Biden abandons infrastructure talks

President Biden abandoned bipartisan infrastructure talks with Senate Republicans on Tuesday over the party’s unwillingness to compromise on raising taxes.

The White House said Mr. Biden decided to jettison talks because Republicans were not ready to “meet the essential needs of our country to restore our roads and bridges, prepare us for our clean energy future, and create jobs.”

Essential needs? What the hell, if these loon want to redefine "infrastructure", why no redefine "essential" too.

Biden abandons infrastructure talks after Senate GOP refuses to back tax hikes
The GOP was given the opportunity to address the nation's infrastructure needs. That would give Biden a victory though so we can't have that.

The disappointing thing from me, a Biden supporter, is that they just didn't take the $1T or so that the GOP was apparently on board with spending and pass it like the moment after they offered it. Then come back and ram through whatever wasn't addressed by the GOP measure.

If it really is a don't play politics like the GOP has done. Its one of the reasons I will never be a democrat.
One would think the $30 trillion added to the national debt the past 20 years, some would have been spent on infrastructure. Yet another example we live in a failed state.

Keep in mind over that same period of time China built an enormous high speed rail system that crisscrosses the country.

You can't blame Democrats for that... GOP have stopped any infrastructure spending... They preferred wars costing trillions in a shithole in the ME...

Not saying Democrats are perfect but the GOP are toxic... The contrast in Europe is pretty amazing... There is very little talk about abortion, church, guns,.....

Big issues are Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure... It is expected Government needs money to give out services, we expect them to spend wisely..

If a politician stood up and say Government doesn't work, we say you are the wrong guy to put in charge of it then...
Politicians should be boring, they are not entertainers.. You don't a surgeon operating on your child to cracking jokes and doing a dance routine, you want him to do his job...

Actually one of the things Trump did was to not report (e.g. civilian causalities from drones), rig or denigrate(unemployment, voting...) the metrics which we judge leadership performance... I am not saying politicians didn't do a bit of it before but it was taken to a different level...
You must stop believing the two parties oppose each other and that they are different. They don’t oppose each other and are very much alike. Just as O was like W, Joe is like Don.

The MSM makes a big deal about the minor differences to keep the wingers duped, but nothing fundamentally changes. The rich get richer and more powerful.
President Biden abandoned bipartisan infrastructure talks with Senate Republicans on Tuesday over the party’s unwillingness to compromise on raising taxes.

The White House said Mr. Biden decided to jettison talks because Republicans were not ready to “meet the essential needs of our country to restore our roads and bridges, prepare us for our clean energy future, and create jobs.”

Essential needs? What the hell, if these loon want to redefine "infrastructure", why no redefine "essential" too.

Biden abandons infrastructure talks after Senate GOP refuses to back tax hikes
The GOP was given the opportunity to address the nation's infrastructure needs. That would give Biden a victory though so we can't have that.

The disappointing thing from me, a Biden supporter, is that they just didn't take the $1T or so that the GOP was apparently on board with spending and pass it like the moment after they offered it. Then come back and ram through whatever wasn't addressed by the GOP measure.

If it really is a don't play politics like the GOP has done. Its one of the reasons I will never be a democrat.
One would think the $30 trillion added to the national debt the past 20 years, some would have been spent on infrastructure. Yet another example we live in a failed state.

Keep in mind over that same period of time China built an enormous high speed rail system that crisscrosses the country.

You can't blame Democrats for that... GOP have stopped any infrastructure spending... They preferred wars costing trillions in a shithole in the ME...

Not saying Democrats are perfect but the GOP are toxic... The contrast in Europe is pretty amazing... There is very little talk about abortion, church, guns,.....

Big issues are Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure... It is expected Government needs money to give out services, we expect them to spend wisely..

If a politician stood up and say Government doesn't work, we say you are the wrong guy to put in charge of it then...
Politicians should be boring, they are not entertainers.. You don't a surgeon operating on your child to cracking jokes and doing a dance routine, you want him to do his job...

Actually one of the things Trump did was to not report (e.g. civilian causalities from drones), rig or denigrate(unemployment, voting...) the metrics which we judge leadership performance... I am not saying politicians didn't do a bit of it before but it was taken to a different level...

Anything you fail to condemn from previous administrations will only get worse.

No one condemned Obama's killing of civilians. No one condemned his starting new wars.
Actually Obama at least reported his numbers Trump stopped reporting...

Obama used drones, no problem saying that... Bad guys need to be held account... But Obama was a lot more measured and had a far lower civilian death ratio... Drones kill less civilians than boots on the ground, they take on the enemy with less risk..

View attachment 499093

Obama was just good at getting bad guys..
He was good at murdering innocent civilians just as W was. He was terrible fraud and should be in solitary confinement at Supermax with W.
President Biden abandoned bipartisan infrastructure talks with Senate Republicans on Tuesday over the party’s unwillingness to compromise on raising taxes.

