Speaker Mike Johnson About to Cave on Election Integrity SAVE Act to Prevent Illegals from Registering to Vote

Politics as usual but the media has it rigged that republicans always "cave". Get used to it.
Johnson is just another in a long line of prop players for the permanent administrative state.

Not surprised he's doing their biding.
Johnson is just another in a long line of prop players for the permanent administrative state.

Not surprised he's doing their biding.

Where the hell are the other 200 Republicans?
If the bill is a good bill, they can pass it without latching it on to another non related govt funding bill. Not all is lost.
Being that the bill wasn't introduced until late May of this year and passed by the House in mid-July, I see it as window dressing. Something that Republicans are tossing out there and pretending they're taking the matter seriously.

Hopefully they get their act together, come up with a package of all election reforms they desire and introduce them at the beginning of the 119th congress which starts its 2-year run in January.
The SAVE Act is simple and should be uncontroversial. You must show proof of citizenship once when you register to vote.

The most telling fact is that there is no good, non-nefarious reason to oppose. The Democrat gaslighters have settled on the idiocy "bu bu it's already against the law to vote illegally!" Yea? It's already against the law to commit murder too. Does that mean you shouldn't lock your doors at night?

The fact the Democrats are fighting against SAVE so hard gives us proof positive that illegal voter registrations is an integral part of Steal 2024 for Harris. And RINO traitor Johnson is handing it to them on a silver platter with a bow on top.


"In a tale as old as time, the Republican Party is preparing to stab their own voters in the back once again and surrender to Democrats on critical legislation.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, the bill in question this time involves The SAVE Act. This legislation mandates proof of citizenship for voter registration in federal elections and has become a rallying cry for many Americans who believe it is crucial to safeguarding the sanctity of the ballot box.

President Trump has been unyielding in his support for the SAVE Act, even suggesting that the government should shut down if the bill is not included in the Continuing Resolution (CR).

“If Republicans in the House, and Senate, don’t get absolute assurances on Election Security, THEY SHOULD, IN NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, GO FORWARD WITH A CONTINUING RESOLUTION,” Trump wrote on Truth Social."
All more restrictive voting laws will do is inconvenience legal voters because criminals don't abide by laws anyway.
Besides it is unconstitutional to impose extra restrictions on voting. You just have to be a resident of legal age. If someone says they are a legal voter and they have a valid voter registration (that includes a valid physical address) you don't have the right to tell them they can't vote without an ID. That's like saying you're not allowed to vote unless you live in neighborhoods we approve of.
And in reality cases of non citizens casting fraudulent ballots is practically nonexistent.
It isn't even really a thing.
It's just another attempt at voter suppression by GOP MAGAts.
The SAVE Act is simple and should be uncontroversial. You must show proof of citizenship once when you register to vote.

The most telling fact is that there is no good, non-nefarious reason to oppose. The Democrat gaslighters have settled on the idiocy "bu bu it's already against the law to vote illegally!" Yea? It's already against the law to commit murder too. Does that mean you shouldn't lock your doors at night?

The fact the Democrats are fighting against SAVE so hard gives us proof positive that illegal voter registrations is an integral part of Steal 2024 for Harris. And RINO traitor Johnson is handing it to them on a silver platter with a bow on top.


"In a tale as old as time, the Republican Party is preparing to stab their own voters in the back once again and surrender to Democrats on critical legislation.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, the bill in question this time involves The SAVE Act. This legislation mandates proof of citizenship for voter registration in federal elections and has become a rallying cry for many Americans who believe it is crucial to safeguarding the sanctity of the ballot box.

President Trump has been unyielding in his support for the SAVE Act, even suggesting that the government should shut down if the bill is not included in the Continuing Resolution (CR).

“If Republicans in the House, and Senate, don’t get absolute assurances on Election Security, THEY SHOULD, IN NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, GO FORWARD WITH A CONTINUING RESOLUTION,” Trump wrote on Truth Social."

