CDZ Better Speaker....Nancy Pelosi or John Boehner?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Has there been a better Speaker of the House in our generation than Nancy Pelosi? In four years as Speaker she had more legislative accomplishments than any speaker in recent history

How does she stack up against her replacement John Boehner? Who will be remembered more in history?

Nancy Pelosi The Most Effective Speaker of the House in History Alternet

We’re looking at an extraordinary set of accomplishments over a brief period of time,” said Norman Ornstein, resident scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. “She ranks with the most consequential speakers, certainly in the last 75 years.”
Pelosi faced a House so divided along party lines that she couldn’t count on a single Republican vote for legislation–which means that she had to wrangle fellow Democrats to demonstrate a discipline and unity they have not been famous for. Out of that unity emerged a record of public policy triumphs unmatched since the Great Society legislation of the 1960s, according to University of Oklahoma political science professor Cindy Simon Rosenthal. “And much of it is because of her,” says Rosenthal.
Nancy Pelosi accomplishments

Health-care reform.

Financial reform.

Ethics reform.
A $787 billion stimulus.
The Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

A minimum wage increase.

Student aid.

Extending health coverage to 11 million children.
The repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
Lets see John Boehner match this

Be fair...The Boehner did manage to cut Congressional approval by 50%.

As Boehner enters his third year as speaker, I am still looking for some legislative achievements

What will his legacy be?
Being honest.......I would have trouble staying calm if I were forced to contend with Pelosi's off-putting speaking style for more than a few minutes. And.....I am sure that I could have a blast mocking a drunk Boner for hours.

That said....she kicks his ass when it comes to effective leadership of The House. Not even debatable, really.
Has there been a better Speaker of the House in our generation than Nancy Pelosi? In four years as Speaker she had more legislative accomplishments than any speaker in recent history

How does she stack up against her replacement John Boehner? Who will be remembered more in history?

Madame Speaker Pelosi could manage her caucus & get things done for this great nation.

Boehner (R)? Not so much.
Neither are even average.

Name one with better accomplishments

Pelosi is the best of this century
Nancy Pelosi was such a wonderful speaker that she could push through legislation that the representatives had not read........but they had to pass it to find out what was in it.
All legislation was read and refined

It is only Republicans who do not understand the reconcilliation process

Pelosi actually passed meaningful legislation into law. Boehner? still waiting
Neither are even average.

Name one with better accomplishments

Pelosi is the best of this century
Nancy Pelosi was such a wonderful speaker that she could push through legislation that the representatives had not read........but they had to pass it to find out what was in it.
All legislation was read and refined

It is only Republicans who do not understand the reconcilliation process

Pelosi actually passed meaningful legislation into law. Boehner? still waiting
Read by whom? Gruber?
Neither are even average.

Name one with better accomplishments

Pelosi is the best of this century
Nancy Pelosi was such a wonderful speaker that she could push through legislation that the representatives had not read........but they had to pass it to find out what was in it.
All legislation was read and refined

It is only Republicans who do not understand the reconcilliation process

Pelosi actually passed meaningful legislation into law. Boehner? still waiting
Read by whom? Gruber?
I think we all understand by now why there needs to be term limits. Both are pathetic examples of the worst aspects professional politicians bring to the table. To think their constituents are so gullible to reelect them in the first place.
According to Nancy she didn't read the legislation she was presented with, "that's why its so important to pass it so we can see whats inside!" The question I have is when was the last time a piece of bipartisan legislation was passed?

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