Why is Education Level the Best Predictor of Voting?

Overblown ruse.
Now it is true and sad that about 35,000 who were under 65 and not in poor health did die from it . The overreaction was grotesque and as if every single one of us was in deadly peril unless we took the “safe and effective” shot which was ultimately disclosed as almost entirely ineffective
I bet you still cling to and miss the melodrama
Ah, the party of life who basically is saying that they don’t care about the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people because they were old and unhealthy.

You guys say it was almost entirely ineffective but saw hundreds of thousands of totally preventable deaths because conservatives convinced themselves not to get it.

It was quite effective at saving lives and conservatives proved that.
The fault line in politics today is education. If you are more educated you vote democrat, if you are less educated you vote republican. Ironically however, both parties are led by politicians educated at the ivy league schools.

Question: Why is education the single best indicator of voting patterns now?

“The biggest single, best predictor of how someone’s going to vote in American politics now is education level. That is now the new fault line in American politics,” Sosnik told David Chalian on the “CNN Political Briefing” podcast.

Trump’s rise over the past three election cycles, Sosnik argued, “accelerated and completed this political realignment based on education that had been forming since the early ’70s, at the beginning of the decline in the middle class.”

As the US transitions to a 21st century economy, there’s a rift between the people who attain education – “that’s become the basic Democratic Party,” he said, comparing them with people who feel left behind, “that group of voters is now the modern Republican Party base.”

There’s a direct correlation to politics. In 2020, according to CNN’s exit polls, voters with a college degree accounted for 41% of the electorate and they supported President Joe Biden 55% to Trump’s 43%. Trump got the support of about two-thirds of White voters without a college degree, but he lost White college-educated voters.
Considering the supposedly intelligent people vote for proven liars, you got nothing.
When conservative areas of the country were being wrecked by COVID, was it because they were so in touch with science?

If you guys were so smart, why did so many of you die from COVID?
Thanks for ignoring all the points I made, I would expect nothing else from a political point of view that embraces censorship and group think, like the cult you have become.

COVID affected us all idiot, which was by design thanks to your Chinese comrades who hid the virus from the world as they let their people spread it to other countries in secret. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find anywhere in the country as negatively impacted as New York City which is the capital of your Progressive cult.

And yes, I remember when your cultish freaks claimed Trump was a xenophobic fruitcake for wanting to restrict air travel from China to the US, as Pelosi and company was out saying COVID was no risk to anyone at all.

Now go play in traffic.
If you are more educated you vote democrat, if you are less educated you vote republican.
It's the opposite. More educated people are conservative. Just look at all the "educated" people who can't define a woman, wear masks everywhere, got the Frankenshot, think "global warming" is adverse, etc.
Thanks for ignoring all the points I made, I would expect nothing else from a political point of view that embraces censorship and group think, like the cult you have become.

COVID affected us all idiot, which was by design thanks to your Chinese comrades who hid the virus from the world as they let their people spread it to other countries in secret. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find anywhere in the country as negatively impacted as New York City which is the capital of your Progressive cult.

Now go play in traffic.
COVID affected those who didn’t understand science.

As far as masks and social distancing, these were not unfounded. They applied principles known effective in influenza and applied them to a new infection. We knew that we lacked data and understanding, but you don’t have the luxury of time to find out what works and what doesn’t by trial and error. So you do everything. To normal, sane people, wearing a mask was not a burden.

Although New York was hit very hard, it was because that’s where it hit first and spread rapidly before any of those measures including masking and social distancing. New York is what it looks like if we don’t have mitigation efforts.

This is common sense. When you don’t know, you apply the knowledge you have from analogous situations and work forward.

All of that changes nothing about you right wing lunatics who rejected a vaccine and died in massive numbers because of it.

Don’t lecture us on science when you have freaks like RFK Jr on your side saying stupid shit and getting people hurt. Right wingers have become a death cult.

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