RINO Mitch McConnell Moves to Kill SAVE Act Requiring Proof of Citizenship to Register to Vote

I have no idea of who will be celebrating more when Mitch McConartist kicks the bucket and is burning in hell - the right or the left. It will be a great day for America when McConartist, one of the most treasonout politicians in American history is burning in hell. It will be time to break out the Champagne and caviar!
Jeez, Locke, tell us how you feel.
Here is the truth...not that you really care. --


The consequences for noncitizens registering or voting include deportation, incarceration or fines. Noncitizens risk that a government official will check their voting record during a background check if they apply for naturalization.

"So anyone who’s not a citizen, and lies, is setting themselves up not only for future prosecution, but tanking their ability to become a citizen some day," said Loyola Law School professor Justin Levitt.
Tiger laughing.jpg

So like most ignorant assed commies you can't follow instructions, I asked for SCOTUS case law. and can't read because you proved my point. Which was this:

That just another commie lie, proof of citizenship is not required when completing the federal registration form. You only need to check a box claiming your are one. This bill would require people to provide documentation of citizenship.

This is what SCOTUS said in 2013:

States can’t demand proof of citizenship from people registering to vote in federal elections unless they get federal or court approval to do so, the Supreme Court ruled Monday in a decision complicating efforts in Arizona and other states to bar voting by people who are in the country illegally.

The justices’ 7-2 ruling closes the door on states independently changing the requirements for those using the voter-registration form produced under the federal “motor voter” registration law. They would need permission from a federally created panel, the Election Assistance Commission, or a federal court ruling overturning the commission’s decision, to make tougher requirements stick.

Just recently SCOTUS modified that ruling somewhat, but the ruling on the federal registration form stands.

You got any more lies you wish to tell?

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This is another Faux "News" #1 all time favorite

Left Wing Zionist Fascist Jew Supremacist JDAAC 911 W "Biden Republican" PRO ISRAEL RINO voted in over and over by SUBS.

What is wrong with the GOP today?

See SECOND SENTENCE as it applies to MOST of the "Republicans" on the Hill... not just faux Christian McConnell

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