Best liberal predictions


These liberals got wrecked.

They didn't make predictions.

She could win Kansas and Utah, just like they could prevent Trump from.becoming President, the media feels off uour ignorance!!!!! Maybe Hillary could win Kansas, thats fucking hilarious!!!!!!

Those weren't predictions, they were conclusions drawn on the information available at the time.

Ah fake news, conclusione from rigged Polling? From their attitudes of never going to the mid West. Yeah......

The polling wasn't 'rigged'. The polls got the popular vote right as close as they ever do.

Not where it actually mattered.

11 points in pennsylvania? haha


These liberals got wrecked.

They didn't make predictions.

She could win Kansas and Utah, just like they could prevent Trump from.becoming President, the media feels off uour ignorance!!!!! Maybe Hillary could win Kansas, thats fucking hilarious!!!!!!

Those weren't predictions, they were conclusions drawn on the information available at the time.

Ah fake news, conclusione from rigged Polling? From their attitudes of never going to the mid West. Yeah......

The polling wasn't 'rigged'. The polls got the popular vote right as close as they ever do.

They were rigged, because her pop vote was from cali and NY. The state polls were waaaay off. He won Ohio by 9, show me a.p poll that showed that

1. Trump will not be the nominee
-- Predicted by: Almost everyone

2. Jeb Bush will be the nominee
-- Predicted by: The Washington Post, Politico Magazine, Rush Limbaugh and many, many more

3. Joe Biden will run
-- Predicted by: Bill Kristol (among others)

4. The 2016 Republican national convention will be brokered
-- Predicted by: John Kasich (among others)

5. Bernie Sanders won’t stand a chance at winning the Democratic nomination
-- Predicted by: Mark Halperin (et al)
** Had the Primaries not been 'rigged', who knows...

6. The 2016 Democratic National Convention will be contested
-- Predicted by: Bernie Sanders (among others)

7. Billionaires will buy the 2016 election
-- Predicted by: Campaign finance reform advocates (among others)

8. Hillary will win the Michigan Democratic primary in a landslide
-- Predicted by: Every single poll

9. There will be a viable national third-party candidate
-- Predicted by: Bill Kristol (among many others)

10. 2016 will be the Meerkat/Periscope election
-- Predicted by: Dan Pfeiffer (et al)
(At the time, Meerkat was a hot new app that allowed users to broadcast live video using the camera on their smartphones.)

11. Prediction: Republicans will have to embrace comprehensive immigration reform
-- Predicted by: The Republican National Committee

12. Texas will turn blue
-- Predicted by: Wishful Democratic pundits

13. Polling is dead or dying
Predicted by: Jill Lepore and others
** Based on how dreadfully WRONG the polls were, this one might not be so 'false' after all.

14. Newt Gingrich will be Donald Trump’s running mate
-- Predicted by: Bill O’Reilly

15. Hillary will get indicted
-- Predicted by: Andrew Napolitano

16. Prediction: “2016 GOP MVP will be @Reince.”
-- Predicted by: Bill Kristol
** He does not get the 'MVP' - that goes to Kellyanne Conway

16 worst predictions of 2016

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