The White House said Mr. Biden decided to jettison talks because Republicans were not ready to “meet the essential needs of our country to restore our roads and bridges, prepare us for our clean energy future, and create jobs.”

Essential needs? What the hell, if these loon want to redefine "infrastructure", why no redefine "essential" too.

Biden abandons infrastructure talks after Senate GOP refuses to back tax hikes
Biden won't get any support from Republicans they are wasting time as per usual.
We don't deal with racist.
President Biden abandoned bipartisan infrastructure talks with Senate Republicans on Tuesday over the party’s unwillingness to compromise on raising taxes.

The White House said Mr. Biden decided to jettison talks because Republicans were not ready to “meet the essential needs of our country to restore our roads and bridges, prepare us for our clean energy future, and create jobs.”

Essential needs? What the hell, if these loon want to redefine "infrastructure", why no redefine "essential" too.

Biden abandons infrastructure talks after Senate GOP refuses to back tax hikes
Even if Biden offers them everything they want the GQP will reject it.
Everyone knows this.
Wow, who knew we had a Psychic here.
President Biden abandoned bipartisan infrastructure talks with Senate Republicans on Tuesday over the party’s unwillingness to compromise on raising taxes.

The White House said Mr. Biden decided to jettison talks because Republicans were not ready to “meet the essential needs of our country to restore our roads and bridges, prepare us for our clean energy future, and create jobs.”

Essential needs? What the hell, if these loon want to redefine "infrastructure", why no redefine "essential" too.

Biden abandons infrastructure talks after Senate GOP refuses to back tax hikes
The GOP was given the opportunity to address the nation's infrastructure needs. That would give Biden a victory though so we can't have that.

The disappointing thing from me, a Biden supporter, is that they just didn't take the $1T or so that the GOP was apparently on board with spending and pass it like the moment after they offered it. Then come back and ram through whatever wasn't addressed by the GOP measure.

If it really is a don't play politics like the GOP has done. Its one of the reasons I will never be a democrat.
One would think the $30 trillion added to the national debt the past 20 years, some would have been spent on infrastructure. Yet another example we live in a failed state.

Keep in mind over that same period of time China built an enormous high speed rail system that crisscrosses the country.

You can't blame Democrats for that... GOP have stopped any infrastructure spending... They preferred wars costing trillions in a shithole in the ME...

Not saying Democrats are perfect but the GOP are toxic... The contrast in Europe is pretty amazing... There is very little talk about abortion, church, guns,.....

Big issues are Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure... It is expected Government needs money to give out services, we expect them to spend wisely..

If a politician stood up and say Government doesn't work, we say you are the wrong guy to put in charge of it then...
Politicians should be boring, they are not entertainers.. You don't a surgeon operating on your child to cracking jokes and doing a dance routine, you want him to do his job...

Actually one of the things Trump did was to not report (e.g. civilian causalities from drones), rig or denigrate(unemployment, voting...) the metrics which we judge leadership performance... I am not saying politicians didn't do a bit of it before but it was taken to a different level...

Anything you fail to condemn from previous administrations will only get worse.

No one condemned Obama's killing of civilians. No one condemned his starting new wars.
Actually Obama at least reported his numbers Trump stopped reporting...

Obama used drones, no problem saying that... Bad guys need to be held account... But Obama was a lot more measured and had a far lower civilian death ratio... Drones kill less civilians than boots on the ground, they take on the enemy with less risk..

View attachment 499093

Obama was just good at getting bad guys..

Obama put boots on the ground. My point proven,

You still can't condemn it today.
Special Ops in a training capacity... Very little exposure in comparison to thousands of reservists...

"White House spokesman Josh Earnest said that the U.S. would be deploying "less than 50" Special Operations forces," - That is 50... Give them a little help and they can be very effective at furthering US interests in the region without much risk...

If you don't Russia or China will step in and they will control the region... Why are you so pro Russia or China... Why do you want them to win... Give china control of the world resources and you will be calling them masters in a few decades...
President Biden abandoned bipartisan infrastructure talks with Senate Republicans on Tuesday over the party’s unwillingness to compromise on raising taxes.

The White House said Mr. Biden decided to jettison talks because Republicans were not ready to “meet the essential needs of our country to restore our roads and bridges, prepare us for our clean energy future, and create jobs.”

Essential needs? What the hell, if these loon want to redefine "infrastructure", why no redefine "essential" too.

Biden abandons infrastructure talks after Senate GOP refuses to back tax hikes
The GOP was given the opportunity to address the nation's infrastructure needs. That would give Biden a victory though so we can't have that.

The disappointing thing from me, a Biden supporter, is that they just didn't take the $1T or so that the GOP was apparently on board with spending and pass it like the moment after they offered it. Then come back and ram through whatever wasn't addressed by the GOP measure.

