CDZ Better Speaker....Nancy Pelosi or John Boehner?

Yo, first, "Centrist political pundit Norm Ornstein" is a Left leaning wannabe! Nancy Pelosi is Hitler in disguise, either you vote my way or we will kick you out of office! Who treats a fellow Rep. that way? Hitler would! She did not just pass crap, she shoved it down the American peoples throats, weather they like it or not!!! She was Obama`s main Puppet Socialist, period! By the way, her and her husband got rich off sweet deal!

According to Nancy she didn't read the legislation she was presented with, "that's why its so important to pass it so we can see whats inside!" The question I have is when was the last time a piece of bipartisan legislation was passed?
Nancy and all representative read the version that went up for a vote

Nobody could tell what the final version of a bill would be prior to reconcilliation between House and Senate

Why don't Republicans understand that?
1st Rambo knows nothing about Hitler, Congress, or Nancy Pelosi. Sheesh.
Neither are even average.

Name one with better accomplishments

Pelosi is the best of this century
Nancy Pelosi was such a wonderful speaker that she could push through legislation that the representatives had not read........but they had to pass it to find out what was in it.
All legislation was read and refined

It is only Republicans who do not understand the reconcilliation process

Pelosi actually passed meaningful legislation into law. Boehner? still waiting
Read by whom? Gruber?
Jonathan Gruber

Name one with better accomplishments

Pelosi is the best of this century
Nancy Pelosi was such a wonderful speaker that she could push through legislation that the representatives had not read........but they had to pass it to find out what was in it.
All legislation was read and refined

It is only Republicans who do not understand the reconcilliation process

Pelosi actually passed meaningful legislation into law. Boehner? still waiting
Read by whom? Gruber?
Jonathan Gruber

Was he a Speaker of the House?
While Nancy Pelosi was able to build a coalition to pass meaningful legislation into law, John Boehner has been unable to build a consensus within his own party as he is repeatedly pummeled by the Tea Party
The Government never shut down under Nancy Pelosi

We are looking at the second shutdown under John Boehner this week
Has there been a better Speaker of the House in our generation than Nancy Pelosi? In four years as Speaker she had more legislative accomplishments than any speaker in recent history

How does she stack up against her replacement John Boehner? Who will be remembered more in history?


Progressives get all nipply over their political leaders, don't they
Has there been a better Speaker of the House in our generation than Nancy Pelosi? In four years as Speaker she had more legislative accomplishments than any speaker in recent history

How does she stack up against her replacement John Boehner? Who will be remembered more in history?


Progressives get all nipply over their political leaders, don't they

Feel free to discuss the merits of John Boehner

That is what the thread is for
Has there been a better Speaker of the House in our generation than Nancy Pelosi? In four years as Speaker she had more legislative accomplishments than any speaker in recent history

How does she stack up against her replacement John Boehner? Who will be remembered more in history?


Progressives get all nipply over their political leaders, don't they

Feel free to discuss the merits of John Boehner

That is what the thread is for

Boehner has no merits.
“She ranks with the most consequential speakers, certainly in the last 75 years.”

Norman Ornstein, resident scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute on Nancy Pelosi
“She ranks with the most consequential speakers, certainly in the last 75 years.”

Norman Ornstein, resident scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute on Nancy Pelosi

She got it done with her veto-proof majority, that's leadership
Nancy Pelosi is an idiot. Some of the things that have come out of that ditz's mouth over the years are breathtaking in their stupidity.
When you're working with a Super Majority and the best legislation you can pass is the mess that we now know as "ObamaCare" then you're not going on my short list of great Speakers.
Highlight of Pelosi's career....Passing ACA

What a great day for America
When you have nearly 800 billion to work with in a stimulus package that is supposed to create jobs and you manage that money so badly that you have to create a new economic created or saved...then you're DEFINITELY not going on that short list!
Highlight of Pelosi's career....Passing ACA

What a great day for America

And when you've rammed through awful legislation that a majority of the country didn't want in the first place the intelligent thing to do as a political leader is to rub your opponents noses in it by stunts like the one that you've pictured. That was a "fuck you!" moment for America...and it was said to both the GOP and to the millions of Americans who never wanted the ACA!

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