Texas is hardly unusual, the precipitation event, 50+ inches of rain over a huge area, is very unusual. An event predicted by two factors. The increased temperature of the atmosphere and ocean, and the blocking effect of the jet stream from the lack of Arctic Ice. And, yes, I know that you are too fucking lazy to read what the meteorologists have to say on that subject, but they have been predicting for five years that precipitation events will be far more severe as those two factors work together. In the meantime, just continue to be a lazy, lying fucking ass. It is what we expect of you.
You warmers really need to go back to school and pay attention in science class.

And what do you believe we missed in science class that would have convinced us you know what you're talking about and mainstream science does not?

All your global warming predictions have failed to come true OH SNAP!
How many times have you presented that lie, asshole? You guys are pathetic. Your ignorance is abysmal, and your reasoning simply does not exist. The very large precipitation events that we are seeing this year is one of the definite predictions of the result of a warming ocean and atmosphere. As are the heat waves and fire storms that we are seeing on the West Coast this summer.

It is the predictions of you deniers that are absolute zeros. First, you claimed there was no warming, until it became evident to everyone that there is. Then you claimed it was just natural, but could not present any natural drivers for it. Your willful ignorance and general stupidity stands exposed for all to see.
/----/ all based on questionable data, guess work and wishful thinking.
You warmers really need to go back to school and pay attention in science class.

And what do you believe we missed in science class that would have convinced us you know what you're talking about and mainstream science does not?
The inability to represent the earth's climate with a single temperature.
The inability to accurately estimate a single temperature for the planet for each of the last 2000 years.
The misuse of the greenhouse gas effect to arrive at the erroneous conclusion that atmospheric CO2 drives climate change.
The inability to show how CO2 has effected previous climates throughout the geologic record.
The overestimation of feedback in their climate models.
Blaming global warming for natural events such as heat waves, droughts, blizzards, floods, hurricanes and forest fires.
The overestimation of temperature and sea level in heir models.
The overestimation of the impact on life and property of climate change.
The dramatization of climate change.
The demonization of anyone who dares to challenge the science and findings.
Little asshole, why don't you explain this to the people in Houston;

"The overestimation of the impact on life and property of climate change."

While having a Cat 4 hurricane hit Texas is hardly unusual, the precipitation event, 50+ inches of rain over a huge area, is very unusual. An event predicted by two factors. The increased temperature of the atmosphere and ocean, and the blocking effect of the jet stream from the lack of Arctic Ice. And, yes, I know that you are too fucking lazy to read what the meteorologists have to say on that subject, but they have been predicting for five years that precipitation events will be far more severe as those two factors work together. In the meantime, just continue to be a lazy, lying fucking ass. It is what we expect of you.
/----/ How many carbon credits would Al Gore need to sell to stop the next hurricane?
Cell, you are a dumb ass. You are telling me that the glaciers I have watched recede in several mountain ranges for the last 50 years are questionable data, guess work, and wishful thinking? You are truly one stupid ass.

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