If it really is a don't play politics like the GOP has done. Its one of the reasons I will never be a democrat.
One would think the $30 trillion added to the national debt the past 20 years, some would have been spent on infrastructure. Yet another example we live in a failed state.

Keep in mind over that same period of time China built an enormous high speed rail system that crisscrosses the country.

You can't blame Democrats for that... GOP have stopped any infrastructure spending... They preferred wars costing trillions in a shithole in the ME...

Not saying Democrats are perfect but the GOP are toxic... The contrast in Europe is pretty amazing... There is very little talk about abortion, church, guns,.....

Big issues are Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure... It is expected Government needs money to give out services, we expect them to spend wisely..

If a politician stood up and say Government doesn't work, we say you are the wrong guy to put in charge of it then...
Politicians should be boring, they are not entertainers.. You don't a surgeon operating on your child to cracking jokes and doing a dance routine, you want him to do his job...

Actually one of the things Trump did was to not report (e.g. civilian causalities from drones), rig or denigrate(unemployment, voting...) the metrics which we judge leadership performance... I am not saying politicians didn't do a bit of it before but it was taken to a different level...
You must stop believing the two parties oppose each other and that they are different. They don’t oppose each other and are very much alike. Just as O was like W, Joe is like Don.

The MSM makes a big deal about the minor differences to keep the wingers duped, but nothing fundamentally changes. The rich get richer and more powerful.

You know I have been a big avocate for expanding democracy using PR and preference voting... I also believe in taking the lobbyists/money out of politics.

I see GOP as far bigger hurdle to any of that than Democrats. As I said Democrats aren't angels but I am not letting the perfect get in the way of the good.

Obama was a farsight better than Bush Jr or Trump. Bush jr was surrounded by henchmen that couldn't find a war fast enough and Trump was just a disaster.

Obama was not perfect but a lot of the foreign issues were just the hand he was dealt. China and Russia were running rampant, China has upped there game when Trump came through.

US enjoys a certain amount of dominance in the world due to the PetroDollar and its very high soft diplomacy. This gives US an advantage every-time they walk into any room, US safety, security and prosperity is built on this advantage.
President Biden abandoned bipartisan infrastructure talks with Senate Republicans on Tuesday over the party’s unwillingness to compromise on raising taxes.

The White House said Mr. Biden decided to jettison talks because Republicans were not ready to “meet the essential needs of our country to restore our roads and bridges, prepare us for our clean energy future, and create jobs.”

Essential needs? What the hell, if these loon want to redefine "infrastructure", why no redefine "essential" too.

Biden abandons infrastructure talks after Senate GOP refuses to back tax hikes
The GOP was given the opportunity to address the nation's infrastructure needs. That would give Biden a victory though so we can't have that.

The disappointing thing from me, a Biden supporter, is that they just didn't take the $1T or so that the GOP was apparently on board with spending and pass it like the moment after they offered it. Then come back and ram through whatever wasn't addressed by the GOP measure.

If it really is a don't play politics like the GOP has done. Its one of the reasons I will never be a democrat.
One would think the $30 trillion added to the national debt the past 20 years, some would have been spent on infrastructure. Yet another example we live in a failed state.

Keep in mind over that same period of time China built an enormous high speed rail system that crisscrosses the country.

You can't blame Democrats for that... GOP have stopped any infrastructure spending... They preferred wars costing trillions in a shithole in the ME...

Not saying Democrats are perfect but the GOP are toxic... The contrast in Europe is pretty amazing... There is very little talk about abortion, church, guns,.....

Big issues are Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure... It is expected Government needs money to give out services, we expect them to spend wisely..

If a politician stood up and say Government doesn't work, we say you are the wrong guy to put in charge of it then...
Politicians should be boring, they are not entertainers.. You don't a surgeon operating on your child to cracking jokes and doing a dance routine, you want him to do his job...

Actually one of the things Trump did was to not report (e.g. civilian causalities from drones), rig or denigrate(unemployment, voting...) the metrics which we judge leadership performance... I am not saying politicians didn't do a bit of it before but it was taken to a different level...

Anything you fail to condemn from previous administrations will only get worse.

No one condemned Obama's killing of civilians. No one condemned his starting new wars.
Actually Obama at least reported his numbers Trump stopped reporting...

Obama used drones, no problem saying that... Bad guys need to be held account... But Obama was a lot more measured and had a far lower civilian death ratio... Drones kill less civilians than boots on the ground, they take on the enemy with less risk..

View attachment 499093

Obama was just good at getting bad guys..
still cant admit it. Arent you a foreigner? And you are still a cultist? :lol:
President Biden abandoned bipartisan infrastructure talks with Senate Republicans on Tuesday over the party’s unwillingness to compromise on raising taxes.

