Bibi is back!

Here is how it works since Bibi is considered Israel first the leftists with their silly marxist views are,
-Israel the oppressor
-Palestine the oppressed

Which is why Obama did the nuke with Iran the proxy supporter of Palestine and he tanked the lawsuit brought by the victims of 9/11 vs. Saudi Arabia....because the Saudi government sure in hell doesn't want a nuclear Iran so he used the lawsuit as a bargaining chip.
How confusing can international deals get. I don't understand the reason, but I can still hear my grandparents singing together in harmony,
"We'll understand it better by and by."

Though our Constitution disregards inequities for the greater part, the world does not revolve around us. The best we can do is make more efforts toward peace in our own lives, and encourage peaceful dealings in those we care about, keeping in mind that we do care about people from all walks because man is God's creation, and our best is when we coordinate mercy to nations starving due to nature or manmade wars without judgment, without malice, and the respect that God's kingdom will be gifted in the near future which means, there will be no more wars because we change one thing: ourself. When we do that, someone else will like the outcome and do likewise, hopefully for the good future we can leave as a legacy to future life on earth. Good things are hard. Great things take the guts to hush and listen to benevolent faith of our fathers who followed the Good Book.

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