‘Bet You Stay Home Now Hypokrits’: Church That Refused To Close During Lockdown Gets Burned Down, Investigated As Arson

Yep. Angry, anti-God leftists

A federal judge affirmed the right of a Holly Springs, Mississippi, church to worship without fear of being shut down again or threatened by local police. As a result of a court order, the First Pentecostal Church of Holly Springs worshipped on Sunday, April 26, albeit from their vehicles. United States District Judge Michael P. Mills issued the order on April 24, 2020, in response to a federal lawsuit filed the previous day by the Thomas More Society on behalf of the Holly Springs congregation

Thanks for the details. This means it was unlikely to be "insurance fraud" at all. The church was committed to staying open and worshipping Almighty God, even though the local police were threatening to shut them down, they were in the court over it.

I wonder if Anti-Honky prejudice was involved here? This was a white led church, but Holly Springs is a black majority town. Thank God no children were killed.
Democrats might be going back to burning black churches. This might be the opening salvos of our desperately needed civil war.
The KKK itself hasn't existed in any meaningful form for decades,now, but the left wrong's adherence to violence and terrorism as a way to promote its agenda continues in other incarnations.
It's highly doubtful the Klan would take a stand against churches that have wanted to keep their doors open
by burning them down. The purposely misspelled word sounds more like an outraged leftist trying to
kill two birds with one stone, getting rid of a church that dared to oppose social distancing and mocking
Christians at the same time.
Whoever the arsonist is obviously doesn't realize that a building is not really needed for a church service to take place.

God bless you always!!!

A Mississippi church in the midst of a legal battle to stay open despite local shutdown orders was burned to the ground early Wednesday morning. According to first responders, the First Pentecostal Church of Holly Springs was vandalized and suffered a large explosion to the back of the church. The incident is being investigated as a criminal act of arson.

“I Bet you stay home now you hypokrits,” read one message spray painted on the church parking lot, Thomas More Society senior counsel and lawyer for the church Stephen Crampton told Fox News on Thursday.

“First Pentacostal Church Holly Springs. Arson is Suspected,” reported Tom Dees of FOX 13 Memphis. “Investigators say the church was spray painted with graffiti and set on fire. There was a major explosion in the back of the church that blew out the front.”

The Left is the new KKK
Thoughts and prayers.

A Mississippi church in the midst of a legal battle to stay open despite local shutdown orders was burned to the ground early Wednesday morning. According to first responders, the First Pentecostal Church of Holly Springs was vandalized and suffered a large explosion to the back of the church. The incident is being investigated as a criminal act of arson.

“I Bet you stay home now you hypokrits,” read one message spray painted on the church parking lot, Thomas More Society senior counsel and lawyer for the church Stephen Crampton told Fox News on Thursday.

“First Pentacostal Church Holly Springs. Arson is Suspected,” reported Tom Dees of FOX 13 Memphis. “Investigators say the church was spray painted with graffiti and set on fire. There was a major explosion in the back of the church that blew out the front.”

The Left is the new KKK
Thoughts and prayers.

View attachment 339102
You should be investigated

Where you been the last few days?
Well if worshippers are going to be so selfish as to put everyone else in the USA at risk and in peril of a <0.1% fatality rate then a 100% burn down of their church is warranted to further assure 100% uninpuned health for every snowflake
A Mississippi church in the midst of a legal battle to stay open despite local shutdown orders was burned to the ground early Wednesday morning. According to first responders, the First Pentecostal Church of Holly Springs was vandalized and suffered a large explosion to the back of the church. The incident is being investigated as a criminal act of arson.

“I Bet you stay home now you hypokrits,” read one message spray painted on the church parking lot, Thomas More Society senior counsel and lawyer for the church Stephen Crampton told Fox News on Thursday.

“First Pentacostal Church Holly Springs. Arson is Suspected,” reported Tom Dees of FOX 13 Memphis. “Investigators say the church was spray painted with graffiti and set on fire. There was a major explosion in the back of the church that blew out the front.”

The Left is the new KKK
You see this as political? i don't...I see this as some good ole boys who got riled at what they saw as a danger in their community..as well as local insistance that all share the burden of the lockdown. Left and right..are not the moving force behind everything, ya know?
Leftards are all Karen’s, flooding the 911 lines every time you see a couple holding hands in a park.
A Mississippi church in the midst of a legal battle to stay open despite local shutdown orders was burned to the ground early Wednesday morning. According to first responders, the First Pentecostal Church of Holly Springs was vandalized and suffered a large explosion to the back of the church. The incident is being investigated as a criminal act of arson.

“I Bet you stay home now you hypokrits,” read one message spray painted on the church parking lot, Thomas More Society senior counsel and lawyer for the church Stephen Crampton told Fox News on Thursday.

“First Pentacostal Church Holly Springs. Arson is Suspected,” reported Tom Dees of FOX 13 Memphis. “Investigators say the church was spray painted with graffiti and set on fire. There was a major explosion in the back of the church that blew out the front.”

The Left is the new KKK

Yes...as I recall that was a black church yes?

No. they are predominantly white
Black churches are still in operation because it would be racist to challenge their violation of house arrest.
Apparently race trumps fascist-government which trumps white-Christian.
A Mississippi church in the midst of a legal battle to stay open despite local shutdown orders was burned to the ground early Wednesday morning. According to first responders, the First Pentecostal Church of Holly Springs was vandalized and suffered a large explosion to the back of the church. The incident is being investigated as a criminal act of arson.

“I Bet you stay home now you hypokrits,” read one message spray painted on the church parking lot, Thomas More Society senior counsel and lawyer for the church Stephen Crampton told Fox News on Thursday.

“First Pentacostal Church Holly Springs. Arson is Suspected,” reported Tom Dees of FOX 13 Memphis. “Investigators say the church was spray painted with graffiti and set on fire. There was a major explosion in the back of the church that blew out the front.”

The Left is the new KKK

Yes...as I recall that was a black church yes?

No. they are predominantly white
Black churches are still in operation because it would be racist to challenge their violation of house arrest.
Apparently race trumps fascist-government which trumps white-Christian.
Bush called it the soft bigotry of low expectations

guilt-ridden liberals expect more from whites than blacks

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