The White House said Mr. Biden decided to jettison talks because Republicans were not ready to “meet the essential needs of our country to restore our roads and bridges, prepare us for our clean energy future, and create jobs.”

Essential needs? What the hell, if these loon want to redefine "infrastructure", why no redefine "essential" too.

Biden abandons infrastructure talks after Senate GOP refuses to back tax hikes
The GOP was given the opportunity to address the nation's infrastructure needs. That would give Biden a victory though so we can't have that.

The disappointing thing from me, a Biden supporter, is that they just didn't take the $1T or so that the GOP was apparently on board with spending and pass it like the moment after they offered it. Then come back and ram through whatever wasn't addressed by the GOP measure.

If it really is a don't play politics like the GOP has done. Its one of the reasons I will never be a democrat.
One would think the $30 trillion added to the national debt the past 20 years, some would have been spent on infrastructure. Yet another example we live in a failed state.

Keep in mind over that same period of time China built an enormous high speed rail system that crisscrosses the country.

You can't blame Democrats for that... GOP have stopped any infrastructure spending... They preferred wars costing trillions in a shithole in the ME...

Not saying Democrats are perfect but the GOP are toxic... The contrast in Europe is pretty amazing... There is very little talk about abortion, church, guns,.....

Big issues are Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure... It is expected Government needs money to give out services, we expect them to spend wisely..

If a politician stood up and say Government doesn't work, we say you are the wrong guy to put in charge of it then...
Politicians should be boring, they are not entertainers.. You don't a surgeon operating on your child to cracking jokes and doing a dance routine, you want him to do his job...

Actually one of the things Trump did was to not report (e.g. civilian causalities from drones), rig or denigrate(unemployment, voting...) the metrics which we judge leadership performance... I am not saying politicians didn't do a bit of it before but it was taken to a different level...

Anything you fail to condemn from previous administrations will only get worse.

No one condemned Obama's killing of civilians. No one condemned his starting new wars.
Actually Obama at least reported his numbers Trump stopped reporting...

Obama used drones, no problem saying that... Bad guys need to be held account... But Obama was a lot more measured and had a far lower civilian death ratio... Drones kill less civilians than boots on the ground, they take on the enemy with less risk..

View attachment 499093

Obama was just good at getting bad guys..
still cant admit it. Arent you a foreigner? And you are still a cultist? :lol:
Admitting what?

Obama came to power when Bin Laden was still alive and ISIS were running rampant all over ME.

He ordered drone strikes, so did the guy before him and after him... Biden will order them as well...

How is that being a cultist?

He ordered the killing of Bin Laden as well?

Obama took on Russia, he didn't ask for other countries to start bogus investigations on his political rival...
President Biden abandoned bipartisan infrastructure talks with Senate Republicans on Tuesday over the party’s unwillingness to compromise on raising taxes.

The White House said Mr. Biden decided to jettison talks because Republicans were not ready to “meet the essential needs of our country to restore our roads and bridges, prepare us for our clean energy future, and create jobs.”

Essential needs? What the hell, if these loon want to redefine "infrastructure", why no redefine "essential" too.

Biden abandons infrastructure talks after Senate GOP refuses to back tax hikes
The GOP was given the opportunity to address the nation's infrastructure needs. That would give Biden a victory though so we can't have that.

The disappointing thing from me, a Biden supporter, is that they just didn't take the $1T or so that the GOP was apparently on board with spending and pass it like the moment after they offered it. Then come back and ram through whatever wasn't addressed by the GOP measure.

If it really is a don't play politics like the GOP has done. Its one of the reasons I will never be a democrat.
One would think the $30 trillion added to the national debt the past 20 years, some would have been spent on infrastructure. Yet another example we live in a failed state.

Keep in mind over that same period of time China built an enormous high speed rail system that crisscrosses the country.

You can't blame Democrats for that... GOP have stopped any infrastructure spending... They preferred wars costing trillions in a shithole in the ME...

Not saying Democrats are perfect but the GOP are toxic... The contrast in Europe is pretty amazing... There is very little talk about abortion, church, guns,.....

Big issues are Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure... It is expected Government needs money to give out services, we expect them to spend wisely..

If a politician stood up and say Government doesn't work, we say you are the wrong guy to put in charge of it then...
Politicians should be boring, they are not entertainers.. You don't a surgeon operating on your child to cracking jokes and doing a dance routine, you want him to do his job...

Actually one of the things Trump did was to not report (e.g. civilian causalities from drones), rig or denigrate(unemployment, voting...) the metrics which we judge leadership performance... I am not saying politicians didn't do a bit of it before but it was taken to a different level...

Anything you fail to condemn from previous administrations will only get worse.

No one condemned Obama's killing of civilians. No one condemned his starting new wars.
Actually Obama at least reported his numbers Trump stopped reporting...

