Biden Adm Illegally Using Federal Agencies To Run Their Election Campaign....And They Are Directed To Register Non-citizens To Vote

Two thirds of the "Republicans" in the Senate and slightly less than that in the House have all known this was going on and support it...

This was clearly the plan all along. Most of the illegals will probably not vote, so they will be "voted" for Kamala, and Chris Wray will do everything possible to make that "legal" again...

And all of those RINOs are PRO ISRAEL and LOVE W and are against REOPENING the 911 INVESTIGATION and hence are FOR KAMALA.... thanks to Faux and the absolute morons who think Faux is credible...
This is against the law. Cut and dried.

Biden's adm is illegally using federal agencies to run their election.

And what's worse, they're using them to register illegals to vote in the election.

Executive Order on Promoting Access to Voting​

The White House (.gov) › Presidential Actions

Mar 7, 2021 — By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as.
This is against the law. Cut and dried.

Biden's adm is illegally using federal agencies to run their election.

And what's worse, they're using them to register illegals to vote in the election.

(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
This is against the law. Cut and dried.

Biden's adm is illegally using federal agencies to run their election.

And what's worse, they're using them to register illegals to vote in the election.

Nothing in the order says anything you claim. Why don't you obnoxious scabs stop the fucking lying? Your lies have already fucked up one American town, when does it stop?
This is against the law. Cut and dried.

Biden's adm is illegally using federal agencies to run their election.

And what's worse, they're using them to register illegals to vote in the election.

This surprises nobody, Democrats are completely lawless and corrupt at this point. So desperate to cling to power there's no law they won't break, no dirty trick they won't pull and no lie they won't tell.
This surprises nobody, Democrats are completely lawless and corrupt at this point. So desperate to cling to power there's no law they won't break, no dirty trick they won't pull and no lie they won't tell.
He we see another lie and republican projection.
This surprises nobody, Democrats are completely lawless and corrupt at this point. So desperate to cling to power there's no law they won't break, no dirty trick they won't pull and no lie they won't tell.
How about one of you morons show the language that says what the OP has claimed.

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