Beto O'rourke is an idiot


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Beto is the one on the Left. Very presidential "Pussy Cat"...
I'm waiting for Beto to do a cartwheel on stage at a rally.
The problem is that most of his rallys aren't large enough to have a stage.
So I'm sure there are democrats out there who agree with this dolt.

Ok, who agrees with him?
Are Arabs a race Beto?


From the article:

The idea that "Arabs" are a separate "race" is ridiculous. Why can't the Irish be a separate "race"? Or the Germans? In fact, Arabs, like Israelis born in Israel, are a Semitic people:

In the
racialist classifications of Carleton S. Coon, the Semitic peoples were considered to be members of the Caucasian race, not dissimilar in appearance to the neighbouring Indo-European, Northwest Caucasian, and Kartvelian-speaking peoples of the region. As language studies are interwoven with cultural studies, the term also came to describe the religions (ancient Semitic and Abrahamic) and Semitic-speaking ethnicities as well as the history of these varied cultures as associated by close geographic and linguistic distribution.

Some recent genetic studies have found (by analysis of the DNA of Semitic-speaking peoples) that they have some common ancestry. Although no significant common
mitochondrial results have been found, Y-chromosomal links between Semitic-speaking peoples of the Middle East like Arabs, Jews, Mandaeans, Samaritans, and Assyrians/Syriacs have shown links, despite differences contributed from other groups (see Y-chromosomal Aaron).

In other words, Beto, Arabs and Israelis are as white as you are.

I know that all this science stuff is rejected by those who play the game of identity politics. It's inconvenient because you can't very well call someone a "racist" if they're from the same race. But just once, wouldn't you like it if someone like Beto O'Rourke actually took a little time to explain why someone is a racist, rather than just casually smearing them with the epithet?

Don't hold your breath.

Are Arabs a race Beto?


No. First off, race is a socially-constructed concept. In other words, it only exists because it was defined as such by society.

Arab is not a race, it is a language, as in "Arabic." Racial classifications are designed to fit people into neat little demographic categories. Those who do not fit those categories must check the "other" box.

Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is apparently a "racist" because, well, Beto says he is.

Are Arabs a race Beto?

I expect nothing else from a person who will not support a bill that would protect babies born to term that the mother wants aborted.

The man is a disgrace, but at least he found the right party.
Beta is even a worse empty suit than Barry the Magnificent

But he is just as preoccupied with race, more so than maybe Hitler.

Speaking of which, do any liberals give a damn about the plight of the Jewish people?

In fact, do any of them know a damn thing about how they have been oppressed over the centuries?

These are all rhetorical questions because we all know that the answer is no, so I will attempt to educate.

The Holocaust was not an out of the ordinary event. No, it was merely a natural climax of Jewish oppression in Western Europe for over 2 whole centuries. In fact, what was done to them in Nazi Germany had already been done to them previously throughout Europe. That means being kicked out of entire countries a myriad of times, Jewish ghettos put up for them to live in, Stars of David being forced upon them to wear so that they could be easily identified, rounded up in mass and murdered, etc. These had all been done previously.

Then they were given their land back as a kind of reparation by the UN after WW2. Yes friends, Dims talk about reparations for blacks you did not languish as slaves in the mud pits of Egypt for some 500 years, only to find themselves in the ovens of Nazi Germany much later.

And guess what, if I were a Jew I would NEVER surrender my land again. My last stand would be Masada again if it came down to it.

Now do Left wingers better appreciate their plight?

Nope, I didn't think so, but it just goes to show exactly how dense they really are.

Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is apparently a "racist" because, well, Beto says he is.

Are Arabs a race Beto?

I expect nothing else from a person who will not support a bill that would protect babies born to term that the mother wants aborted.

The man is a disgrace, but at least he found the right party.
I’m not a fan. Like Dubya he’s got that weird, slack-jawed idiot thing that happens to people who spend enough time in Texas.
What am I doin' now that I left the White house.... well, Bible... :|… Barney... well Baseball. Laura's clear of the heart cancer... Look its a Blue Bonnet Look its a Blue Bonnet Look its a Blue Bonnet. Governor's wife likes those. Look its a blue bonnet. Visit the Alamo its got Bonnie Blue Bonnets of freedom.
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Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is apparently a "racist" because, well, Beto says he is.

Are Arabs a race Beto?

I expect nothing else from a person who will not support a bill that would protect babies born to term that the mother wants aborted.

The man is a disgrace, but at least he found the right party.

Still smarter than Donald Trump.


Pretty much every President before Trump promised to move the US embassy to Jerusalem and recognize it as the capital of Israel, then they changed their minds, otherwise known as lying.

Trump comes along and promises the same thing and delivers and does it and he gets called a big liar every day by tards like yourself.

Who exactly is the moron here?

Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is apparently a "racist" because, well, Beto says he is.

Are Arabs a race Beto?

I expect nothing else from a person who will not support a bill that would protect babies born to term that the mother wants aborted.

The man is a disgrace, but at least he found the right party.
So like Ariel Sharon, Bibi netanyahu is simply a bigoted corrupt a******..... And telling the truth about him is not anti-semitism, the GOP distraction propaganda....

Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is apparently a "racist" because, well, Beto says he is.

Are Arabs a race Beto?

I expect nothing else from a person who will not support a bill that would protect babies born to term that the mother wants aborted.

The man is a disgrace, but at least he found the right party.
I’m not a fan. Like Dubya he’s got that weird, slack-jawed idiot thing that happens to people who spend enough time in Texas.

It's Ok, I'll help

Sound it out.

Beto is an "I", "I", "I", "D", "D", "D", "I", "I", "I", "O", "O", "O", "T", "T", "T".

Now, was that so hard?

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