Obama used drones, no problem saying that... Bad guys need to be held account... But Obama was a lot more measured and had a far lower civilian death ratio... Drones kill less civilians than boots on the ground, they take on the enemy with less risk..

View attachment 499093

Obama was just good at getting bad guys..
still cant admit it. Arent you a foreigner? And you are still a cultist? :lol:
Admitting what?

Obama came to power when Bin Laden was still alive and ISIS were running rampant all over ME.

He ordered drone strikes, so did the guy before him and after him... Biden will order them as well...

How is that being a cultist?

He ordered the killing of Bin Laden as well?

Obama took on Russia, he didn't ask for other countries to start bogus investigations on his political rival...
So much irony, ignorance and cultism, in just one post. Wow
President Biden abandoned bipartisan infrastructure talks with Senate Republicans on Tuesday over the party’s unwillingness to compromise on raising taxes.

The White House said Mr. Biden decided to jettison talks because Republicans were not ready to “meet the essential needs of our country to restore our roads and bridges, prepare us for our clean energy future, and create jobs.”

Essential needs? What the hell, if these loon want to redefine "infrastructure", why no redefine "essential" too.

Biden abandons infrastructure talks after Senate GOP refuses to back tax hikes
The GOP was given the opportunity to address the nation's infrastructure needs. That would give Biden a victory though so we can't have that.

The disappointing thing from me, a Biden supporter, is that they just didn't take the $1T or so that the GOP was apparently on board with spending and pass it like the moment after they offered it. Then come back and ram through whatever wasn't addressed by the GOP measure.

If it really is a don't play politics like the GOP has done. Its one of the reasons I will never be a democrat.
One would think the $30 trillion added to the national debt the past 20 years, some would have been spent on infrastructure. Yet another example we live in a failed state.

Keep in mind over that same period of time China built an enormous high speed rail system that crisscrosses the country.

You can't blame Democrats for that... GOP have stopped any infrastructure spending... They preferred wars costing trillions in a shithole in the ME...

Not saying Democrats are perfect but the GOP are toxic... The contrast in Europe is pretty amazing... There is very little talk about abortion, church, guns,.....

Big issues are Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure... It is expected Government needs money to give out services, we expect them to spend wisely..

If a politician stood up and say Government doesn't work, we say you are the wrong guy to put in charge of it then...
Politicians should be boring, they are not entertainers.. You don't a surgeon operating on your child to cracking jokes and doing a dance routine, you want him to do his job...

Actually one of the things Trump did was to not report (e.g. civilian causalities from drones), rig or denigrate(unemployment, voting...) the metrics which we judge leadership performance... I am not saying politicians didn't do a bit of it before but it was taken to a different level...

Anything you fail to condemn from previous administrations will only get worse.

No one condemned Obama's killing of civilians. No one condemned his starting new wars.
Actually Obama at least reported his numbers Trump stopped reporting...

Obama used drones, no problem saying that... Bad guys need to be held account... But Obama was a lot more measured and had a far lower civilian death ratio... Drones kill less civilians than boots on the ground, they take on the enemy with less risk..

View attachment 499093

Obama was just good at getting bad guys..

Obama put boots on the ground. My point proven,

You still can't condemn it today.
Special Ops in a training capacity... Very little exposure in comparison to thousands of reservists...

"White House spokesman Josh Earnest said that the U.S. would be deploying "less than 50" Special Operations forces," - That is 50... Give them a little help and they can be very effective at furthering US interests in the region without much risk...

If you don't Russia or China will step in and they will control the region... Why are you so pro Russia or China... Why do you want them to win... Give china control of the world resources and you will be calling them masters in a few decades...

Always with the excuses and you wonder why people excuse the dumb things their side does.
President Biden abandoned bipartisan infrastructure talks with Senate Republicans on Tuesday over the party’s unwillingness to compromise on raising taxes.

The White House said Mr. Biden decided to jettison talks because Republicans were not ready to “meet the essential needs of our country to restore our roads and bridges, prepare us for our clean energy future, and create jobs.”

Essential needs? What the hell, if these loon want to redefine "infrastructure", why no redefine "essential" too.

Biden abandons infrastructure talks after Senate GOP refuses to back tax hikes
The GOP was given the opportunity to address the nation's infrastructure needs. That would give Biden a victory though so we can't have that.

The disappointing thing from me, a Biden supporter, is that they just didn't take the $1T or so that the GOP was apparently on board with spending and pass it like the moment after they offered it. Then come back and ram through whatever wasn't addressed by the GOP measure.

If it really is a don't play politics like the GOP has done. Its one of the reasons I will never be a democrat.
One would think the $30 trillion added to the national debt the past 20 years, some would have been spent on infrastructure. Yet another example we live in a failed state.

Keep in mind over that same period of time China built an enormous high speed rail system that crisscrosses the country.

