Biden 2024

sorry didnt mean to trigger you,,

If you’re a 50-something and you’re not worth a cool $1 million, do not despair. Those numbers are averages, and the super-rich drive them waaaay up.

The “median” American household – picture the middle number in a long list of numbers – achieves a net worth of about $300,000 in the 50-to-59 age range, a far cry from $1 million.
3 Reasons from the past week's headlines.

The current unemployment rate is 3.7%.

Dow hits record high as stocks cap longest weekly winning streak since 2017​

US inflation hits its lowest point since early 2021 as prices ease for gas, groceries and used cars​

The 48% of wage earners who pay no income tax and know more about sports and pop culture don't care about any of these .. they care about kitchen table conversations where Biden is under performing miserably .. like immigration, the housing market, and the effects of compounded inflation that make consumer spending more expensive (e.g. groceries). Not to mention the internal fire brewing with palestinian supports / muslims who are against Biden's wavering position on Israel.
The 48% of wage earners who pay no income tax and know more about sports and pop culture don't care about any of these .. they care about kitchen table conversations where Biden is under performing miserably .. like immigration, the housing market, and the effects of compounded inflation that make consumer spending more expensive (e.g. groceries). Not to mention the internal fire brewing with palestinian supports / muslims who are against Biden's wavering position on Israel.
Interest rates are coming down. Did you know that

Household wealth swelled at a record pace during the pandemic. From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

You can nit pick social wedge issues and lie that you want to fix the economy.

The 1%:The wealthiest American earners now own more wealth than the entire middle class

And we care trumps a criminal more than you think
The 48% of wage earners who pay no income tax and know more about sports and pop culture don't care about any of these .. they care about kitchen table conversations where Biden is under performing miserably .. like immigration, the housing market, and the effects of compounded inflation that make consumer spending more expensive (e.g. groceries). Not to mention the internal fire brewing with palestinian supports / muslims who are against Biden's wavering position on Israel.
They shouldn’t pay taxes. You know who should pay more? The rich and corporations

The 1%:The wealthiest American earners now own more wealth than the entire middle class

They own more so should pay more. Duh
Interest rates are coming down. Did you know that

Household wealth swelled at a record pace during the pandemic. From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

You can nit pick social wedge issues and lie that you want to fix the economy.

The 1%:The wealthiest American earners now own more wealth than the entire middle class

And we care trumps a criminal more than you think
That was 2022 .. it's 2024 and the housing market is at its lowest in 30 years .. Social issues are what drive the emotion with many voters .. this is just common sense. Many, if not most, voters are low information, and all the economic indicators are over their head .. but record illegal immigration, housing, grocery costs, diversity shenanigans and other activities resonate with them ..
That was 2022 .. it's 2024 and the housing market is at its lowest in 30 years .. Social issues are what drive the emotion with many voters .. this is just common sense. Many, if not most, voters are low information, and all the economic indicators are over their head .. but record illegal immigration, housing, grocery costs, diversity shenanigans and other activities resonate with them ..
Yea but we’re fixing all those things. Is this your first election? This is when things get done. The house hasn’t done anything in 2 years. Total dysfunction.

Anyways, they will pay if they don’t work with Biden. Which do you want to work on first?

Plus, inflation is going down. But even when it disappears you’ll pretend it’s still there.
Yea but we’re fixing all those things. Is this your first election? This is when things get done. The house hasn’t done anything in 2 years. Total dysfunction.

Anyways, they will pay if they don’t work with Biden. Which do you want to work on first?

Plus, inflation is going down. But even when it disappears you’ll pretend it’s still there.
Inflation rates can go down, but the compounded effects don't go away .. basic economics. A loaf of bread that cost $3 in 2020, that now costs $5, doesn't go away. How you going to fix genius? How you going to fix record illegal immigration in 9 months? How about diversity shenanigans? How about the palestinian lovers and muslim already threatening not to vote in key states (e.g. Michigan)?
Inflation rates can go down, but the compounded effects don't go away .. basic economics. A loaf of bread that cost $3 in 2020, that now costs $5, doesn't go away. How you going to fix genius? How you going to fix record illegal immigration in 9 months? How about diversity shenanigans? How about the palestinian lovers and muslim already threatening not to vote in key states (e.g. Michigan)?
A lot of us got raises. The economy and employers adjust salaries.

One good thing for workers is all the unions who struck and won big time last year. They drive non union wages up too.

The border was a problem for trump too. I get it’s a good issue for you to focus on but consider this. We have ten million un filled jobs in America.

If you’re a 50-something and you’re not worth a cool $1 million, do not despair. Those numbers are averages, and the super-rich drive them waaaay up.

The “median” American household – picture the middle number in a long list of numbers – achieves a net worth of about $300,000 in the 50-to-59 age range, a far cry from $1 million.
I said I was sorry for triggering yyou,,
The 48% of wage earners who pay no income tax and know more about sports and pop culture don't care about any of these .. they care about kitchen table conversations where Biden is under performing miserably .. like immigration, the housing market, and the effects of compounded inflation that make consumer spending more expensive (e.g. groceries). Not to mention the internal fire brewing with palestinian supports / muslims who are against Biden's wavering position on Israel.
No, rthey don't. They support the Jews. The support their favorite MLB and NFL teams. They cheer for their children. They learn about taxation and interest and how to get out from under them.

They don't wan't Trump back.
A lot of us got raises. The economy and employers adjust salaries.

One good thing for workers is all the unions who struck and won big time last year. They drive non union wages up too.

The border was a problem for trump too. I get it’s a good issue for you to focus on but consider this. We have ten million un filled jobs in America.
Trump was 4 years ago .. Biden is today, and he's sure setting records on the illegal immigration front, and his own party is lashing out because of the chaos it is bringing to local communities and budgets across the United States .. Yeah! but .. but .. Trump had issues too. :rolleyes:
No, rthey don't. They support the Jews. The support their favorite MLB and NFL teams. They cheer for their children. They learn about taxation and interest and how to get out from under them.

They don't wan't Trump back.
Sorry .. schools are on the decline with education .. Baltimore is a shining example where many high school graduates aren't proficient in basic classes like math, reading and writing. Oregon is cancelling out math, reading and writing proficiencies as a required prerequisite for graduation. What makes you think they know about taxation and interest rates? Have you not watched the news on the outlashes of pro-palestine / hamas support across the United States? Muslims threatening to not vote in the 2024 election? Sheesh

They may not know math, reading and writing .. but heck yeah .. they know everything about everything with their favorite MLB and NFL teams!
Sorry .. schools are on the decline with education .. Baltimore is a shining example where many high school graduates aren't proficient in basic classes like math, reading and writing. Oregon is cancelling out math, reading and writing proficiencies as a required prerequisite for graduation. What makes you think they know about taxation and interest rates? Have you not watched the news on the outlashes of pro-palestine / hamas support across the United States? Muslims threatening to not vote in the 2024 election? Sheesh

They may not know math, reading and writing .. but heck yeah .. they know everything about everything with their favorite MLB and NFL teams!
60% of America, at a minimum, don't want Trump back. Force them to and they will vote for Biden.

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