Biased liberal news coverage on NBC


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2019
I just watched Lester Holtz on NBC

he led with the carnage in Waukesha

He never said the race of the black driver but did show pictures of him and the white victims so imo there was no need to belabor the obvious

The same was not true in the second story about the death of ahmed arbrey in geogia

This time Holtz wasnt taking any chances and made sure to mention that the dead man was black as well as showing his picture

Need I say more?
Let's put it this way...

The media caused the riots to begin with by the way the facts were misrepresented with an extreme divisive slant.
Then the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial was again misrepresented with yet another divisive slant to upset people more.

We, the American people, aren't getting straight news anymore with blatantly obvious corruption by over half of Congress because the news media is in favor of the ideologies these politicians claim to support. When the truth is that these politicians don't truly believe in anything other than lining their own pockets. But because of the lip service...they are promoted.

The slant by the MSM is left, the slant of non-MSM is right...the actual news is no longer reported at all. We don't have a clue as to what our representatives are doing or why anymore until it comes to election time when they filter and spin what they did in Congress and tell us what they think we want to hear...all either ignored or heralded by the media outlets.
It used to be that I thought the extreme rightist crackpots were still a minority. Now I'm suspecting that the hating/racism virus runs right to the bone in America.

Can this madness ever end before democracy is discarded in favour of fascism?

There's no satisfaction being gathered by the Rittenhouse murders and him being able to walk. It should have provided some but it's only made the situation worse!

Just look at the anxiety as both sides troll their hate!
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It used to be that I thought you extreme rightist crackpots were still a minority. Now I'm suspecting that the hating/racism virus runs right to the bone in America.

Can this madness ever end before democracy is discarded in favour of fascism?

There's no satisfaction being gathered by the Rittenhouse murders and him being able to walk. It should have provided some but it's only made the situation worse!

Just look at the anxiety as both sides troll their hate!
Think again, duck. AGAIN, maybe you should concern yourself with the problems you have created in your own backyard before you stick your unwanted nose in the business of your neighbors. Hypocrite.
It used to be that I thought the extreme rightist crackpots were still a minority. Now I'm suspecting that the hating/racism virus runs right to the bone in America.

Can this madness ever end before democracy is discarded in favour of fascism?

There's no satisfaction being gathered by the Rittenhouse murders and him being able to walk. It should have provided some but it's only made the situation worse!

Just look at the anxiety as both sides troll their hate!
What absolutely blows my mind is that people are so simple minded as to believe this garbage you have spouted.

Surely nobody is this stupid...but then again people always surprise me.
I forgot I was in the clean debate section.

You should remove your statement calling any sensible person a right wing crackpot.
I would remove it if I still could, even though it was only referring to extreme rightists in general and nobody would want to own that title. Anyway, thanks for your response.

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