You can't blame Democrats for that... GOP have stopped any infrastructure spending... They preferred wars costing trillions in a shithole in the ME...

Not saying Democrats are perfect but the GOP are toxic... The contrast in Europe is pretty amazing... There is very little talk about abortion, church, guns,.....

Big issues are Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure... It is expected Government needs money to give out services, we expect them to spend wisely..

If a politician stood up and say Government doesn't work, we say you are the wrong guy to put in charge of it then...
Politicians should be boring, they are not entertainers.. You don't a surgeon operating on your child to cracking jokes and doing a dance routine, you want him to do his job...

Actually one of the things Trump did was to not report (e.g. civilian causalities from drones), rig or denigrate(unemployment, voting...) the metrics which we judge leadership performance... I am not saying politicians didn't do a bit of it before but it was taken to a different level...

Anything you fail to condemn from previous administrations will only get worse.

No one condemned Obama's killing of civilians. No one condemned his starting new wars.
Actually Obama at least reported his numbers Trump stopped reporting...

Obama used drones, no problem saying that... Bad guys need to be held account... But Obama was a lot more measured and had a far lower civilian death ratio... Drones kill less civilians than boots on the ground, they take on the enemy with less risk..

View attachment 499093

Obama was just good at getting bad guys..
still cant admit it. Arent you a foreigner? And you are still a cultist? :lol:
Admitting what?

Obama came to power when Bin Laden was still alive and ISIS were running rampant all over ME.

He ordered drone strikes, so did the guy before him and after him... Biden will order them as well...

How is that being a cultist?

He ordered the killing of Bin Laden as well?

Obama took on Russia, he didn't ask for other countries to start bogus investigations on his political rival...

There is no taking on Russia or for that matter China. It's all political grandstanding.
President Biden abandoned bipartisan infrastructure talks with Senate Republicans on Tuesday over the party’s unwillingness to compromise on raising taxes.

The White House said Mr. Biden decided to jettison talks because Republicans were not ready to “meet the essential needs of our country to restore our roads and bridges, prepare us for our clean energy future, and create jobs.”

Essential needs? What the hell, if these loon want to redefine "infrastructure", why no redefine "essential" too.

Biden abandons infrastructure talks after Senate GOP refuses to back tax hikes
Seems like a good reason to me. Who wants taxes raised?? Not me. Biden of course does to fund the bull shit he's planning.

Since his infrastructure bill had only 5% for infrastructure and the rest was pure d pork, No great loss.
President Biden abandoned bipartisan infrastructure talks with Senate Republicans on Tuesday over the party’s unwillingness to compromise on raising taxes.

The White House said Mr. Biden decided to jettison talks because Republicans were not ready to “meet the essential needs of our country to restore our roads and bridges, prepare us for our clean energy future, and create jobs.”

Essential needs? What the hell, if these loon want to redefine "infrastructure", why no redefine "essential" too.

Biden abandons infrastructure talks after Senate GOP refuses to back tax hikes
The GOP was given the opportunity to address the nation's infrastructure needs. That would give Biden a victory though so we can't have that.

The disappointing thing from me, a Biden supporter, is that they just didn't take the $1T or so that the GOP was apparently on board with spending and pass it like the moment after they offered it. Then come back and ram through whatever wasn't addressed by the GOP measure.

If it really is a don't play politics like the GOP has done. Its one of the reasons I will never be a democrat.
One would think the $30 trillion added to the national debt the past 20 years, some would have been spent on infrastructure. Yet another example we live in a failed state.

Keep in mind over that same period of time China built an enormous high speed rail system that crisscrosses the country.

You can't blame Democrats for that... GOP have stopped any infrastructure spending... They preferred wars costing trillions in a shithole in the ME...

Not saying Democrats are perfect but the GOP are toxic... The contrast in Europe is pretty amazing... There is very little talk about abortion, church, guns,.....

Big issues are Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure... It is expected Government needs money to give out services, we expect them to spend wisely..

If a politician stood up and say Government doesn't work, we say you are the wrong guy to put in charge of it then...
Politicians should be boring, they are not entertainers.. You don't a surgeon operating on your child to cracking jokes and doing a dance routine, you want him to do his job...

Actually one of the things Trump did was to not report (e.g. civilian causalities from drones), rig or denigrate(unemployment, voting...) the metrics which we judge leadership performance... I am not saying politicians didn't do a bit of it before but it was taken to a different level...

Anything you fail to condemn from previous administrations will only get worse.

No one condemned Obama's killing of civilians. No one condemned his starting new wars.
Actually Obama at least reported his numbers Trump stopped reporting...

Obama used drones, no problem saying that... Bad guys need to be held account... But Obama was a lot more measured and had a far lower civilian death ratio... Drones kill less civilians than boots on the ground, they take on the enemy with less risk..