It addresses a problem that does not exist. It is about making people jump through more hoops to vote and give them a reason to prevent a citizen from voting. We don't need assurances because it does not happen.
In my state, as a first time voter registrant, you have to list your social security number or drivers licence number on your application. If you're in the field registering at a drive and don't want to list that info on your application or don't have that info on hand, then you still get registered but are flagged at your polling place, to show either one of those IDs at the voting place, and your vote is on a provisional ballot. The next time you vote, you don't need to show ID.

My state made everyone show proof of citizenship, for their driver's licenses.... I had to go back in, when renewing mine, and show my birth certificate or maybe I used my passport, as proof of citizenship.... this was several years ago....had something to do with a new Federal Law, imposed on all the States.

And SS numbers are only for citizens, non citizens get TIN numbers not SS #s

When you require that proof of citizenship, in the field....like at a school registration drive made up of volunteers, students may not want to put their state driver's licence number or SS number on the form, and prefer going in to a registrar office to submit it, or show ID when voting for the first time, at the polling place, or you may just not have that info on you at the registration drive.

Your republican side, is simply trying to keep many students, Nationwide, from registering at a registration drive at their schools. That is the Republican Congress critter GOAL!

When States have measures in place that already prove registrant citizenship, like mine....before they vote for the first time.
People are required to show identification when they register to vote.

The state can then verify if they are citizens
They can check DMV , social security files, and voter registration files.

Problem solved there is no need for rhetoric of save america.

Trump won with the same system. He then lost in the same system. Problem solved.

Bottom line, if caught they can be deported. So who is going to risk this just to vote for Trump
No state requires proof of citizenship. All illegals need do is lie. 😐
In my state, as a first time voter registrant, you have to list your social security number or drivers licence number on your application. If you're in the field registering at a drive and don't want to list that info on your application or don't have that info on hand, then you still get registered but are flagged at your polling place, to show either one of those IDs at the voting place, and your vote is on a provisional ballot. The next time you vote, you don't need to show ID.

My state made everyone show proof of citizenship, for their driver's licenses.... I had to go back in, when renewing mine, and show my birth certificate or maybe I used my passport, as proof of citizenship.... this was several years ago....had something to do with a new Federal Law, imposed on all the States.

And SS numbers are only for citizens, non citizens get TIN numbers not SS #s

When you require that proof of citizenship, in the field....like at a school registration drive made up of volunteers, students may not want to put their state driver's licence number or SS number on the form, and prefer going in to a registrar office to submit it, or show ID when voting for the first time, at the polling place, or you may just not have that info on you at the registration drive.

Your republican side, is simply trying to keep many students, Nationwide, from registering at a registration drive at their schools. That is the Republican Congress critter GOAL!

When States have measures in place that already prove registrant citizenship, like mine....before they vote for the first time.
Democrats can't rely on American citizens to vote for them. They need illegals' votes. That's why Biden opened up th border, let in 10 million illegals, & blue cities are all sanctuary cities. Simple as that. Ho hum.
It addresses a problem that does not exist. It is about making people jump through more hoops to vote and give them a reason to prevent a citizen from voting. We don't need assurances because it does not happen.
This is asking to be clobbered. :laugh:

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All more restrictive voting laws will do is inconvenience legal voters because criminals don't abide by laws anyway.
Besides it is unconstitutional to impose extra restrictions on voting. You just have to be a resident of legal age. If someone says they are a legal voter and they have a valid voter registration (that includes a valid physical address) you don't have the right to tell them they can't vote without an ID. That's like saying you're not allowed to vote unless you live in neighborhoods we approve of.
And in reality cases of non citizens casting fraudulent ballots is practically nonexistent.
It isn't even really a thing.
It's just another attempt at voter suppression by GOP MAGAts.
:puhleeze:US Democrats think w are all idiots. They're the worst liars in the world. :rolleyes:
Not even republicans support republican ideas. Got to love how stupid and ineffective they are.

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