View attachment 499093

Obama was just good at getting bad guys..
still cant admit it. Arent you a foreigner? And you are still a cultist? :lol:
Admitting what?

Obama came to power when Bin Laden was still alive and ISIS were running rampant all over ME.

He ordered drone strikes, so did the guy before him and after him... Biden will order them as well...

How is that being a cultist?

He ordered the killing of Bin Laden as well?

Obama took on Russia, he didn't ask for other countries to start bogus investigations on his political rival...
Oh bullpelosi, Obammy had his own special Putin kneepads for visits.
President Biden abandoned bipartisan infrastructure talks with Senate Republicans on Tuesday over the party’s unwillingness to compromise on raising taxes.

The White House said Mr. Biden decided to jettison talks because Republicans were not ready to “meet the essential needs of our country to restore our roads and bridges, prepare us for our clean energy future, and create jobs.”

Essential needs? What the hell, if these loon want to redefine "infrastructure", why no redefine "essential" too.

Biden abandons infrastructure talks after Senate GOP refuses to back tax hikes
The GOP was given the opportunity to address the nation's infrastructure needs. That would give Biden a victory though so we can't have that.

The disappointing thing from me, a Biden supporter, is that they just didn't take the $1T or so that the GOP was apparently on board with spending and pass it like the moment after they offered it. Then come back and ram through whatever wasn't addressed by the GOP measure.

If it really is a don't play politics like the GOP has done. Its one of the reasons I will never be a democrat.
One would think the $30 trillion added to the national debt the past 20 years, some would have been spent on infrastructure. Yet another example we live in a failed state.

Keep in mind over that same period of time China built an enormous high speed rail system that crisscrosses the country.

You can't blame Democrats for that... GOP have stopped any infrastructure spending... They preferred wars costing trillions in a shithole in the ME...

Not saying Democrats are perfect but the GOP are toxic... The contrast in Europe is pretty amazing... There is very little talk about abortion, church, guns,.....

Big issues are Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure... It is expected Government needs money to give out services, we expect them to spend wisely..

If a politician stood up and say Government doesn't work, we say you are the wrong guy to put in charge of it then...
Politicians should be boring, they are not entertainers.. You don't a surgeon operating on your child to cracking jokes and doing a dance routine, you want him to do his job...

Actually one of the things Trump did was to not report (e.g. civilian causalities from drones), rig or denigrate(unemployment, voting...) the metrics which we judge leadership performance... I am not saying politicians didn't do a bit of it before but it was taken to a different level...

Anything you fail to condemn from previous administrations will only get worse.

No one condemned Obama's killing of civilians. No one condemned his starting new wars.
Actually Obama at least reported his numbers Trump stopped reporting...

Obama used drones, no problem saying that... Bad guys need to be held account... But Obama was a lot more measured and had a far lower civilian death ratio... Drones kill less civilians than boots on the ground, they take on the enemy with less risk..

View attachment 499093

Obama was just good at getting bad guys..
still cant admit it. Arent you a foreigner? And you are still a cultist? :lol:
Admitting what?

Obama came to power when Bin Laden was still alive and ISIS were running rampant all over ME.

He ordered drone strikes, so did the guy before him and after him... Biden will order them as well...

How is that being a cultist?

He ordered the killing of Bin Laden as well?

Obama took on Russia, he didn't ask for other countries to start bogus investigations on his political rival...
Oh bullpelosi, Obammy had his own special Putin kneepads for visits.
Wrong. ISIS was not running rampant all over the ME when Ears took power. He and crazy Hillary armed them so they could run rampant. Get your facts straight.
President Biden abandoned bipartisan infrastructure talks with Senate Republicans on Tuesday over the party’s unwillingness to compromise on raising taxes.

The White House said Mr. Biden decided to jettison talks because Republicans were not ready to “meet the essential needs of our country to restore our roads and bridges, prepare us for our clean energy future, and create jobs.”

Essential needs? What the hell, if these loon want to redefine "infrastructure", why no redefine "essential" too.

Biden abandons infrastructure talks after Senate GOP refuses to back tax hikes
Even if Biden offers them everything they want the GQP will reject it.
Everyone knows this.
Wow, who knew we had a Psychic here.
I don't think Biden "abandoned" bipartisan talks. Rather he moved on from Caputo to the the group including Romney and Machin, and Kennedy/Collins/Sinnena, etc. And Caputo's comments echo that.
apito indicated to reporters on Wednesday that she thought the bipartisan group factored into the White House's willingness to continue their talks.

“I mean obviously I was negotiating in good faith with the president," Capito said. "When other ideas come up that are presented to be bigger, better that had an effect, I think, on our negotiations."

Imo all those involved want some bipartisan outcome even if it's imperfect to everyone. They want to move on from the insurrection. And the dems (and the gop) know that it will be harder to paint "the other side" as communist or fascist if they agreed in part with you. If you get past that bs, then maybe voters will focus on character and what actually is accomplished, and reward those who behave and govern civilly.
President Biden abandoned bipartisan infrastructure talks with Senate Republicans on Tuesday over the party’s unwillingness to compromise on raising taxes.

The White House said Mr. Biden decided to jettison talks because Republicans were not ready to “meet the essential needs of our country to restore our roads and bridges, prepare us for our clean energy future, and create jobs.”

Essential needs? What the hell, if these loon want to redefine "infrastructure", why no redefine "essential" too.

Biden abandons infrastructure talks after Senate GOP refuses to back tax hikes
Even if Biden offers them everything they want the GQP will reject it.
Everyone knows this.
Wow, who knew we had a Psychic here.
Everyone knows psychic ability required.
President Biden abandoned bipartisan infrastructure talks with Senate Republicans on Tuesday over the party’s unwillingness to compromise on raising taxes.

The White House said Mr. Biden decided to jettison talks because Republicans were not ready to “meet the essential needs of our country to restore our roads and bridges, prepare us for our clean energy future, and create jobs.”

Essential needs? What the hell, if these loon want to redefine "infrastructure", why no redefine "essential" too.

Biden abandons infrastructure talks after Senate GOP refuses to back tax hikes
Biden won't get any support from Republicans they are wasting time as per usual.
and from the looks of old china Joe...he doesnt have much time left in this world
This is the kind of asinine "leadership" we get when one party has near-total control of the media and therefore the message. Watch all of the MSM line up to repeat, word for word this argument. All I can say is God bless Manchin and Sinema and pray they don't get bought or bullied into decisions that could actually lead to civil war.
It is the same asinine leadership we get with every president and every Congress...
It might come as a surprise to you but government gridlock is not a bug, it's a FEATURE. It was designed into the structure to keep the minority from constantly being crushed. It has always been understood that power is going to change hands regularly and that compromise is essential to good governance. That ended during Obama's time and became worse during Trump.

What the Democrats - with help from some RINOs - did between 2016-2020 was to reject that spirit of compromise TOTALLY. If Manchin and Sinema got in line and voted to ditch the filibuster, this country would come apart and fall into violence. Don't believe it? Tell me, if you saw the Republicans use rules to pass laws against abortion, all environmental protection, and crafted an electoral structure for the states that would guarantee Democrats would never have control again... what would you do? What do you think Democrats would be JUSTIFIED in doing in that situation?
democrats would just crap in their depends like old china joe
This is the kind of asinine "leadership" we get when one party has near-total control of the media and therefore the message. Watch all of the MSM line up to repeat, word for word this argument. All I can say is God bless Manchin and Sinema and pray they don't get bought or bullied into decisions that could actually lead to civil war.
It is the same asinine leadership we get with every president and every Congress...
It might come as a surprise to you but government gridlock is not a bug, it's a FEATURE. It was designed into the structure to keep the minority from constantly being crushed. It has always been understood that power is going to change hands regularly and that compromise is essential to good governance. That ended during Obama's time and became worse during Trump.

What the Democrats - with help from some RINOs - did between 2016-2020 was to reject that spirit of compromise TOTALLY. If Manchin and Sinema got in line and voted to ditch the filibuster, this country would come apart and fall into violence. Don't believe it? Tell me, if you saw the Republicans use rules to pass laws against abortion, all environmental protection, and crafted an electoral structure for the states that would guarantee Democrats would never have control again... what would you do? What do you think Democrats would be JUSTIFIED in doing in that situation?
democrats would just crap in their depends like old china joe
I don't think Trump supporters should be making Depends jokes.
This is the kind of asinine "leadership" we get when one party has near-total control of the media and therefore the message. Watch all of the MSM line up to repeat, word for word this argument. All I can say is God bless Manchin and Sinema and pray they don't get bought or bullied into decisions that could actually lead to civil war.
It is the same asinine leadership we get with every president and every Congress...
It might come as a surprise to you but government gridlock is not a bug, it's a FEATURE. It was designed into the structure to keep the minority from constantly being crushed. It has always been understood that power is going to change hands regularly and that compromise is essential to good governance. That ended during Obama's time and became worse during Trump.

What the Democrats - with help from some RINOs - did between 2016-2020 was to reject that spirit of compromise TOTALLY. If Manchin and Sinema got in line and voted to ditch the filibuster, this country would come apart and fall into violence. Don't believe it? Tell me, if you saw the Republicans use rules to pass laws against abortion, all environmental protection, and crafted an electoral structure for the states that would guarantee Democrats would never have control again... what would you do? What do you think Democrats would be JUSTIFIED in doing in that situation?
democrats would just crap in their depends like old china joe
I don't think Trump supporters should be making Depends jokes.
Right, Pinochijoe will get mad.

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